Everything has managed: 5 things that make homemade


    We admit honestly, cleaning and in principle routine affairs on house rarely when you enjoy. I would like to quickly finish all sorts of preparations and make up more pleasant things. According to statistics, we spend the most time in the kitchen for cooking and cleaning after the active use of products. Today we decided to find out which devices and items should be in the kitchen of the hostess to reduce the time of stay at the stove and speed up the cleaning after all manipulations.

    Desktop dishwasher

    Of course, you know what benefits can be brought by classic dishwasher, but often this car takes too much space, so not everyone is solved on the purchase. But the more compact version is desktop - I must interest you. Especially useful, such a dishwasher will be in the event that you shoot the apartment or often change the place of residence - it is easy to transport it. You can spend extra ten minutes on yourself and loved ones instead of doing all the plates in the house after dinner.

    Leave more time on yourself

    Leave more time on yourself

    Photo: www.unsplash.com.

    Shredder for shell

    Collect garbage in the sink is not too pleasant lesson, but the problem is easily solved by the acquisition of a special chopper, which is installed directly into the sink. But get ready to post a major amount, as the installation will not be cheap. And yet this device is worth it to spend - the chopper grinds almost everything, even small bones.

    Scales for products

    Pretty useful thing, especially if you do not always get guess the proportion. Of course, the device will be needed only if you are accustomed to constantly experimenting in the kitchen and love to prepare complex dishes - it will be very difficult without weights. When preparing a test, the scales may be simply salvation, since it is the baking that causes the most problems and misunderstandings due to the large number of crumbly ingredients.

    Clips for packages

    Let it be a trifle, however, at the most suitable moment there is often no subject to "grab" an open package, as a result, the product is simply spoiled. You have to either eat everything at once, or seek not the most convenient clamp, or throw a package itself. But do not hurry, just buy a set of stationery clamps, which will always be in the kitchen just in case.

    Grinding set

    An indispensable thing when cooking salads and soup blanks. Imagine how much time you need to cut the elementary salad if you do not have helpers? The shredder will save if not half a day, then several hours exactly. You simply laid vegetables or other not too solid foods inside and one incision is separated with a whole vegetable without additional manipulations. Just try!

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