Natalia Bochkareva: "Clowns became a guard for our family"


One day, the actress heard her named comedian, and was very surprised: where did this comparison, because of her a lot of serious, deep dramatic roles in her service list? But, it can be seen, the whole wine image of Dasha Bukina, created by her in Sitkom "Happy together". "We really look out on the screen as a cartoon or characters from comics," Natalia laughs. But if the serial redhead festing of lazy and her thoughts occupied only beautiful baubles and gossip, then the Bochkarova is a completely different life: she is filmed in the cinema and plays the theater, receives the second higher education - studying on the director, and in his free time writes pictures, sews dolls And looking for interesting specimens for their collection. "They are impossible to just collect them, they need to feel, understand and love," the actress is sure.

Natalia Bochkarev: "Once on the eve of the New Year, my husband Nikolai presented to me two cute convolutions with surprises. "First open the first," he suggested me. I turned: inside the charming statuette of silver - a clownes with bright red hair was hidden. Judging by his hints, I realized that this girl reminds him of me. And the second gift was a clown man, too, silver, with whom Kohl associated himself. Here is such a cheerful and beautiful, he saw our pair. You know, people often come up with some talismans themselves: choose among them the things that are closer to the heart, and give them in their fantasy some special force. Such a guard for our family was these clowns, which very organically fit into the interior of the house. "

From them and began to collect a collection?

Natalia: "No, I first didn't think about it. Here, my love for the supernisms, gallery played the role here. In each city there is a so-called art street where artists, master and expose their work on familiarization and sale. We also love such places to visit such places. Even in winter, in the bubble cold we will shook warmer and go there. It happens, leave from there with purchases. And now, during one of these walks, I noticed a porcelain red clown. Until now, it remains a mystery, how was the person who trades it is not his works, and the subjects from the old Soviet past, and as among the abundance of various large things, my opinion pumped out this particular figure. But I stopped, took her in hand and realized that she was needed. That is, you do not even know what kind of rods in it, but you can not buy. But when this specimen appeared on the shelf in our house, I decided that he would be too lonely and it would be necessary to make a company to him. So I picked up the second, third, and gradually it turned into a hobby. "

The first clowns Natalia presented Husband Nikolay. Photo:

The first clowns Natalia presented Husband Nikolay. Photo:

And what are the guiding, buying one or another copy?

Natalia: "Of course, I miss everything that comes on hand. I choose and at the same time pay attention to the face. What eyes, smile, frozen facial expressions ... All this is very important for me. Some are in the soul, others are not. But I have no strict rule that I collect clowns issued by some particular plant in the USSR or only handmade, as many do. In this sense, my collection is different. There are antique figurines here, and those that are produced in Soviet times. I am equally the roads of both domestic and western masters. The author's works are good because it is piece things, as a rule, exactly such you will not find anywhere. Anyway there will be differences in appearance. And mass products are interesting in that they produced entire series: the same character, but in different poses, costumes, mood. General - only figure and face. And of course, I have such "rules" clowns from one series. This is like the philatelists collect brands released to a certain round date or other event. "

And how do you replenish your collection?

Natalia: "Where will have. (Laughs.) And in antique shops, and on flea markets, where there is always something interesting. I cite from travel around the country and from abroad. After all, even by going to another city on tour, the first thing I was going to the museum, and then run across the shops. Familiars also put her hand to my hobby. Once, with Nicolae Agurbash, with whom we were friends with my husband, I told you with a delight about just bought clown. I was so glad to this acquisition that, I probably, it seemed that I would brag about a new car. He was surprised: "Why do you need him?" I had to clarify that my gathering was tightened. And after some time, Kolya gave me two amazing statuettes of the work of the Italian master. It happens, I get surprises and from completely unfamiliar people. One day, after the performance, an elderly woman approached me and said that I read in some newspaper about my collection and would like to give me a vase in the form of a clown, which stands in her house, how much she remembers himself. I was uncomfortable, I refused for a long time, but since it was seen that this is a gift from a clean heart, I took it. And she is still grateful. "

It turns out, your assembly consists not only from statuette?

Natalia: "Of course not. For example, under the New Year, many new year toys give me. It is a pity, among them there is no clown of Santa Claus. "

Spectators used to K.

The spectators are accustomed to the "serial" bochoker, which is lazy and is interested only in gossip. But in the life of the actress a completely different life. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

And it happened that the gift did not come to you like? You yourself say, not every statuette is ready to attach to your collection ...

Natalia: "Amazing, but this has not yet happened. Maybe just with us with those who gave me, similar tastes and they like the same faces as me. Although, probably, any gift made from the soul makes an invisible path from the heart to heart and thus causes only positive emotions. In general, it is very pleasant when people are sensitive to your feelings. For example, somehow since I was mentioned in an interview that I do not like when bouquets endure me on the scene. Sliced ​​flowers die quickly, and it hurts me how they die. And I can not transfer or throw away - this disrespect for the person who presented to you. And you know, after this publication, I began to present flowers in pots after the performance. Want to believe, you want no, but I have a whole greenhouse. And after your article, I will not be surprised if the clowns will be given more often. "

Competitors were communicated with collectible-competitors?

Natalia: "Yes, but with some even friends. We are discussing what products are now looking for, we share joy from acquisitions, sometimes you even brag that we managed to get. But despite the warm relationship, few of them will open you the secret, where you managed to find one or another wonder. With the exception of those moments when he received her as a gift or knows one hundred percent, which will not appear anything else from this source. For the most part, collectors still stored such information in secret. "

All chasing rarities?

Natalia: "I personally do not chase. There are objects that I would like to have, and I am very pleased when you can get them. But I am deprived of fanaticism. Not to mention the fact that some rare figurine representing the idea of ​​Fix for someone, I may not cause interest. And it happens that some common thing that turned out in your hands, brings joy. So, for example, I have a glass clown, which in the years of my childhood was sold very actively and was almost every tenth of the Soviet House. I won't call him a rarity, but without him the collection would be incomplete. Not to mention that after such a number of years it is not so easy to get it. "

Many items in your collection are fragile. Has any close-hearted copy broke?

Natalia: "I have two children, and that says it all. When they run, can smear some kind of statuette or take to play and smash. I do not make some universal tragedy from this. Of course, it's a shame if the thing has been crashed, who Valued. But this is not a vital factor. True, as a rule, I do not throw away fragments, but I try to glue somehow, restore the damaged figure. It takes a lot of time to it, but I am a prigifying person, and if I put some goal, I try to achieve it. "

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