Special Element: How Collagen helps to keep beauty


With age, all the basic elements in our body are beginning to be absorbed much slower, important metabolic processes are slowed down, without which it is impossible to support the beauty and freshness of the skin. We decided to talk about collagen today, whose deficit notices every woman about after 30 years. Why is collagen so important to beauty and how can I help the body maintain its optimal level? Let's figure it out.

What is collagen

Collagen is a structural protein, which is approximately 45% of the total protein in the body. Moreover, collagen affects not only the processes in the skin, but also necessary to maintain the health of the joints, vessels and cartilage. And yet, do you know that the type of collagen, let's say, in cartilage tissue, differs from that collagen, which is responsible for skin elasticity? This moment is important to consider if you decide to engage in the restoration of skin elasticity.

Why can't collagen deficiency

As we have said, the production of collagen slows down with age - after 25 years, the amount of collagen produced begins to decline. Surely you noticed small wrinkles and quickly lost moisture to the skin even until you turned 30? In addition, hair and nails begin to think, you have to use additional leaving agents that will support them in order. Probably, the most unpleasant in collagen deficiency is to thin the joints, which leads to constant pains and changes in the tissues themselves.

Over time, the Sitnome protein does not happen so fast

Over time, the Sitnome protein does not happen so fast

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

Why so hard to support collagen production

Maintaining collagen in the body requires an integrated approach - do not think that it will be possible to do with one bass. First, for the proper exchange, it is necessary for the presence of amino acids in the body, most of which comes with food. Products that do not have to disappear from your table must be solid cheeses, red fish and dishes by the type of cold. In addition, do not do without vitamins E, C and A. About the fact that you have to change the lifestyle, we are no longer saying - it is obvious. Collagen will simply not be actively produced if you continue to adhere to bad habits, experiencing stress, using fast food and not pouring out during the week.

Is it possible to take collagen

Of course, to ensure uninterrupted collagen generation only with a diet is quite difficult, external support is needed. Many prefer to use dietary supplements that contain collagen in certain dosages. It is important to remember that before going to the pharmacy or order an additive on the network, you will receive a consultation of a specialist, perhaps you have and no problems with the development of collagen, and by using collagen from additives at the normal level of collagen in the body is a great probability to get the opposite effect - Collagen will settle in the tissues, which is particularly badly affected by the face, you do not need cheerful leather in the severity of excessiveness. Be careful.

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