Katerina Spitza: "I haven't experienced guilt for a long time."


With the actress Katerina Spita, we met a few years ago - then she first appeared on the cover of the "Atmosphere". It seems since then it has not changed completely - at least outwardly. But change in life occurred: and interesting roles were gained, and the son went to school. And the actress enjoys the status of the bride. About how internal crises were overcome were in an interview.

- Katerina, we meet with you not for the first time - and every time in the most severe stiffness. You have a lot of filming, performances ... like this rhythm?

"Not always, but what actor will refuse to work if she is interesting and gives an opportunity to reveal his abilities in a new way?" I am glad that I can afford to choose, and there is no such thing for months I sit without a business. Do not have to begging cynobologists: "Oh, give me some other shooting!" The number suits me, and for the quality I always fight. And there are works that are proud of. On October 1, the series "# numbers" came out in the online cinema, and on October 28, as the best gift on the eve of my birthday, the premiere of the television series "Polar" took place. In these projects, I have absolutely different images. Big actors - play something new, interesting and fascinating, to get the opportunity to expand your range in the eyes of the viewer and colleagues in the workshop, which is also important. The role in the "# number" is the road especially, because there I did what I wanted a long time ago. This is a Social Drama Thriller about the troubles of modern teenagers. My heroine Lina is a woman of thirty years old, a successful blogger psychologist working with children, while herself - broken from childhood, complex, unfortunate and lonely by nature, a fighter for the best future for children, who is ill with his life, but not deprived Emotional problems, even inclined to madness - on what plays the maniac opposing her, who, by the way, his own, unsolvant philosophy.

Dress, genny; Shuba, Li Lou; Ring and Earrings, All - Christian Dior

Dress, genny; Shuba, Li Lou; Ring and Earrings, All - Christian Dior

Photo: Ksenia Andrianova; Photographer's assistant: Anna Kaganovich

- A "polar" - comedy. And you play again with Mikhail Porechenkov ...

- Yes, we have a romantic line. We met in a duet seven years after the "podbuty". My heroine of Polina is such a coincidence - also a psychologist! Only not working by profession. A single mother, living in a tiny northern town, where she has already forgotten about all his dreams. She is wounded, fragile, indecisive and insecure in herself, kind and responsive. Let's just say "# numbers" are more accurate from the point of view of my acting evolution, I already have more life experience, made up acting purposes and desires. And I would like, perhaps, so that the level of popularity of this project was not inferior to the "polar". It is important for me that I know me such an actress that can play far from only gentle girls. My whole life demonstrates the truth of the expression "appearance of deceptive." If we talk about other works, I am very looking forward to the filmmaker "Young Wine" Peter Olevsky, "She and She" Sasha Frank and "City Day" George Bolduerova, as well as the series "Kazanova" with Anton Khabarov and Svetlana Khodchenkova, where I play a piano and mistress The main character in one person. It is bright, smeared, bold and passionate. Play such a character - pleasure.

- Do you track your premieres?

- Yes of course. And I like to watch them on TV. I imagine how in some distant region where the Internet is not so common, people in the evening include TV, sit on the sofa, and during the advertising pause they run into the kitchen to pour tea and do sandwiches - it's so cute and touching! Some sense of unity with the viewer arises.

- Previously, probably, your parents looked so much with your participation.

- They do now, however, because of the lack of time - more on the Internet. Mom with dad has already become Moscow residents: we had a megaproekt on their move to me from Perm. For three years, we lived together to make it easier for them to help me with Germanic, and now they move to the house next door. I think that all the same adult children and parents should live separately - this is the best recipe for building and preserving healthy relationships. Each hostess should have their own kitchen, its diocese. (Smiles.)

- In an interview, you said that you work a lot also because you feel responsible as the head of the family. Now the status has changed: you bride. Probably, you can shift a part of financial obligations to a man?

- I do not like this question. I work a lot first of all because I love my profession, and I, fortunately, offer roles and other creative projects - I do not take them for them only for money! As for financial obligations ... heard a joking happy family budget formula: Money on a husband's bank card is common, and on the map of his wife - personal? Jokes jokes, but in fact I am for the separate budget and equal financial contribution of both spouses. I do not understand why it should certainly be different. Naturally, while the woman puts out a child and is on leave to care for a child, a man is responsible for providing a family. And, as my favorite psychologist Mikhail Litvak says, "marry has the right to make a man who can feed himself, his wife and children from this marriage. But the woman has the right to marry if he can feed himself, children and ... husband, if, God forbid, something will happen to him. " This means that a woman should have a profession and an independent source of income. So I'm not at all for the patriarchy.

