Articles #304

It is better not worth: Autumn products that most often cause an allergic reaction

It is better not worth: Autumn products that most often cause an allergic reaction
It is believed that the same allergic season can be called summer - such a number of fruits and vegetables in the diet inevitably affects the health of...

Pour rose vodka!

Pour rose vodka!
"It's not difficult to make bouquets. It is enough to manifest a little smelting, fantasy, spread your hands and love flowers, "says our expert.Main Spring...

Bath is not suitable for everyone

Bath is not suitable for everyone
The people of the bath is considered a medicine from all diseases. But in some situations, a hike in a parilla is contraindicated.Children. If you decide...

Anastasia Stotskaya: "Family life is a difficult job"

Anastasia Stotskaya: "Family life is a difficult job"
Anastasia Stotskaya has always dreamed of becoming a star, and the dream very quickly embodied. She became the best performer Roxy Hart, in the Broadway...

Alternatively, your: cream, mask, serum and lotion

Alternatively, your: cream, mask, serum and lotion
Even the most fashionable shadows and a modern mascara will not give expressiveness to your glance, if the skin around the eye is dim, with a network of...

How to transform a good girl?

How to transform a good girl? continues the rubric in which Karina Efimova, an expert on creating an authentic wardrobe, gives advice for each specific readers applied to...

Wet hair VS Iron: how not to lose my denatitude

Wet hair VS Iron: how not to lose my denatitude
Probably the most vulnerable part is the hair. Many of us wash them every day, exposed to high temperatures, are abundantly poured with all sorts of means...

Faithful friend and heap

Faithful friend and heap
To date, the problems with the heart became the most common cause of premature death. To reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, it is worth reconsider...

Cold does not matter: 3 lifhaca, how to wear summer things in autumn

Cold does not matter: 3 lifhaca, how to wear summer things in autumn
Winter came, and with this, our problems with the wardrobe begin! Usually this means the analysis of all summer clothes, but is it really? Many summer...

Poor because slough

Poor because slough
There is a "creative" mess around you, you don't know at home, where and that you are lying. Maybe you think that a slopeful look, blouse stains, unclean...

If you have a family ...

If you have a family ...
Paraphrasing the famous song from the famous movie: "If you do not have a family, she is not scary scandals ..." I want to continue: And if there is a...

Recipe for March 8: Lemon Pie

Recipe for March 8: Lemon Pie
Simple recipes from the chef Marina KalininaThe desire to prepare something tasty and the original often disappears when you read a complex recipe and...

Pantene begins collaboration with Style Blogger Chiara Frani

Pantene begins collaboration with Style Blogger Chiara Frani
For Chiara, which is one of the most incredible online phenomena in the field of fashion, such a partnership is the first experience of cooperation with...

Family injuries: how to defeat memories and no longer come back to them

Family injuries: how to defeat memories and no longer come back to them
What "family injuries" are most often found? What questions do people turn with?Family injuries are divided into three main categories:Personal injuries...

Notes of Thai Mommy: "I was not alerted that in the office they spoke Russian ..."

Notes of Thai Mommy: "I was not alerted that in the office they spoke Russian ..."
In Thailand, we arrived with a minimum of things, but with a maximum useful information in my separate head. The last couple of months before the departure,...

How Olga Rustle and Anton Komolov got on television

How Olga Rustle and Anton Komolov got on television
As it often happens, our heroes about the television career did not dreamed. Anton Komolov graduated from the famous Baumanka, Olga Shelest was going to...