The mayor of London rides the BBC because of the series "Sherlock"


London Mayor Boris Johnson accused BBC television channel in bias because of the parody newspaper publication in the Sherlock series. In the series shown on January 5, which was called the "Sign of Three", a fictional newspaper appeared in the frame, in which an article was present about the mayor of London, among others. It was said that the head of the city was offered a plan for the transformation of Thames in the automotive route. The name of the city holder was not called, however, the artwork of the mayor was characterized as a "muddy, inconclusive and narcissist" man, and his plan relative to the Thames was called "reckless." The main content of the publication series about the mayor did not have a relationship. Johnson commented on the episode as follows: "Elementary, Watson. My deductive method suggests that it is just reversing BBC. "

In the television and radio broadcasting corporation, the charge of the mayor was refuted, stating that the parody newspaper in Sherlock did not think about Johnson's attack.

Recall that in 2012, Boris Johnson has already made criticized by BBC Corporation, calling it "static, affected, Europhilic and too prejudge in favor of the left."

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