Svetlana Surganova: "I will be awesome mom"


- Svetlana, the new year begins, which means it is time to build new plans. What would you like to do in the next twelve months?

- I build a house and write songs in my studio. Both take time, focus and financial costs. Therefore, I am configured to work, and, of course, in the coming years you need to work hard so that everything intended to be brought to a logical completion.

- By the way, about songs. They say you work with the Austrian team. What project do you want to implement with foreign help?

- Now we work on a track called "my way". The song was written in the summer, then there was an idea of ​​arrangement in the spirit of the song Adel Skyfall with a symphony orchestra. We work in my studio in St. Petersburg, two of our Austrian friends are involved in the creation of material - Richard Doych and Grag / Streng. Richard has long been well and familiar with Russia. He is a musician, works like a producer and has a lot of experience in writing classic and string tools. Greg is a magnificent sound engineer. We specifically invited it from Vienna, where in our studio he records albums to many important groups. In general, we have already started recording the album "tested by time. Part 2.

- And what is it like working with Austrians?

- They are so thorough! Any deviation from the program - for them just shock. But I obsessed them and understood what could learn from each other. They are very pedantic, detailed and consistent, we have a lot of spontaneity, but there is a skill to instantly navigate the situation.

- Svetlana, your team is infrequently able to see on TV, but your tour is not less saturated. How does it work?

- Probably, those people who have no tours flashed on the TV. And we have no time to flicker, it is necessary to even give up some ethers. Still, live concerts for us priority, we do not have the right to bring people. The chart, of course, is very tense. I sometimes go to 400-500 kilometers in the car, and then I still go to the scene and sing. Then we are going again - and again we are leaving. And so for two or three months.

Already at the young age of light demonstrated their musical abilities. Photo: Personal archive Svetlana Surganova.

Already at the young age of light demonstrated their musical abilities. Photo: Personal archive Svetlana Surganova.

- In which cities you especially like to perform?

- Ukraine perceives us very cheerfully. Especially Kiev. You go and know knowingly - this is a holiday. The hardest city is Peter, he is like a discreet friend, he has everything inside. And therefore, when you sing, you do not understand - people like it or not. I like Perm. I already understand what to expect from Donetsk, from Chelyabinsk, from Irkutsk, Khabarovsk. Each city in my mind has already acquired any certain features.

- How do they meet in Moscow?

- Moscow also welcomes well. I remember, the decade "Surganov and the Orchestra" there was an interesting case. Imagine: the Kremlin hall, such a status, serious, large, all sorts of CPSU congresses were held, the main concerts of large stars, all anniversaries - a hiking place. And to speak in the Kremlin for each artist, a clear thing is, a great honor. But our admirers, completely ignoring the entire papacity of the hall, arranged there such that all the Kremlin workers were very surprised. I remember, on the song "Gertrud", the audience showed a costume show in the hall, launched air coils, raised posters, check boxes. There is already a long tradition: swing your hands in white gloves with hearts on the palm under the song "Murakami". Imagine, in the Kremlin, to afford it! Therefore, after our concert ended, the director of the Kremlin Hall said: "Any day! When you want, you are welcome guest. With you very interesting to cooperate. "

- It is always interesting to know what the fans are given, who were not afraid to arrange a flashmob in the Kremlin?

- Once in an interview, I told that a lot of letters comes to me, where people describe their destinies, talk about how our creativity influenced them. Then I voiced the thought, they say, it would be nice to create such a letter of letters. Even without mentioning the authors - just write real human stories. And such a book was created. Today, I think this is a gift number one. Well, in general, fans are given a lot of things. I recently handed me a folder in which magnets are collected with the image of the covers of all our albums. It was nice. There are amusing presents. For example, last year I was presented with ice ax. This year, the same woman, by the way, the Lieutenant Colonel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, handed me a real mountain backpack and a tent. It seems that she wants me to run me in the mountains. She said that I was a man-way that should strive for my top all my life. Thus, she stimulates me to conquer creative vertices.

