Javier Bardem: "Sometimes Penelope is unbearable"


The kindest soul is a person who has replayed already seems to be all villains in Hollywood. Loving father brought by a single mother. Hot Spaniard, for many years waiting for his current wife Penelope Cruz. Javier Bardem easily combines all these features and a little more. In an interview with the "Atmosphere" magazine, he talks about to keep happiness in the family much more difficult than playing any role, and to go to the store for milk without clicking cameras - this is a luxury that he had to forget about him for a long time.

- Javier, Share, what are you doing now?

- Oh, chaos in my life is difficult to describe! (Laughs.) Penelope is busy on set, so children and a house on me. But I'm used to, this is our job: for a crazy project that takes all the strength, goes lull, and not always these periods with my wife coincide. Fortunately, we sometimes take off together, at least you can spend more time together. So it was on the set of "Escobara": three months flew unnoticed.

- You have been offered many times to play the famous drug dealer. What did you refuse?

- For the first time it happened in 1998. I then greatly intrigued this character, it is very ambiguous, but I did not participate in the project. Then there were some more scenarios on the same topic, but they did not convince me again. In them, Escobar was more like a fabulous hero. And for me he is real, and his whole terrible story is also. I wanted to play a living person.

Javier Bardem:

The first and so far the only one "Oscar" actor received a role in the film "old men there is no place" in 2008. In the ribbon of the cohon brothers, he played a hired killer with a crazy hairstyle

Photo: Frame from the movie "Old men there is no place"

- Why did this time agreed?

- This project is completely different. It is based on the Book of Valline Vallejo, a Columbia journalist, which was a beloved Escobar. I met several times with the Virchini itself and I didn't read her records, there are many interesting details about their novel. And, most importantly, all that is real as it should be. Therefore, I agreed to get into the skin of this character. I saw his unrestrained energy and absolutely cold mind, and I finally got to me that he was playing a huge luck.

- You work with Penelope for the first time working together. Is it easier for you to act with your loved ones?

- in something simpler, and in something, perhaps, even more difficult. Cinematographic reality is an imaginary thing, and our relationship with his wife is real. Sometimes it is very difficult not to lose this border between fiction and life. You need to remind yourself all the time that we are other people, and leave scenic conflicts on the site. Although this time we did not succeed. Closer to the end of the shooting of Penelope, even said that my transformation was frightened hard, at some point she began to see not me, and my character. When I found out about it, we sat down and discussed everything. Yes, we play these heroes, but they are not us.

- Tell me about your childhood. What was it?

- By Spanish standards, we have a small family. Parents divorced when I was still a bloop, and we remained four of us: I, my mother and my sister's brother. We were like a flock of wolves - any would have broken if it was threatened. Mom was engaged in our upbringing alone, and she was very difficult: to feed us, the money had to earn in all possible ways. By the way, she is also an actress. Day Mom was filmed on television, in the evening performed in the theater, and at night danced in the cabaret. Closer to morning she managed to sleep a couple of hours, and then back to work. And all for us. But even it was not enough, we barely reduced the ends with the ends. Often there was nothing at home. And nothing, grew by decent people.

With the future wife of Penelope Cruz Bardem met on the filming of the film

With the future wife of Penelope Cruz Bardem met on setting the movie "Ham, Ham"

Photo: Frame from the movie "Ham, Ham"

- But now you have no problems with money ...

"I am sure that money come to those who are passionate about their work, although my approach to them practically has not changed since childhood. I am not a trans. Mom taught me to save, so I still haven't yet spent everything from seven-year-old fees and even a decade ago.

- Difficult to grow it without a father?

- Now I understand that in an incomplete family, the boy is hard to become a real man. He has a trite there is no hero to imitate. I was granted myself and, of course, made a bunch of mistakes. But how else? I had to deal with himself in everything, because the father could not tell me how this world was arranged. He was simply not near.

- And how did you study at school?

- Affect business, without a father's belt, it was not high enough. Yes, and in general I did not like to learn. I can't endure discipline. Everything did from under the stick. Therefore, I can not say that the school I really taught something. Of course, I can read and write, but it is important not only that. The school should help build a picture of the world, instill some fundamental knowledge, and I wanted only to violate the rules. Naturally, I was unrestrained and constantly fought, the enemies gave Never.

