Ten! Stars "Happy together" celebrate the anniversary of the series


The creators of the series "Happy together" celebrate the decade of one of the most high-profile Russian televisionhites. Some of the audience can even say that they grew up on this comedy. What role did teleproject play in the life of the actors?

Natalia Bochkareva: "Almost on the set I have two children born"

- Ten years for you this is a lot or a little?

- I managed to go married and divorce. Almost on the set, two children were born. This year I defended a diploma in the specialty "film director" and was at the Cannes Festival with his graduation work. I became a member of the Union of Cinematographers and the Union of Theater Workers. Yes, ten years for me there was a lot.

Natalia Bochkareva with children

Natalia Bochkareva with children

Sergey Ivanov

- Do you remember your first shooting day?

- We shot pilot series. We had a lot of rehearsals, during which we managed to get acquainted with all the actors to get acquainted and even jerk. Therefore, the first shooting day was, of course, very exciting, but very different from what we did then for many years. I'm more, probably, I remember not the first shooting day, but how we united. By and large, the series then began to live.

- We can say that this series changed your life?

- Dasha did not postpone the prints on my life. This image is made of my flesh and blood. And if we talk about what I brought in Dasha Bukin, it is probably optimistic! When you do not doubt under any circumstances and go on. We are very similar, as they say, "on the skin." In spite of everything, the heroes live together. Husband - the seller of shoes, two children, and there is no money in the family. But they do not lose and get pleasure from life.

- Fans are perceived as Bukin?

- The first time I was so treated. Frequently asked questions: "Oh! Do you like those crazy children? " And once we came with your family to a restaurant where there were no places. But there I learned the administrator and immediately planted at the table. After dinner, I was given a discount card to Dasha.

- If you were now offered to act in the TV project, which will go for ten years, would you agree to it?

- It all depends on the role and project. "Happy together" was also not planned for such a long time. At first it was a story for fifty episodes.

- Looking back, about something regret?

I never regret anything. If I were told: "Natasha, try to go through this way again?" I probably probably would have passed, without looking back and regretted about anything. I remember, we had funny pictures with animals. The scripts came up with a series where our beautiful Baron (dog breed of Berkin Xennenhund. - Ed.) Falls in the mare. I say to them: "You are generally normal, come up with such an original pair? How will we shoot a horse in the pavilion? " The plan was like this: the horse had to be put in the apartment, put on the sofa watching TV, after that we had to go with the baron and say the text after which the horse leaves the room. It would seem that some kind of unreal story. But it happened! It was not very much in the main last time, but remained in the form of some jokes that can be viewed on the Internet. Our wonderful installation plants themselves laughed at this and said: "We have no hand rose to throw it into trash!" Therefore, after each footage of the block, we were given discs with pearls that were not included in the main series. It was an unusual and pleasant experience.

Victor Loginov: "Gena Bukin changed my appearance"

Victor Loginov

Victor Loginov

- Ten years for you this is a lot or a little?

"If I didn't remind me, I would not have noticed that she passed ten years." For this magnificent period, two stunning person descended to me from the sky, by increasing my children twice. I got married, divorced and continue to live. I have three projects on different channels, two full meters. Soon you will see everything.

- Do you remember your first shooting day?

- He walked on the Bitter's film studio. From the first working day, we started shooting the first series, which was and remains my beloved, "about cactus." Removed her for a month!

- We can say that this series changed your life?

- He accurately changed the life of a guy from Siberia, who had in the Urals. And I can say when I landed in the capital ten years ago, I was postiging her pace, then I thought that I would never sit behind the wheel in this city ... I still have a provincial, I do not understand how a girl late in the evening can go alone. As for the Gena Bukina, then we have nothing in common - my life is very dynamic. Although I can say that the gene has changed my appearance. Do not believe, but before I looked like a real macho: long hair, earring in ear and spanish beard. Imagine how the Bukin's gene would look with an earring and long hair! (Laughs.)

- Fans perceive you like Bukina?

- During the filming of the series, I was often called the Bukin gene, then interesting transformation began - the genuine genes, Viktor Bukin. Now only Victor Loginov. Moreover, people will recognize even by last name. Sometimes vote. Somehow, I went to the supermarket at night, the adjustment was a few guys, they saw me and began to whisper. One decided to come up with the words: "And you starred in the TV series" Happy together "?" Here she is glory, I think I! And the guy and says: "Give your hand to you, I would not take out in this garbage!"

- If now they were offered to act in the TV project, which will go for ten years, would you agree to it?

- Not! Well, you just imagine: Ten years in one room, and I have children and a lot of interest. I like to engage in different projects, ride on business trips.

- Looking back, about something regret?

- Nothing. Now the series causes good feelings. I'm not ashamed for him. I would gladly show him his adult fourteen-year-old son. But he has other priorities. It is passionate about music and Japanese. Recently younger, five years old, son asked: "Are you aware that you are a celebrity?" I say: "Yes, and you know why?" He: "Well, my girlfriends said so." The guy has a rich potential, and my popularity plays a hand. (Laughs.) This, of course, all sarcasm and no more, but in one I am confident: I'm not ashamed of the product for a long time owned by the minds of the audience.

