4 most harmful slimming methods


Constitutions and starvation. This is a hard restriction system in nutrition, when a person eats one product for 3-7 days. Many tried famous diets: buckwheat, kefir, grapefruit or watermelon. It is assumed that the losing weight can lose from three to seven kilograms. Any diet for the body is stress. We daily need the necessary number of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. With a conference or starvation, the body, without receiving the necessary substances, begins to sharply "reduce costs": removes water and muscle mass from the body. Weight due to this goes, but weight loss is going wrong, fat remains in place. As a result of the transition to the usual nutrition, the appetite rises, kilograms are quickly returned, and even with "bridge". When a man is starving or sits on a confinement, he has a noticeably worsening well-being, weakness appears. Problems with a chair with a gastrointestinal tract can begin. Experts recommend that such a diet will be advised to consult a doctor and practicing such food no more than two times a year.

Protein diets. Everyone heard about the famous power systems Duucan and Atkins, and maybe even read the books of these specialists. The basis of these diets is protein food: white meat, eggs, cottage cheese, fish. And carbohydrates are practically excluded. These systems are greatly popular around the world, as they are easy to observe. Man eats mainly meat, including sausages and sausages. As a result, the losing weight receives too much protein, which is why there is no intoxication of the body. Who was sitting on these diets for a long time, complained about the smell of acetone from his mouth, constipation, excrected state. The kidneys and joints suffer from protein diets.

Drinking diet. During the month it is allowed to eat everything in liquid form. That is, drinking the rubbed soups, juices, cocktails, etc. This principle of nutrition seriously violates the digestive system and metabolism, experts say. The fact is that an adult person needs pieces of food that will stimulate the peristaltics of the stomach and intestines. In addition, with chewing, saliva produces, which also launches the processes of digestion. With this diet, the body is experiencing the strongest stress, which is why there is a larger weight set.

Ketodiete. Fashionable feeding in nutrition - when it is recommended there are a lot of fats: up to 55% of the total diet. Fast and most of complex carbohydrates are prohibited. Such nutrition introduces the body into stress, which begins to produce ketone bodies. The ketosis occurs - the state when the body receives energy from fats, and not carbohydrates. As a result of such a system of nutrition, a man is strongly rising cholesterol. It is believed that cardiovascular ailments are directly dependent on cholesterol. In addition, carbohydrates provide a person not only by energy, but also with vitamins, minerals, etc. If you refuse them, the activity of the brain is reduced, increased fatigue, migraine, muscle pain, irritability and even worsen vision.

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