- Is it possible to say that the "Surgana and Orchestra" have competitors?

- We have such an exotic way in some sense that I do not see competitors. I am so alone - Surganova's light. You do not know more Surganov's more Surganov? We can not even call rockers. We do not have rock, not acoustics. Sometimes we are told that this is something intellectual. Genome polymorphism, I would say.

- Well, do you have friends among your colleagues?

"I did not have a member of the transmission of" live sound, "where I met and made friends with many people. I am close to Yuri Stoyanov, he always supported me, always warmly met, practically kissed in Lobik. Natasha Gulkin struck me, she sings perfectly. Denis Klyaver, a guy with humor, always supports during performances. And it is very cool when colleagues support you and belong to you with warmth in the shower. Soso Pavliashvili, Irina Nelson, Aya from the group "City 312" - We all became friends. And my dressing room became the center of artists attraction. Everyone flocked into it, we arranged tea drinking, ate cakes, the cookie - who brought something.

- With Diana Arbenina from "Night Snipers" you do not communicate at all?

- As Andrei Makarevich sings, everyone went his way. And what's wrong with that terrible? There is nothing eternal on Earth, especially in creativity. Today, each of us is in demand, happy, sings what he likes. There were "snipers", and now there is still "Surganov and Orchestra". Ask any artist, how often do they meet? And almost everything will answer you that these are fleeting, more often at prefabricated concerts. So with us. The group does not paint the fact that the days are in advance, I am not so often with my mother, as I would like. And my mother's care is needed!

- Artist, too, care will not hurt. What is Rider now Svetlana Surganova?

- From the new products, we have fermented dairy products. Kefir, Ryazhenka, all kinds of cottages. Because I can not have something that exhibit our guys: sandwiches and so on. I need a glutenful diet. These are the features of my body, and after the concert it is especially not necessary, so the kefirchik is an excellent way out. So you ask me what is the secret of my youth? I will say you: just turned on the rider with fermented fermented and dinner replacing kefir. I go to night - it is wrong, especially if you then go 700 kilometers.

Svetlana and her mother Leah Davydovna are a real girlfriend from the very childhood of the singer. Photo: Personal archive Svetlana Surganova.

Svetlana and her mother Leah Davydovna are a real girlfriend from the very childhood of the singer. Photo: Personal archive Svetlana Surganova.

- I think the secret of your youth lies not only in kefir ...

- I do not get tired recommend to my favorite compatriots gymnastics in Peter Kellder. This is rudely speaking, morning gymnastics, which consists of five exercises. If you do it every day, you just stop the age - that's all. In all, you need self-discipline. I'm talking about my experience now. It really helps me to maintain good well-being and appearance, I began to hurt less, including colds. This gives strength. Well, and appearance - you yourself see. As I say, my 145 years old look at 32 years old - in general, not bad. Although I gave me 33 today ... older! (Laughs.)

- That is, no cosmetologists and plastic surgeons ...

- I talked in my life tight with other surgeons, so much so much with plastic! (Laughs.) I go to the beautician. I believe that women, and men, you need to take care of the face and body. Periodically practiced some procedures that help the skin of the face: masks, appliqués, massages. Without any mesotherapy and other serious interventions. And necessarily - a common body massage. I try to pass a ten-day massage course in half a year. It affects well-being, increases the mood.

- Do you have a bad mood? You look like a person who never dips.

- Bad mood - fatigue indicator. It manifests itself in irritability, I lose patience. And depression is generally a serious thing. She rolls - and how much! And there is an internal work, a kind of self-treatment. When a bad mood rolls, I always support two examples. The boy who was born without hands, without legs, Nick Vuychich. Grew, adapted, married, gave birth to children. He reads lectures, drives around worldwide. He is a millionaire. How am I, having learned his story, I have the right to hang my nose? The second example is an astrologer and physicist Stephen Hawking. For more than 30 years, he suffers from a very difficult disease. The man is immobilized, lost the opportunity to speak, only the muscles on the right hand remained from the operating muscles. At the same time, researched scientific and popular films, writes books and leads the scientific institute. That's what I understand! You can remember my compatriots - Leningrad blocks: what tests fell on their share. Therefore, depressive moments make sense to recall such people and situations.

