Who is new: the rules of behavior on the first working day


The first working day in a new place is always stress that may not just make you fussy, but also confusing, as the excitement bothers even an experienced specialist. What is it important to remember when you have to spend the first day in the office? We decided to talk about it.

Fuck out

It would seem how the dream affects how well everything will pass? In fact, this is almost a key point. First, a healthy sleep for at least 7 hours will help not to sleep, which is already good, in addition, you will feel more vigorous and ready at least now to take up work, and you will need the strength, believe me. Even if you do not lie down so early, make an effort and go to sleep before usual - you will have more time in the morning to check everything and calmly gather.

Introduce youreself

New work is a new team. When you just enter a new place, ask your manager to pretend you to those people with whom you will be in direct contact. As a rule, it is 3-4 people. But be prepared for the fact that in a large company you will have to spend much more time to get acquainted with colleagues - somewhere two months. It is important not to shy if someone wants to meet you and willingly go to contact until you have not figured out in the inner life of the company.

Do not avoid contact

Do not avoid contact

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

What is your name?

As we have said, there are many employees in a large company, and it always creates your difficulties. So, you can represent one colleague, and then another ten, naturally, you will forget the name of the first, especially if I got acquainted with a glimpse. It is important not to be afraid to show activity and asked if something is incomprehensible or you have forgotten the name. Be sure - everyone understands how it is not easy for you, and therefore nothing to be shy here - you are new.

We go for lunch

In fact, lunch is an important component of the company's internal life. At a minimum, because in a large company, it is for dinner that you can get acquainted with most of the employees who you can not see during the working day, especially if the company is large and takes several floors. So do not ignore dinners and invitations to lunch. It is especially important to take into account this moment on the first day, because the acquaintance with colleagues on the first working day is also important from the informal side, as people look at you no less than you do.

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