Articles #390

Who rises early: the reasons why it is important

Who rises early: the reasons why it is important
Early rise is the usual case for "Zhavorkov" and real torture for "owls". However, life in the metropolis requires subordination to a rigorous schedule,...

Original potato dishes

Original potato dishes
As is known, Peter I brought potatoes at the end of the 17th century. It was a bag of fruits from Holland. They were supposed to be sent by provinces for...

Nadeya and wait: how to save friendship when you plan to move

Nadeya and wait: how to save friendship when you plan to move
If you think about moving with fear, then there is at least one person who change your place of residence is not easy - this is your close friend. To part...

Ivan Okhlobystin: "I am a real fabulous character"

Ivan Okhlobystin: "I am a real fabulous character"
Recently, in the literary cafe of the Moscow House of Books on the new Arbat, the writer presented his last novel "Ulysses". In an interview for the site,...

How to spend autumn weekend

How to spend autumn weekend
Cheerful companyOctober 20-22The festival of Italian culture and cooking will be held on the bakery No. 9 in the "Angar" space. It will be possible to...

Nature has no bad weather, there is bad clothes

Nature has no bad weather, there is bad clothes
But what to do in this most gloomy season?In bad weather, people to raise the mood, rush to the shops, reacting to calls about discounts and sales. Long...

The age of beauty is not a hindrance

The age of beauty is not a hindrance
Special care and close attention requires the skin after forty-five years. At this age, the woman's body decreases the production of hormone estrogen,...

New hairstyle - head trend

New hairstyle - head trend
Add volumeMany are directly associated with a strict English school and a boring dark blue form, but in fact it is a classic genre. He visually lengthens...

Network stores of cosmetics and perfumes Joint shopping even for thousands of kilometers

Network stores of cosmetics and perfumes Joint shopping even for thousands of kilometers
Who, no matter how much the best girlfriend will look and advise, you can progress enough, buy a lot of necessary and not quite things. But how to be if...

And what do you drink: traditional drinks that conquered the whole world

And what do you drink: traditional drinks that conquered the whole world
Going on vacation We are looking for not only emotional, but also a gastronomic experience, and what could be better than the evening for a mug of a fragrant...

Focoionist - Nutty idlers?

Focoionist - Nutty idlers?
Myth 3: Focoionist - these are the same non-chasers like "near-football" fans, only around fashionFavionist - so on Italian Fashion-slang is the fans of...

Vadim Tammev: "On the screen I am not going to hide my strengths and weaknesses"

Vadim Tammev: "On the screen I am not going to hide my strengths and weaknesses"
"The idea was born very spontaneously and easily. Talking on the air about international relations, big politics, we began to forget, pass by completely...

Unbearable burden: 7 tips, how to lose weight after pregnancy

Unbearable burden: 7 tips, how to lose weight after pregnancy
Achieving a healthy weight after childbirth may be challenging: care for the newborn, addictive to the new routine of the day and recovery after childbirth...

How to spoil the skin to 30 unnoticed for yourself

How to spoil the skin to 30 unnoticed for yourself
With age, our body becomes more vulnerable and requires more attention. If any things your skin talked to you at 20, then in 30 all kinds of beauty experiments...

Jennifer Aniston and Courtney Cox were twins

Jennifer Aniston and Courtney Cox were twins
Only now loyal fans of the popular series "Friends" when revising some episodes noted that in several episodes instead of Jennifer Aniston (performer Rachel's...

Irina Mironova: "My most" noncain "artist on the set was Alla Pugacheva"

Irina Mironova: "My most" noncain "artist on the set was Alla Pugacheva"
- You worked with many star artists, how did you cope with their whims?"I used to be a huge Fora, and the trust was very big, rarely who intervened in...