Javier Bardem:

"Penelope struck me, so beautiful ... I could not tear the eye, I was sparkled between us. But she was only sixteen, so nothing happened"

Photo: Frame from the movie "Ham, Ham"

- Is it limited only by fights?

- First, yes, and then problems with alcohol were added. I saw a lot at that time. And somehow in the bar it was scored as usual and saw a pretty girl at the rack ...

- Wanted to seduce her?

- No way. Consumer attitude towards girls is not about me. Otherwise, I would immediately lose my mother's respect, but it is too important for me. In short, I really liked that girl, and I tried any ways to attract her attention. I didn't notice only that she was with a boyfriend, well, but blurted out too much. The next thing I remember is how I dance this guy and four more boys, and hard. It is good that I was also not alone, but I would not live alive. My friends, however, then it decently got: one broke the shoulder, and the other to the foot. After this incident, I realized that it was not worth climbing the Rogon and sometimes it is more useful to silent. And what is the most important thing - I realized that the rude attitude is always coming back to you, so it is worth treating people with great patience and attention. With that fight, I seem everything inside turned around: I began to hate cruelty. I still do not admit any of its manifestations in his behavior.

- So wait ... If you do not endorse cruelty, how did you get in the "old men there is no place"? After all, your hero there is a real maniac!

- I know-know, it sounds ridiculous. But you would see me on the set of this movie! "Motor!" - And I turn into the conjunction of hell Anton Chigur. But as soon as the camera turns off, immediately scream to the Koenam brothers: "Guys, please remove this rifle!" They just mad with laughter. In general, Cohen, of course, genius, but how difficult it was to be filmed! And this is a terrible kare, I will never forgive them. (Laughs.) In general, my heroes are not lucky with hairstyles. After filming in the film "007: Skyfall coordinates, I went to the supermarket to buy a package of milk and caught oblique looks. Then he remembered that I am still in makeup and blond. Well, about a haircut under the pot from "old men there is no place." Even speak shame. When the Cohen brothers for the first time saw me after the stylist's work, an indescribable mixture of emotions was reflected on their face. And I just wanted to fail.

Javier Bardem:

Bardem and Cruz met again in 2007 - on the set of the film "Vicky Christina Barcelona" Woody Allen

Photo: Frame from the film "Vicky Kristina Barcelona"

- Villains you have masterfully. How so?

- Honestly? I myself do not understand. We usually think that you can pull out some kind of character trait and build an image on it, but in these heroes there is nothing at all. Maybe it's in appearance? Impaid look at wonders. (Smiles.) Or my Spanish accent is to blame for everything ... I was recently told that I was like my mouth seems to be a Novocaine.

- Do you like to play negative characters?

- oddly enough, very. After all, they are all so different, each has their own characteristics. Nevertheless, there is something insanely attractive in evil. I especially like to understand how my heroes became such monsters, which underlies their character. For example, Anton from "old men there is no place" does not show any signs of humanity at all. And it was a kind of test - to get into the skin of such a character. I had to practically forget about your ego on the site to understand it. I also like to play villains, because they almost always die. I even have a sign: the more often the actor in the cinema dies, the longer live in real life. Judging by the number of my screen deaths, I will live forever. (Laughs.)

- Let's talk about your acting method. What is harder to you - get born into the role or then get out of it?

"I started filming at nineteen years, and now I am almost fifty." Of course, over the past years there were roles after which it was extremely difficult to come to themselves. But with age you get experience, and in the end I learned to emotionally correct from my characters, especially since many of them are negative. So it happened with the role of Pablo Escobar. When the director shouted: "Stop, removed!", I just left this image on the site. And how else? It is impossible to drag such work home, to children ...

"How could you get to Hollywood, because initially removed only in Spain?

- All Spaniards have their own way to the movies. For example, my wife purposefully moved to Los Angeles at the beginning of two thousand and very quickly became a star, playing in the "Vanilla Sky" with Tom Cruise. I chose another way: I hunted the best roles in Spain. In my opinion, if you are an excellent actor, then Hollywood will eventually come to you. So it happened.

- Which of the shooting partners did you impress you?

- I still feel myself a child who fell into a fairy tale. So many stars around! Well, for example, Judy Dench, with which I worked in the film about James Bond. She has more awards than her years old, while she is very human, she has a squeezed British humor. More, perhaps, Johnny Depp. Penelope and We were filmed with him in the "Pirates of the Caribbean", however, in different parts of the franchise. I am very grateful to him for the fact that he then seriously helped my wife. She found out that she was pregnant when she was already approved for the role. She did not want to refuse such a project, and Johnny said that everything would destroy himself.

