Notes of Thai Mommy: "Slimming almost cost me life"


"When a man is ill in Siam, he is leading to a cure, which masterfully acts on the body with hands; In addition, he gets up on sick legs and bays it, "- so in 1690, the French diplomat and traveler Simon de Luber described the skill of Thai massage students.

In theory, learn the art of such healing for a long time and painstakingly. However, demand gives rise to an offer. Therefore, today in tourist areas (in our case - the whole island of Phuket) Thai massage does, it seems everyone. It is enough to wave in front of the Thai's nose with several bills (the price of the question is from 150 to 400 baht or rubles), and it will immediately turn into a massage therapist.

That is why in search of a "his" master must sometimes spend the fuck number of hours, and even days. At one time, when we have not lived in Thailand, but just came here to rest, usually I discovered a massicer suitable for me somewhere from the third or fourth time. In the north of Thailand, where tourists then almost did not have, it was literally immediately.

On Phuket, where the "Golden Taurus" drives off the people from all over the world, I had to spend almost two months on the detection of a massage therapist (that's it, with a capital letter). I will not say that the journey through the salons was such a big test. Because even if the master does not quite know his work, anyway, the hour of complete relax is provided to you.

In addition, in parallel with the Thai massage, I actively mastered other types of procedures. Oh, and what is just not here! Touching everything and everything, I came to the conclusion that the Thai massage itself is not my story. Well, just because I do not like when it affects the body through the clothes: she sovest it disgusts, that's what.

Sometimes in massage salons there are and amicing massages.

Sometimes in massage salons there are and amicing massages.

Number one in my list of preferences - OIL-massage (here just you undress to the pants, but do not even hope - you will not be able to ask you anyway, but the body will be perfectly moistive, and cellulite will postpone the meeting with you even indefinitely) . There is also a "dairy massage" (the same, but with the use of milk - on an amateur, I will say honestly). If you try, you can find in some of the countless massage salons and unexpected procedures at all. Well, for example, massage in the footsteps: this is when the master first dipped legs into a special herbal solution, then heats them about a hot sheet of metal, and further starts to walk along the back legs and even his head. Or that's what else I discovered: the awake with a special hammer on the energy channels for the purpose of their full disclosure. I even went in a row to all masters in the Blind People salon. As it is clear from the name, there are exclusively blind massages there. It is believed that they have so sensitive hands and fingers that they will remove any twig after the first session. Well, I do not know ... Yes, many masters were wonderful, but still the feeling remained that they do everything for one born once and forever Lekalu, not considering your features.

I understand that I am probably too picky, but still I had a specific goal: not just to keep the watch in full relaxation, but to recover after childbirth.

... When a new inconspicuous massage interior was opened next to our language courses, I went there without any special hope, and just in a habit. And although massage tables were not even installed in the room itself, and the mattress was lying on the floor, after the first five minutes of the massage, I understood: here it is, my master.

All the walls in his cabin are hung with certificates, diplomas and diplomas.

All the walls in his cabin are hung with certificates, diplomas and diplomas.

Call his topic. I can't tell a lot about him: all his linguistic knowledge is a wild mix of several English and Russian words (such as "Turn Spin"). However, on the walls in his cabin, located far from the tourist trail, a bunch of certificates are banging. However, and without these it is clear that Mr. Thep is a master of his case. True, sometimes he reminds me of the butcher: when I explained on my fingers that I would like to buy a flat stomach after giving birth, it pays for a particular attention to this part of my body. And it looks like this frightening: he bravely triggers the palm inside me, then stacked all the insides in the right order and at the end it will be tamped by all the elbows. The most amazing that I do not cry from pain, this strange ritual is even pleasant.

... And literally a week later I rapidly lost weight to a couple of sizes. True, Mr. TheP turned out to be at all at all. And in general, I would be my will, I would returned these evaporated kilograms back. Because it's a slimming almost worth my life ...

Continued ...

Read the previous history of Olga here, and where it all starts - here.

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