Turtleneck, christian dior; Pants, PennyBlack

Turtleneck, christian dior; Pants, PennyBlack

Photo: Ksenia Andrianova; Photographer's assistant: Anna Kaganovich

- The status of the bride changed something in your world weight?

- Bride to be nice. But we do not have to register marriage. Next to Ruslan, I have a feeling of reliability and the shoulder of a like-minded person. It was between us and without a suggestion of the hand and the heart, but when there is a master's status - it speaks about the intentions regarding each other and dragged the mouth "yellow" newspapers, ready to make celebrity novels, rummary in dirty underwear, writing off everything on a frivolous connection. Although the public opinion carefully worries me, but the fact remains a fact.

- So many bright weddings in this fall - you did not succumb to the general mood?

"You see, I don't really focus on others." Well, why are we going to lose in total? (Laughs.) While we have not even discussed the celebration - there are many other urgent problems that need to be addressed. We live together, love each other, and I do not think that something will change significantly when the stamp appears in the passport. It's not a problem to get married, but I do not consider it necessary to do this until it is decided to make the birth of a common child. In the near future, we do not plan it, so I do not hurt with the wedding.

- How does Ruslan, a fitness coach fit into your acting circle?

"Why don't you ask how I wrote to his life?" (Smiles.) As if the union of life spaces is a one-way process. Yes, and anyone is not the subject of the interior to fit somewhere. People either have mutual understanding and points of contact, or not. We have them. By the way, in the movie Ruslan is not worse than me. And he saw the films more than I, since ten! So, if we have to watch the film, it is he who at my request advises what to see. And already confirmed by the practice that he is the most insightful and fair critic of the film-paper, my and other people, of all my loved ones! With flawless light and taste.

- Much time passed before you decide to appear together in the world?

- Not. As soon as I informed about my relationship my family so that they would not recognize the details of the newspapers, we began to go together.

- How did German accept a new person?

- Fine, they have good, good relationships. And I am grateful to Ruslan for what he leads and feels precisely as an adult, a mature man, without any emotional flaws and complexes that would prevent a relationship with the son of a beloved woman.

Coat, Sister Paul & Joe

Coat, Sister Paul & Joe

Photo: Ksenia Andrianova; Photographer's assistant: Anna Kaganovich

- I read that you wrote a book in collaboration with a psychologist.

- Have not yet written - we are in the process. I disassembled a lot of competitive work, finally approved the artist-designer. Contact her to discuss the concept. I have it so: I pull up to some certain moment, while it matches the thought, and then, on the sail inspiration, I do everything very quickly.

- Material for the book - Observing your own child?

- Yes, of course, for other children too. Stories also, of course, it is necessary to make it necessary to get not only the theory, but also the illustration of certain life situations.

- What, in your opinion, the most rough mistakes allow parents in raising children?

- Comparison, inattention, pressure. When an adult constantly compares his baby with him at his age or other children, and it makes it in a negative key, that inevitably arises a sense of inferiority that it turns out to be worse than others, and a constant orientation is developing to assess others, and not for intrinsicness . We are all different. Someone has some advantages, someone else has something better, something worse - there will always be, for what a child praise. It is impossible to put pressure in the process of choice - even a small person has its own desires and its right to error. By the way, to rush the child - it means to put pressure on it too. Inchange is generally the Beach of the XXI century, and not only in disadvantaged families, but also where children love. I constantly see the mothers in the playgrounds that buried in the phones, and most often they do not write a post at work and do not read the e-book - according to characteristic gestures it is clear that they are aimlessly scroll by the instagram tape. Social networks give rise to a lot of neuroses, people seem to be that someone lives brighter and more interesting than they. For an hour after an hour, some leafing the tape until they are happy with these passages of other people, instead of doing their lives. I do not deny that many people are signed on some cognitive accounts, someone leads their business, but most of the social networks simply kills time. But it is so little! Children are terribly lacking attention. I try to solve all my phone about how I crossed the threshold of the apartment, where my son is waiting for me.