Javier Bardem:

Paralyzed hero of the Bardem from "Sea inside" more than thirty years fought for the right to leave life

Photo: Frame from the movie "Sea inside"

- Some directions are constantly talking on the site and give instructions, and others are silent. What do you like more?

- I worked with those and others. For example, Woody Allen and the Cohen brothers do not like to be scattered with the words, and Julian Schnabel, from whom I starred in the film "Until the night" last "in the distant 2000th, always advised and shared such interesting information that I listened not to break and absorbed like a sponge. In general, every creator has its own handwriting. True, over the years I am increasingly convinced that the movie, as if fantastically, it was not written and played, is still controlled by money. I madly respect those directors who are managed to create masterpieces in such conditions.

- You and Penelope so long together and still very rarely talk about your marriage. Maybe share the story of your dating?

- It happened on the filming of the movie "Ham, Ham" for more than twenty-five years ago. She struck me, so beautiful ... I could not tear the eye. Between us slipped the spark. But she was only sixteen, so nothing happened. Passion we played only on the screen. Probably, in old age I will plant children in front of the TV, including this film and I will tell them a moral voice: "My dear, look carefully, that's why you appeared on the light." Although I do not know, I will succeed, I have conceived or not. Maybe, with shame, this film is still clean sex. I do not know how Penelope's parents generally allowed her to be filmed. If the daughter ever brings me a similar scenario and declare that this role is her dream ... God, I'm crazy! Although in my case, it was after the "ham" came unexpected popularity. I began to find out on the streets.

- When did you start to meet?

- For many years later. All this time we supported contact, but rather superficially. And now they met - on the filming of the film "Vicky Christina Barcelona" Woody Allen in 2007. But none of us decided to take the first step. I do not know what was the reason. Perhaps we were shy ... In short, there was nothing to the end of the filming between us. Fortunately, just at this time, our common friend arranged a party, and I relaxed there with a slightly relaxed. Well, the rest, as they say, is already history.

- What is your wife in real life? Is the same quick-tempered and emotional as her heroine?

- Of course, she is Spanish! Sometimes it is unbearable. When we swear, hits the plates and shouts as abnormal. Even terribly becomes. But I love her insanely. It has this comprehensive passion, it is completely given to any cause.

Javier Bardem:

"Sometimes it is unbearable. When we swear, hits the plates and shouts as abnormal. Even terribly becomes. But I love her insanely. "

Photo: instagram.com/pelopecruzoficial

- It is hard to be an example for imitating your children, given that you grow without a father?

- Yes, sometimes I understand that my knowledge is not enough. It is good that I have friends who also have children - you can discuss the exciting moments with them. In general, grow children - it is probably the most difficult and responsible, which may be in life. Especially while they are still very small. I quickly realized that this requires a complete dedication, but it's very easy to overdo it. Excessive guardianship will not bring to good, and it is necessary to learn to take care of the babies, do not soul them with your love.

- Your children do not suffer from star disease?

- No, they do not even live in Hollywood. They are in Spain. My wife and I try not to spend a lot of time in America. I think this is half the success of a happy relationship. And for children, Spain is more suitable. There people see friends every day, and do not put likes in Instagram ...

- What did you have to give up for glory?

- The main thing that I lost is the opportunity to be invisible. When I go for food, with me at least ten times asked to make selfie. Well, how many people take me just like that, I really do not think. At first I tried to walk with deserted streets and get out of the house late in the evening, but it changed little, only created me inconvenience. As a result, I had to accept that this is part of my work, and relax.

- Standard question: What is the secret of your success?

- I will say this: half it is good luck, a quarter is good preparation and another quarter - devilish persistence. Well, this is a trifle finally: you need to be ready for surprises at any time, then everything will probably succeed.

- With you so everything happened?

- Yes, happy occasion. The director Bigas Moon accidentally noticed me overlooking the party and decided to find out if I was not an actor. That is, I found myself in the right place in the right time. As a result, he gave me a role in the "ham", for which I am still insanely grateful. This film not only gave the start of my career, but also introduced with a future wife. Double luck!

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