Remove and forget: when shooting on the road can be prohibited


It is difficult for us to imagine weekdays without a phone, often a gadget - the first thing the hand stretches in the morning. For motorists, the smartphone is turning into a convenient navigator and a great way to entertain a long traffic jam. And of course, where we are without shooting a photo or video, if there is a patch in social networks. But there are times on the way when shooting can cause an unpleasant situation. What can happen, we will tell.

Is it possible to shoot DPS employees

Many inspectors are extremely unhappy if you are in parallel with the presentation of documents include the camera, and you do it not even in order to reduce the DPS officer, but simply lead the blog shooting. According to the law, it is not forbidden to remove inspectors and policemen, and yet there are some nuances: you cannot shoot around or on the territory of strategic or military facilities, in addition, your refusal to fall into your lens inspector can justify if your car is located On the territory of the stationary post of DPS. In other cases, the law does not prohibit a photo or video filming of an employee who performs his duties.

Be careful

Be careful


Neighbors in traffic

Of course, spending time in traffic, looking in front of yourself, no one will have, and therefore it is precisely in this situation that you can meet the most active streamers and leading live broadcasts. There is nothing terrible in this until you decide to use other people on your blog. Studing out of the car or, more worse, remove the empty of other motorists, it is definitely not worth it. By law, you do not have the right to lead a hidden shooting and in general any shooting of a person with the further distribution of photo / video content without its permission. Be careful.

Photo of documents

There may be situations when a third party documents fall into the frame, for example, you make the purchase / sale of the car or make up documents, hitting any complexity in an accident. As a rule, there are passports and driver's licenses, as well as other papers that contain personal information. At this moment, no matter how you wanted, the camera will have to turn off so that the audience of your blog does not make a screenshot, which can then be used against you.

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