- Does Hermann have a phone?

- Not yet. Today I shot a concert at school in honor of the Teacher's Day, Herman sings in the choir. And I saw the girl sitting nearby also got her smartphone to make a video. On the one hand, it is gratifying that the child uses a gadget, but on the other - it seems to me, it is too early to have such a phone in the first grade. Surely there and some toys are injected ...

"You learned the psychology so that, probably, now, communicating with the son, often feel the feeling of guilt for what you do wrong."

- I'm not saying that I do not make mistakes, there are different situations, but I do not feel a strong and constant feeling of guilt. Any parent has something to digest, it is inevitable. But I got less reasons for something to nibble myself. I have never compared Hermann with anyone, did not press him, the main problem was the lack of active attention to him. And at work mentally distracted, even being physically close, and for personal experiences. But it is necessary not to learn to join negative emotions, but to look for and eradicate their cause! Harmony creates harmony. The course of psychoanalysis helped me. And I learned one very important life rule from my psychologist: to be a good parent, enough to give himself a forty minutes of undivided attention to your relationship a day. This is all (!) Twenty minutes in the morning and twenty in the evening. Morning hug, a leisure breakfast, without "one eye in a saucepan, the other - in the phone." In the evening - joint games, conversation about the last day.

Sweater, Max Mara; Skirt, Sister Paul & Joe; Decoration, Chriatian Dior

Sweater, Max Mara; Skirt, Sister Paul & Joe; Decoration, Chriatian Dior

Photo: Ksenia Andrianova; Photographer's assistant: Anna Kaganovich

- and personal life has improved. No wonder they say that happy children are happy parents.

- Wait, I became happy because I had a personal life! She settled because I learned to be happy outliving with a man! This is a mistake: identify yourself and your feeling of completeness of life through a man. Only when you learn to be happy one, a person can appear, ready to divide this condition with you. When there is love between people, they are not in dependent relationships, so that some emotional holes are pushing at the expense of each other, and when the synthesis of energy, inspiration, inspiration. So our happiness only has multiplied.

- Herman this year went to the first class. How is studying?

- In general, everything is fine! Gets used to a new rhythm of life, to a new type of responsibility. There are still periodically attacker inattention and absentia. I will understand later, age is or manifestation of the features of his warehouse of the mind. But I must say, the education system in the country is not at all the fact that it brings a great benefit of the child ... A school aimed at the EGE indicators, with an assessment in a diary, which often under the influence of some teachers is becoming a person, is what harm. The task of the parents is at least the house to make the oasis of humanity and a peaceful harbor, where family members respect each other's personals and where the fragile childhood pride shook.

Much depends on the school from the teacher! I like the approach of the teacher of my son. Honor and praise those who teaching, knows how to love children, and if you can not love just like a light phenomenon of nature, then, at least, will be able to respect as a smaller person, to be an impartial, but fair mentor. I am not ideal as a mother, I can be irritated, I can shout and mistaken. The teacher does not have the rights due to the profession! And by the way, with other people's children it is easier to behave correctly than with your own child, it is easier to keep yourself in your hands, noticed? When I understand that a wave of righteous anger rolling me, I sometimes, if I manage to, imagine that my son is not mine, and for some reason, it becomes a shame. And even better to imagine that your child in conflict - you yourself, only small, so do with the child as I would like to have a little with you. My monkeys in a toy school were most often tightly reported for bad estimates. I was then looking for the root of this phenomenon for a long time in adulthood. Understood. But I did not go to the teachers. After all, this is a gift and a calling, they must be felt in themselves, to take such responsibility to themselves! So, if you really want to give a metaphorical monkey on the palm of the metaphorical line, - do not go to the teacher.

Son I intently do not overload and help him choose leisure, which would have grown and developed at the same time. In our school is a huge number of various circles. Now he has after lessons in extension - choir, theater, chess, painting in Spanish, with a native speaker, and basketball. All but chess - once a week, in different days - different circles. Let's see: if something is negative, I will not force to continue.

Turtleneck and decorations, all - Christian Dior; dress, be blumarine; Boots, Massimo Dutti

Turtleneck and decorations, all - Christian Dior; dress, be blumarine; Boots, Massimo Dutti

Photo: Ksenia Andrianova; Photographer's assistant: Anna Kaganovich

- You are a gold medalist. This is important in life - to learn well?

