Dmitry Dibrov: "I am still ready to surprise!"


One of the most beloved in the country of TV presenters Dmitry Dibrov has been conducting a popular program "Who wants to become a millionaire." Today, despite the fact that Dmitry traditionally likes "good old", he is ready to be surprised and take the "good new one."

- Somehow a long time ago in the Hermitage garden, when we were interviewed, I broke a voice recorder, and I began to record a handle in a notebook ...

- Yes Yes Yes. Good began.

"So you then said that the old school you like." This is in journalism, what do you like from the old school on TV?

- Good question. And what is the old school? I do not see the difference between the old and new school. It seems to me that if under the old school we understand Vladimir Vladimirovich Posner and me, then look at our ratings. Note, and old, and new schools will be determined in any case only one objective characteristic is a rating. Everything else is taste. Now, with regard to those beautiful people who came to Ostankino. Any uneven distribution of anything in the world is always divided into the proportion of twenty-eighty. From one hundred old people who came to "Ostankino" in the eighties, 80% were narcissistic cretins, and 20 - Selo people. You know them on the network. Just new: from the × 80% of narcissistic fools, which came to Ostankino only for korestoloby. Such Rastyanka-2018. All for yourself, imitating beautiful phrases and manners. You see, there is nothing new under the moon. Look at the beautiful colleague of Yuri Dudia. Well, what's the difference compared to good interviewers of the past time? Only in one - here you can allow yourself to afford verbal expression. Because the Internet. And then in question. So you will be matynu, and immediately ...

And the rest of the relevant colleague is characterized in the old good system of coordinates: in the desire to get to the very essence, asking questions and considering problems, disagreeing through the jungle of the guest. All clear.

- You are not the first year to drive "who wants to become a millionaire." Notice how the audience changes?

- The audience does not change in any way. When a person, starting a television project, is asked by a fashionable question, which target audience is such a TV project, I understand that it is either a newcomer, or a passage from television, whose only desire is to earn one or another target audience, or just Pretty man. A truly good television driver does not ask such a question. You know, if my favorite Leonid Jovich Gaidai asked what the target audience and how she would change, making the "diamond hand," we would have not received neither Semyon Semyonia, nor Lelik-Papanova, nor Kotodoyeva-Mironov.

- Do you still like everything in the program or something else?

- She is ingenious! Domino, chess or, for example, Lotto can hurt? I am satisfied with absolutely everything like this is satisfied with a huge number of people around the world. Of course, we try to think about whether to think about whether it is not necessary to simultaneously modernize the studio, which happens with the frequency every three years. The viewer, in general, does not notice our efforts. Because the main thing in this game is its exceptional game mechanics, and, of course, the desire for at least something clever watch on TV. And not just propaganda and news.

- What moments in the upbringing of our children did you borrow from the experience of previous generations?

- Absolutely everything I do with my children is a copy of what my father did to me. What did he do? Nothing! Just my father played on four tools, spoke on twelve languages ​​and knew for the 60s all the breakthrough: jazz, ocudgava, novel Matveyev, Bella Ahmadulina. And the Father only did that he constantly demonstrated interesting things. It just defeated me from all arts of life in a southern city, where it would be possible to go to the colony for minors. But notations (still need notations needed, the children need to raise children) - all this is engaged in our family in our family. It is a source of prohibitions "do not pick up in the nose", the words "it's time to sleep." Well, comrades, do? Someone should be kind to be kind, and someone should be evil. Unfortunately, it falls into a lot of mom. From me - only gifts and interest.

Dmitry Dibrov:

In the course of their TV nearers, Dmitry worked on five federal channels. Since 2008, Dibrov has been conducted by the program "Who wants to become a millionaire?"

- Sasha, Fedor and Ilya will only grow up. Are you satisfied with the choice of senior children - Denis and Lada?

- With Denis, we, unfortunately, do not communicate, it happened. And Lada - yes, I like it all. Paris, where she lives, is beautiful. I also like my son-in-law. So she married a last summer. He is really a cute, educated guy. Well, listen, I actually never intended to become a French grandfather. But believe me, I will not be asked about it.

- How much today is a reputation for the TV presenter?

- Important, of course. You see what a thing: Today, there are 290 channels in the panel at the viewer. For those leaders who work for four federal, reputation is important. And for those who work on marginal canals, targeted, such, for example, where everything is associated with a hobby, for those who collect something or is interested in weapons, there is not so important to the TV presenter's reputation. On the other hand, people immediately understand if the presenter does not understand and does not like the subject of which is speaking. But this is not a reputation, it is professionalism.

- Can something surprise you today on TV?

- I'm still ready to be surprised. Well, for example, I was really surprised by exceptional gifts, erudition and efficiency of Vanya Urgant. For me, this is still a young man. Young people, you understand. (Laughs.) Although he is already a father of many children. So he was very pleasant surprised me, I still love all vanines of work. And still surprised by his sparkling, resourcefulness, the ability to improvise.

Dmitry was officially married four times and is the Father of five children. Three younger sons were born in marriage with police award-winning (now Dibama). Dmitry and Polina made their relations official in March 2009

Dmitry was officially married four times and is the Father of five children. Three younger sons were born in marriage with police award-winning (now Dibama). Dmitry and Polina made their relations official in March 2009


- Do you feel your age today?

- I do not feel it. The main thing is that they do not feel around. That is the question. (Laughs.)

- You are always seriously fond of music. Now you have time?

- So graduated from the sixth guitar. I do them myself. With the help of, of course, beautiful Moscow and American guitar masters. But inventing, I calculate the sound and collect the guitar I. Moscow Masters help to recover, because there are tricks, to which the "kettle", unfortunately, just can't get to himself. But in any case, two years I already do this. This is an amazing process. You do not know until the latter, as a guitar will sound until you collect everything. And suddenly the sound turned out. Or did not work. It was like that. Also, I make home arrangements that seem to me revolutionary, and play. This is an old good blues, of course, but with modern cybernetic tuber than that, Verev. But, honestly, after the release of his record, which I was recorded in order to study the inner state and enter the skin of the heroes of my programs, that is, Russian musicians, discovered that this is a terrible life. And I don't like it at all. I am now very different looking at the existence of my friends. You know, some like to speak in public, there are such, they catch a buzz from the reaction of the hall and deftly improvise. That's what I didn't like the most in such a career. These drunk faces that do not hear anything, climb only for autographs. I must say, there is no such concert in Russia, where the guitarist or vocalist would not show a finger up. Thus, he asks the sound engineer to raise the sound in the monitors, because he himself does not hear a damn. I do not like this. And who needs a guitarist standing like a pillar on stage? This is nonsense. Grandpa, what did you come something? Here Blackmorm recently came. So he stands in the middle of the scene, so it is Blackmor, guys. But I do not blackmore! It was necessary in 1966 to start. Now he can just stand.

And that is enough for the Sorovatseynaya Hall of Oral from delight.

But the rest are forced to jump on stage like a goat, you know? Mountain goats. I would not want this. Therefore, I sit at home and make arrangements. I recently made Tribute Dima Revyakin from the Kalinov Bridge group, colleagues were asked. In my opinion, it turned out interesting.

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