Elena Radion: "We can lose money, but not the authority of our clinic"


Today, every day all new and new drugs, services appear in the cosmetology market. However, no miracle tool will have a decent result in the hands of the unprofessionale and just a middle pepper. Therefore, it is so important, especially in cosmetology, find the "own" master. Dr. Aesthetic Medicine Elena Radion, no doubt, one of the best specialists in his field. For many years, she is the head coach on the RESORBLIFT threads at the global level. Indicative detail: It is the doctors of cosmetologists who are themselves to her, when they understand that they are also time to engage in their appearance.

Aesthetic medicine Elena Radion has been engaged since 1999. First worked in private clinics. But quickly went into free swimming and in 2007 opened its own beauty institute Belle Allure.

- When I just started working, then even such a medical specialty, as cosmetology, there was no in Russia. Specialization was called "dermatovenerology and courses of cosmetologists."

- That is, we can say that you stood at the origins? It's so interesting!

- Yeah interesting. I even remember how the first mesotherapy appeared. And now cosmetology is a separate specialty. Officially, she was recognized five to six years ago. And I am now a cosmetologist.

- And you are also known as the best specialist in Russia and neighboring countries to install Resorblift threads. When did you work with this material?

- Since the cosmetologist, I worked a sufficient amount of time, then gradually I had favorite drugs, unloved drugs, drugs, the results of the use of which you see immediately, you understand what are safe, and what is better not to work with. It begins to form its perception of certain procedures, and, accordingly, you start filtering out on the market, with which it is interesting, and with what is not very. I remember, NEW Fill appeared, then on its basis - Sculptra. This is a hydrogel of a polyolic acid, artificially obtained in the laboratory of a biopolymer, which is completely dissolved in tissues after six months after administration by injection. It was originally created for the aesthetic correction of AIDS patients (unlike our country, a lot of attention was always paid abroad with aesthetic appearance of such patients). Because it is a polyolic acid that has very low antigenic activity, which is important for patients with a practically absent immunity. After the specialists saw, what good aesthetic result gives this tool, and it was decided to use it in cosmetology.

At the end of the nineties, I worked a lot with Sculptra, knew all his excellent qualities. This tool has a long time for a long time for the drug number one for non-functional lifting. When I flew to Paris to one of the congresses, suddenly heard about the threads of polyolic acid. And I had nothing to say anything, I realized that this is a real breakthrough. On the one hand, polyolic acid is a unique biodegrading hydrophobic drug that starts the metabolic processes in the dermis, due to which it occurs. On the other - thread, also with notches. That is, there is fixation at the expense of these notches and a uniform distribution. After all, the main difficulty of working with Sculptra and New Fill was just that these are granules that had to breed water for injections. Water served only by the conductor, had to constantly change the needle - it was impossible to dissolve to the end of the granules. Yes, and evenly introduce the drug was not easy enough. In the case of the threads there are no such problems, because the acid is distributed evenly. Of course, I immediately caught fire for the idea of ​​bringing these threads to Russia. I concluded the contract, convinced that this drug is absolutely necessary on our Russian market. In 2011, we officially registered Resorblift threads.

- That is, it can be said that the threads from the polyolic acid, which now occupy one of the leading places in their popularity in Russia, brought you to our country?

- You can not say, but brought. Yes, that is right. And I am glad that the appearance of Resorblift threads on the Russian market has become an impetus for the development of the nite lifting in Russia as a whole. Today, there is a huge number of most different threads. Although I still work exclusively on the threads of Resorblift - just because I see the result. It is important for me that my patients come out of our clinic with satisfied persons. It is important that professionals are worthy of evaluating the work of this drug. Yes, today there is a cheaper product on the market, we could earn more. But I think: it is better to get less money, but to save your authority and not lose customers.

Learn, learn and learn

- Little to conclude a contract for the supply of threads. You need to learn to work with them. Have you studied there in France?

- Yes, I studied in France. Then there was still on-site training here in Russia. A French doctor came to us, taught the first group of doctors. Well, and then the Brazda of the Board and Training moved to me. And it turned out that now I am the head coach on Resorblift not only here in Russia, but in general worldwide. Already overseas doctors learn from me. I fly to various congresses. In November last year - to India. In January of the present - to France, in Paris. The last Congress was in Asia at the end of July 2016, in Taipei, this is the capital of Taiwan.

- Do you continue to learn?

