What do nightmares warn about


"Sleep was very short. I knocked into my door, I opened - a young guy stood on the threshold. I realized that he would plunge something unkind. Silently, I tried to slam the door, but he kept the door with his hand with the words: "Did you think that you have time to close the door?". After that, he entered the apartment. I woke up from horror. What was this nightmare? "

This dream sent me a few days ago. So, the nightmarish dream we usually remember. It is intense, powerful, bright, thanks to which remains in memory, while other dreams we do not remember.

Superstitions say that the nightmare must be told on the morning, then the sinister dream will not come true. However, if not indulgent to superstitions, then you can look at nightmarish dreams from another angle.

First, the dream allows us to survive intensively that in life for some reason is not worried. For example, it is believed that adults do not have to be afraid of some things, such as a conversation with the boss. And many are afraid. Then this fear has to be hiding, to outstand. We do not control our own dreams, because the fear, bended into the depths of the subconscious, is actively and saturated in a dream.

Therefore, the first thing we can say our dreamy is a nightmarish dream allowed her to free themselves from the accumulated fear that did not find expressions in her life.

Now about the content of sleep. After all, each our dream, including even the most terrible nightmare, is a reflection of some of our parties, tasks, accommodation of some significant experience.

Images in a dream are all different sides of ourselves and our experience with other people.

Like, for example, the person from which the threat comes easily penetrates her house. Those barriers and protective methods that she considered reliable are insufficient.

Sleep suggests that our dream is important to find how exactly it protects its borders from invasions. Sleep says that she is surreated too quickly. Her house is insecable.

Under the concept of the invasion, I mean not so much the physical invasion literally, as in her dream, how many daily appeals to our address, which may imperceptibly encroach on our borders: criticism, accusations, comparison with someone not in our favor, sweeping, ignoring requests , Looking forward to us to meet, non-fulfillment of the promised, threat, falls, blackmail money and so on.

We are accustomed to not noticing, licking or violating the boundaries of another person in response. At the same time, we can also pay attention to how much power we are required to recover in the shower.

It seems to me that the dream of our heroine is just as weak of its protection methods, as its borders are too permeable for a gross and focused invasion.

Probably a good reason to learn your own ability to stand up for yourself, right?

And what dreams of you?

Maria Zemskova, PSYCHOLOGIST, Family therapist and leading trainings of personal growth Training center Marika Khazina

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