Articles #176

Ed Schulzhevsky's song connected lovers

Ed Schulzhevsky's song connected lovers
- Ed, how did it happen that your song has become modern anthem in love?- As for the hymn, it is still exaggerating, but I believe that it will become....

Peter Peng, open rollers and younger Bruegeli: poster for january

Peter Peng, open rollers and younger Bruegeli: poster for january
MOVIEWhat: Premiere of the film "Peter Peng and Alice in Wonderland"New reading of old and loved ones by all stories. The scenarios joined the manners...

Individual style: Beauty against convenience

Individual style: Beauty against convenience
Work, cheerful duties, marriage, children, hobbies go to the fore, causing to remember both practicality.Although everyone knows since childhood, that...

10 signs that man cool

10 signs that man cool
Even in the most stronger married couples, the psychologists are called snapshots in relationships. And here it is important in the early stages to understand...

Recorted # tomorrow

Recorted # tomorrow
On the day of Russia in Sokolniki Park, residents of Moscow and guests of the city began their holiday from a satisfying breakfast organized by the Lyubovatovo...

Life without stress: myth or reality?

Life without stress: myth or reality?
The challenge at work, a reprimand from the authorities, a quarrel with a colleague, misunderstanding in the family, bad sleep and permanent Zeietnote...

5 items to pay attention to when meeting a man

5 items to pay attention to when meeting a man
Item No. 1.Not in vain, folk wisdom says that "meet by clothes." The first thing to pay attention to is purity. If he has a stain on jeans, and the sweater...

Aggregators: priceless assistants in high-quality shopping

Aggregators: priceless assistants in high-quality shopping
We are talking about the presence of product outlets in various price ranges in the catalogs, and about the appearance of tools, thanks to which you can...

Freshly Look: Alternative Methods of Rejuvenation Zone Around Eye

Freshly Look: Alternative Methods of Rejuvenation Zone Around Eye
Since the problems in the periorbital zone are caused not only to excess skin, but also hypertrophy and looseness of circular muscles of the eye, as well...

Why our stars tastelessly painted and what to do about it

Why our stars tastelessly painted and what to do about it
- Tell me, please, what is fundamentally different the messenger from makeup?- The question is interesting, because many think that this is the same thing....

How to understand that your relationship has no future

How to understand that your relationship has no future
1 criterion: he is marriedIf your beloved is married, it is absolutely not necessary that his goal is a new family that he will create with you. It is...

New trendy colors in the autumn palette

New trendy colors in the autumn palette
Fashion Week in full swing - have already passed on the podiums of men-made mannequins, now new collections represent women. Based on the collections of...

Attention: Secrets of Cold Time

Attention: Secrets of Cold Time
In winter, the skin of the hands needed additional care, nutrition and moisture. In order to neutralize the consequences of bad weather, an integrated...

5 Beauty with Panthenol

5 Beauty with Panthenol
Before buying one or another beauty, we usually look at its composition, and not just on the name of the brand and beautiful packaging. But even if some...

Anna Kalashnikova: "Prokhor knew about my past relations"

Anna Kalashnikova: "Prokhor knew about my past relations"
At the end of May, Anna Kalashnikova and Prokhor Shalyapin were to get married. But on the appointed day, only one bride came to the registry office. Meets...

The perfect body after the New Year holidays: 5 valuable tips from a massage

The perfect body after the New Year holidays: 5 valuable tips from a massage
As soon as the holidays are run out, the first thing we will start thinking is about returning to the form in the spring to get the perfect body. However,...