- Of course, I'm learning. Often I am at congresses, of course, I listen to what the new one has appeared lately. After all, new products appear, new drugs. I do not win only on the threads. Of course, I solve many problems. But it is necessary to be aware of what is happening in the world of cosmetology at the world level. Maybe you need to somehow prepare the client before you put a thread. Or generally suggest something completely different - it happens, the patient is simply not ready

To threads, so we are looking for other options together.

- Tell me, and the threads themselves have somehow evolved since they appeared? Or are they now exactly the same as several decades appeared ago?

- those threads also remained, because they give good results. At the moment we rudely divided the threads on reinforcing and lifting. Reinforcing we can put from the twentieth age to anyone - for prevention. Because now modern youth is pretty early to think about how to extend their youth. Remember how our grandmother's moms looked at fifty years - really grandmother grandmothers. And now women at this age sometimes as thirty-year-old ladies who are only married. This is exactly due to the fact that women began to carefully monitor their appearance.

My young patient was 29 years old. It is clear that we put less threads such women, but the result is simply awesome. This is me to the fact that we can put reinforcing threads at any age - from 20 to 100 years. And the second type of threads, the new, is suitable for age ladies who have a more pronounced tissue. These threads are on the needle, so the lifting effect is visible immediately. Although it is scientifically proven that polyolic acid contributes to the destruction of the old collagen and the formation of new collagen fibers, and is also a biorevitalitisant, stimulates the synthesis of young cells, moisturizes and rejuvenates the skin. It turns out that not only the thread itself mechanically supports tissues, being a frame, but its composition contributes to internal rejuvenation. But for this it must pass for a while - from 3 to 6 months. And there are patients who want to immediately get the effect compared to the plastic surgery.

- Is that possible? After all, even the cosmetologists themselves say that they should not be deceived: the threads, of course, give excellent results, but hopefully the miracle is still stupid ...

- Of course, this is not a panacea. Sometimes it happens that the patient must first prepare before installing the threads. Then we paint the program that is necessary to achieve a good result. If the patient does not agree and says: "No, I want to immediately be a thread," sometimes you have to refuse. I understand that in such cases we lose money, but I repeat, the result is important to us, the authority of the clinic is important.

- But the threads from the polyolic acid are suitable for all women, regardless of age?

- age can be any. Another question is, you need to talk with the patient again and explain: we cannot make a 20-year-old out of an 80-year-old woman. Miracles, alas, does not happen. But from PTOs 3-4 degrees we can completely get the second. And later to work with him.

- You said that the thread lifting is often combined with other procedures. What exactly?

- Almost with all the threads - with the same mezzanines that are so popular today. And with hyaluronic acid, and with calcium hydroxyapatite the same. I will not combine with sculptra, because it will be too much polyolic acid. In general, the type of patient aging is very important. In our country, the deformation type of aging is very developed - this is the same type when initially, before installing the threads, it is necessary to remove the swelling, finescence. Only then there will be a thread.

- One of the important indicators of this or that procedure is such a fact: Does cosmetologists themselves go, colleagues in this clinic?

- I have a lot of colleagues among my patients. As well as their friends and loved ones. And I think it says a lot.

Uniqueness and benefits of resorblift® threads

The material is completely absorbed and excreted from the body within 9-12 months, maintaining a dense frame from the "young" collagen and the effect of deep suspenders for 3-5 years. L-lactic acid has a rejuvenating effect, activating skin renewal and slowing the aging processes.

Correction of chin area

Correction of chin area

During the actions of the injected threads around them, a natural frame for soft tissues is formed, skin cells actively produce their own collagen, so the resistant lifting effect is maintained for a long time.

Polillic acid is a biodegradable material that does not cause an allergic reaction and not reversing the human body.

Resorblift® lifting threads have special microcaves with protrusions along the entire length, directed in opposite sides of the middle of the thread - they are securely fixed in the fabrics of the face, thereby tightening its contour.

Fast operation of a separate area of ​​the face, the absence of visible scars.

Immediate result, amplifying over time.

Without common anesthesia

Minimal appearance of bruises and spot tracks from punctures

Rehabilitation period without special contraindications.

The use of threads is preferably from 30-35 years.

Facial facial remains the same.

Absolute biocompatibility.

Correction of chin area

Correction of chin area

RESORBLIFT® filament lifting techniques

With the help of a special spinal needle through small point punctures in different directions, thin flexible RESORBLIFT® filaments are introduced, allowing to lift the skin and remove its savings in unwanted places.

The procedure is carried out in outpatient conditions with the use of local anesthesia

Tightening of the entire face lasts about 30-60 minutes.

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