- You are now so competently decomposed on the shelves. That's what a medical education means. By the way, it helps you in life?

- Well, by formation I pediatrician. I can diagnose and provide primary assistance. I help to friends - if someone has problems and they do not understand what is the matter, they immediately appeal to me. I always have a big first aid kit on tour. If anyone has in the team that overtakes - there is something to pass. So I am for our group as a doctor.

- Svetlana, you somehow admitted that you dream about children ...

- Now I do not know everything is so difficult; Maybe this is not my calling and I have another way. It was just an opportunity to become a mother, there was an attempt, but she was not crowned with success. And I think it was probably a sign. At least not now.

- Do you easily find a common language with children?

- Children for me are some aliens. I'm afraid of them, I do not know and do not feel. This is an unpredictable romoc of energy. Sometimes very aggressive and unreasonable. Of course, my mother I will be awesome! (Laughs.) But now it is still a free conversation. And I have solid fears and complexes about this. Although friends say it should be. So I am normal. Hooray!

During the trip to Switzerland, Svetlana decided to master the motorcycle. The artist liked. Photo: Personal archive Svetlana Surganova.

During the trip to Switzerland, Svetlana decided to master the motorcycle. The artist liked. Photo: Personal archive Svetlana Surganova.

- "Chuping" did not think: Pets start, for example?

- I talked so many years with cats, dogs in a communal, which, frankly, was tired. Of course, you need care, but with such a touring schedule it is difficult to ensure it. True, noticed that if he had loved cats before, now it began to treat dogs well. To the old age, I will probably love turtles. They are quiet, and they have no wool. (Smiles.)

- Now in the sidelines is actively discussed that recently you are often seen with a young man named Nikita. Round out, you have a novel ...

- Oh, Nikita ... Well, I have a deep sympathy for him. Yes, this is my fiance. He is my truth, and I - His truth Wume. I do not hide what I really like it. I still won't be broken into big epithets. But hear from me that a man I like, "count, he is almost already my husband. (Laughs.) I would say, we have a romantic friendship. And in general, what are these gradations? I just go in the footsteps of Alla Borisovna. (Smiles.) I think that I should also be young too. It seems to me that Alla Borisovna is a guru in this sense. And not only in this. She is a stunning singer, the composer, built her life so that she keeps the whole country in a tone and still periodically pleased with some excellent events. Marriage, the birth of children, grandchildren ... Well done!

- By the way, I heard that you almost every day fans offer to marry. And what are you responsible for them?

- Not every day, but hint. I say to them: how can you! I have Nikita. (Smiles.) In addition, Nikita is perfectly getting in my mom. This is an amazing alliance, by the way. Mamule just loves him. And this is a big rarity, because many grooms were expelled and dismissed morally.

- I know that you have begun to build a country house. What does it look like?

- Not particularly ambitious, but the author's - St. Petersburg architect Varvara Klimova. The house turned out beautiful. On the ground floor, the dining room, living room, bathroom and sauna. Second - Guest and Cabinet. Third - attic and bedrooms. No pools or additional supernatural options there. True, I have a long-standing dream - my own library where books that are now collected, which are now scattered at different addresses. As for the site, it is triangular. But there are several coniferous trees on it. Everything is, by the way, not far from Peter.

- We can say that this house was your dream?

- For many years I got out the idea of ​​my house. The twenty-five-year-old practice of living in a communal complex is 74 meters, where 11 people, many dogs, cats and cockroaches. Plus years of wandering for removable apartments and hostels. And last year I became a happy owner of a studio apartment in Kupchina. This is my first personal living space. But at some point I realized that, probably, I could put on the construction of the house. And risked. Of course, it is still at the stage of a warm circuit, it starts working on filling: all electrification and so on. And I understand that this is, of course, an impressive investment of funds, so you need to create, write, act.

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