Daria Sagalova: "Sometimes adult girls are suitable and they say:" I grew up, looking at the light of Bukin "

Daria Sagalova

Daria Sagalova

- Ten years for you this is a lot or a little?

- I just turned thirty, so for the time being for me ten years - it is a lot. Remembering yourself at the time of the shooting of the series, that is, twenty-year old, I will say that it was an absolute teenager who thinks and dreams even in childish. I lived in an ultra-speed rhythm: endless ant reprises, performances, projects at night and in the afternoon in different cities. I came home just change clothes and sleep. I do not know where I had so much strength: walking on different gears, premieres, secular parties, ride on tour. This is a completely different vision of life. Now I can only go spot to work, because I need children, and this is holy for me.

- Do you remember your first shooting day?

- I remember casting. These were samples with Yakin. I put on my favorite ripped jeans - they were conquer Americans. She looked brazen and very confident, although it was just in a hurry to the theater. That day I needed to play Isabelle in the comedy Shakespeare "Measure". As a result: in the theater I played a nun, and in parallel - Light Bukin. In the morning I had a manicure, piercing, nails with rhinestones, and in the evening I had to play gloves. And that day, I was in a hurry to leave the casting that you constantly caught all. Sasha even decided that I was working in this company. He then told me: "I didn't think that you were also trying to the role, I thought that you were helping in the organization of casting." And, apparently, this my energety liked by American consultants.

- We can say that this series changed your life?

- Perhaps I became easier to treat everything. In general, the shooting in the series greatly influenced life. She was divided into "to" and "after". Since then, I have many roles that were forgotten, and here ten years have passed, and the audience remember. Another serious passion in my life is choreography. I was always scared to imagine that I would stay without dancing. As a result, still removing in the series, I organized my studio. The first of my students were fans of lights Bukina.

- Fans are perceived as Bukin?

- I have not come across it for a long time. But today I meet adult girls and young men of twenty-five, which are suitable and saying: "Oh, but can you take a picture with you? Is it true you? I grew up looking at the light of Bukin! " And these things seem to me a bit strange, I also do not quite old. (Laughs.)

- If you were now offered to act in the TV project, which will go for ten years, would you agree to it?

- A year ago, I would definitely say "no"! I needed to learn in parallel in parallel. During this time, he received the second Higher - Zhurfak MSU. But now my children have grown, and, probably, I will say yes! I remember how we adjusted the graphics of filming "Happy together". The producers went to meet me when the last season was filmed, because I already had a breast Lisa in my hands. And I must say that, despite the active shooting process, I normally communicated with my daughter. And did not miss important milestones in the life of children: the first steps, the first words, lures, sandboxes.

- Looking back, about something regret?

- Not. Yes, of course, I do not like everything. Now I watch the series and see Lyaps. But still it seems to me that the image of the lights of Bukina turned out to be expressive and exists in itself. I remember the moment when the series was at the peak, I was upset that he interfered with me in an acting career in terms of other images. And now I treat it with great love and some nostalgia. No matter how cool, Light Bukina is my business card.

Alexander Yakin: "For the first time I ripped the mustache on the set"

Alexander Yakin

Alexander Yakin

- Ten years for you this is a lot or a little?

- If I had a ten-year-old son, then, probably, a lot. But if ten years ago I graduated from school and as if it was just a year - it was not enough. Although during this time I managed to marry, finish the university and to play in several projects.

- Do you remember your first shooting day?

- I don't remember the first shooting day, but I have bright memories from casting. There, by the way, I saw my serial sister Daria Sagalov for the first time (Light Bukin). Then neither she nor I still knew what they would be approved. There were many girls and boys on the casting, I tried first with one, then I was put in a couple with Dasha. On probes among casting directors, there were only Americans and gave some tasks. So I did not even have time to evaluate the game of others. I just thought about how to do what they were asked!

- Changed this teleproject your life?

- Of course, changed. The series "Happy together" was a ticket to this adult world of television. But for my character, the hero did not affect, all the same, we are different with him.

- Fans perceive you like Bukina?

- And how! The first time it bothered, but I still grate to fate for this role. Of course, for some time I was associated exclusively with Roma Bukin. It was hard to switch the people to another image. But with the arrival in another series, the previous role was forgotten. By the way, when I did, and it was just during the filming of "happy together", in some theatrical institutions I simply did not listen to me - did not allow the examination committee. Probably thought that it was already spoiled, she was stamped, business. I do not know. But if I sat in the jury, I would listen to everyone!

- If you were now offered to act in the TV project, which will go for ten years, would you agree to it?

- If I understand that this is some kind of "bomb", something supercourse, then why not! I guess I am ready for this.

- Looking back, about something regret?

- Memories of the series cause positive feelings. We had a good team, we spent a lot of time together, everything was fun. I have dropped a mustache for the first time on the set! Three Volosins, of course, but mustache! At that time, the shooting area was home to me. We worked six days a week in the morning and before the evening. For example, the first shooting day of the second season was removed from eight in the morning and to seven in the morning. That is, a day almost in order to break the plate on happiness at the end. On the site, everyone spent more time than at home with parents and loved ones. If the team had been bad if we were annoyed by each other, then nothing good would have happened. Even if any conflicts and troubles occurred, they were very quiet and peacefully ended. We were friends!

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