Top 4 ideal days for large purchases in the second half of March


20th of March . The sun is included in Aries. The first day of the astrological calendar. The sun is now exalted in the Aries, giving us enthusiasm and energy for victories, when we boldly enter into a new zodiac cycle. Now is the time to decide and take a step towards your dream. Large purchases up to real estate objects on this day will be successful.

21 March . Mercury in fish, uranium in Taurus. This aspect encourages us to abandon control. The key point is to allow the universe to lead you in the right direction, even if it is associated with some experiences. If life circumstances summarize you to make a large purchase, do not torment yourself with doubts and just trust the fate!

Galina Yanko

Galina Yanko

March 28. . Full moon in scales. It's time to take important decisions, weigh all the options. This full moon encourages us to take into account their feelings before making the final choice. The good news is that the chances of making choices are increasingly increasingly grow, so it is to decide on a large purchase by weighing all the options, now much safer!

March 29 . Connection of Mercury and Neptune in fish. This annual aspect helps us to distinguish real from the illusory. Ask yourself the question: Do you really need this large purchase? If you answer yourself positively on this question, then throw away all further doubts and make a decisive step.

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