Master Class: Fitness Face


"Everyone wants to be a young, beautiful, healthy, attractive, - notes the trainer Evgeny Mazur, - and everyone wants to keep these qualities for life. So the nature is arranged that the attractiveness is needed to continue the genus of the human - what we came to this world. It would be foolish and limited to reason about the beauty of the spiritual and spiritual without physically healthy, developed, and therefore the perfect, beautiful face and body. A constant desire to physical excellence strengthens the sustainability of the entire body to stressful situations, emotional shocks and negative environmental factors. "

"Regardless of the national affiliation, the tradition and culture of people largely determines the geographical position. For example, in Russia, women pay more attention to how they look like a face, not the body, and this is an explanation. We have the bulk of the year cold, in winter we are often fastened to "to the most ears". With this scenario, only the head looks out, and the figure is closed with multilayer clothing all the time. Considering that we have ahead of the long winter, I propose to follow the national characteristics and to give time to the person. Especially since the "winter hibernation" is allowed to dial a couple of kilograms of energy resources in the form of a subcutaneous heating in the frost of fat, and a beautiful coat present in the wardrobe of almost any woman will help to hide it.

Before making an action plan for training, we call typical aesthetic discontent of the fine sex about your appearance and think that we can oppose this. With age, if a person does not pay due attention to versatile functional physical exertion, natural changes are gradually accumulated. And the moment comes when the reflection in the mirror shows a completely someone else's face: with nasolabial folds, leather and muscle flabbiness, a second chin, bags under the eyes, a vascular mesh on the cheeks, "princess of the pride" (horizontal) and "worries" (vertical) wrinkles forehead. Also, they are not painted by splashing, tired eyes, and an interbural fold and hanging upper eyelids do not underscore the outdoor look of beautiful eyes. Even the nose, which changes the shape over the years and becomes longer, is subject to ptosis.

The physiological aspects of age-related changes:

- reducing the production of its own growth hormone;

- thinning of bone tissue (bones are muscle support and connective tissue);

- the deficit of the necessary subcutaneous fat, additionally supporting the skin when the muscles are weakly developed;

- reduction of muscle tissue and increased fat;

- the growing of cartilage and edge limbs of bones;

- The overall lack of tone, inability to resist the power of gravity.

Many do not even realize that such negative changes can be avoided and, moreover, to correct the situation with their own efforts. Sophisticated anti-gravity gymnastics activities will help to remove the overpowering of the upper eyelids and eyebrows, pull the cheeks and cheeks, reduce the mimic wrinkles, improve the condition of the neck and the area of ​​the neckline. The resistant result from regular classes will be noticeable in a month or different. You can start training at any age, but the sooner, the better.

Photo: Natalia Khramova.

Photo: Natalia Khramova.

1. Exercise number one acting school Hollywood. Learn to surprise, smiling.

Photo: Natalia Khramova.

Photo: Natalia Khramova.

2. Cut the whole face to the sun (rushing forward upwards, right upwards, left up). The position of the head is slightly above the eye level. Exercises will help eliminate deep wrinkles and folds all over the face. We use muscle technique for resistance.

Photo: Natalia Khramova.

Photo: Natalia Khramova.

3. Basic exercises for the stretch of the entire spine and strengthen all the muscle stabilizers. Exercises help with slope when the head "lies on the chest."

Photo: Natalia Khramova.

Photo: Natalia Khramova.

4. Speak relax.

Photo: Natalia Khramova.

Photo: Natalia Khramova.

5. Exercises for the stretching and strengthening of the muscles involved in the formation of a young oval face and a beautiful neck without folds.

Photo: Natalia Khramova.

Photo: Natalia Khramova.

6. Exercises for strengthening the chin.

Photo: Natalia Khramova.

Photo: Natalia Khramova.

7. Exercises for strengthening the Ring Muscle Muscle (against the lowering of the corners of the lips).

Photo: Natalia Khramova.

Photo: Natalia Khramova.

8. Eliminate the vertical folds on the forehead ("wrinkles of worries").

Photo: Natalia Khramova.

Photo: Natalia Khramova.

9. Eliminate horizontal folds on the forehead ("Cords' wrinkles").

Photo: Natalia Khramova.

Photo: Natalia Khramova.

10. Exercise against the lowering of the corners of the eyes and lips.

Photo: Natalia Khramova.

Photo: Natalia Khramova.

11. Exercises to strengthen the annular muscles of the eyes.

Photo: Natalia Khramova.

Photo: Natalia Khramova.

12. Exercise on strengthening the support structures of the whole face and neck.

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