- It is important not to learn well - it is important to really know and understand. Probably, now, years later, I would say that I did not cost so much hair and nerves, experiencing about my academic academic achievement. But I have a gold certificate in my table, which is sometimes nice to see and a little to stead yourself. (Smiles.) I will say this: I will be glad if Herman will bring home "five-four" as a consequence of his real interest in the subject, and I will not force it to learn for the evaluation. Other parents - the story knows the cases - due to the estimates they brought unwitting children to suicide. But the types of triples are different: those who do not want more because of laziness, and those who fight the system. Such guys do not understand why to flaw a bunch of objects that they never use them in life, and competently distribute their energy. They are taught only those lessons in which interested. True, there is one problem now in creative personalities: the exam, who will still have to pass. I, as a person who passed through the difficulties of getting a gold medal, can declare: I am more important to me the health of my child so that he harmoniously grow and developed. If I understand that the study does not go from him not because of the laziness, swear and put pressure on him. I calmly treat the fact that now he can accommodate somewhere in the recipe. Let him study on their mistakes. This is his zone of responsibility.

- School friends appeared?

"It seems to me that I, being first, got faster by the company. But, perhaps, the time is different, and the children have become more isolated. There is a boy from the extended day group, with whom Herman would like to study in the same class, but alas, it is impossible. Let's see how it gets further.

- You are a schoolchild mom, and many still perceive you as a teenage girl ...

- And, I confess, it sometimes annoys me. So, recently I wrote in Instagram: "Katerina, you really are so funny girl!" Sorry, and who told you that I am a girl? At least for the sake of interest in Wikipedia, look: I have been thirty-four years old. I understand that the majority does not read posts, from which you can make some conclusion about the level of adulthood and the mind of a person, but simply leafs the photos. But then it is not necessary to publish unfounded comments. And I can not say that I am 24/7 cheerful, - like everyone else, and sometimes, and solve the difficult problems as an adult, a sharply feeling life. Maybe it's more often to lay out serious pictures in instagram? ..

- Why do you want you to be perceived on your age?

- I want to communicate with people related views, wise. And when you consider you a special young and inconspicuous - somewhere there is a neglect of neglect, the condescension slippers in a conversation. Not yet delicately feel another person - often people are stubbornly focus on appearance. If I were a non-public person, I don't even know how I lived. (Smiles.) If I tried to humiliate in queues and some government agencies "adults" thirty-five-year uncle, who think everyone is aware of life, unlike me, "young Pigalians." At the playground would have thought that I was not a mother, and my sister would not sell alcoholic beverages. (This is a joke!) Probably, I would be more difficult to present myself. The point is not that I would like to look at your age. As a woman, I, of course, pleases how I look. But I would like more vigilance from other people, in order to judge if you find it, not only in appearance.

Dress Sweater, Be Blumarine; Earrings, Arpine Jewelry (Showerum N1)

Dress Sweater, Be Blumarine; Earrings, Arpine Jewelry (Showerum N1)

Photo: Ksenia Andrianova; Photographer's assistant: Anna Kaganovich

- And by the way, you try to give a hint of age - maybe in the style of clothes?

- No, I generally do not bother about clothes. Of course, the style evolves, but I can not say something radically changed over the past three years. Opportunities have become more. As Fain Ranevskaya said: "It is a pity that no one will know that I really had a wonderful taste!". I am very sorry that in my nineteen I did not know who Steve Jobs had not bought a few identical turtlenecks, jeans and good sneakers that would simply change in turn.

- Normor This style is called.

- Yes, and I am pretty such a philosophy. Just a man is busy with others, his life is more interesting inside than outside. This is one of the reasons why I am not afraid to get out of the house without makeup, although I understand that I look more spectacular when painted. But I escape the possibility of makeup for red tracks and important events, and I can go to the smarter to the child or to the store. Probably, it would be possible to pay more attention to your style, but I miss this time and strength. More precisely, I put priorities in a different way. Therefore, there are days when I'm just stunning, but there are days when and so comes down. (Smiles.) Well, let me jeans, sneakers and sweatshirt on me, but I traveled a mad number of places on my scooter and happy because everything managed.

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