Mysterious Enneagram: Take a look at the present


Psychologists are urgently recorded for trainings on Ennegram - 2019 psychoanalysis trend. The Wave of Love to the System of Titting Personality launched the Belarusian blogger Anna Protasova, whose page in Instagram has already 2.6 million subscribers. "The blog gave subscribers, but not confidence in yourself, love and not recognition. I was afraid to disclose my expense - and moved through the Haip. I was afraid of real myself (in all senses). " The girl admits that Enneagram changed her life 180 degrees. Want also? Ready to tell the basics of typing in this material.

Take the truth

Take the truth


Why do you need to know your type

If you feel that you fall in extremes - you often wear masks because of the insecurity or, on the contrary, go ahead and do not look around - all this talks about the internal problems that psychoanalysis solve. Enneagram will help determine what true goals you are haunting in life, and to realize your fears that can be deeply hidden in your subconscious. You will learn how to determine the same need for people's appearance - their gestures, facial expressions and typical phrases. True fascinating?

How to determine myself

In total, in an enneagram 9 types - you can determine your in advanced test on the Internet or look at our consolidated table:

Units - Absolute idealists who seek to improve the world by any possible way. Responsible, decent and serious - they are often annoyed by the option of people and the lack of desire to perform work per 100%. They can be found in slow speech - literally thinking and weighed every word, do not argue with your words, but inside almost never agree with someone else's point of view.

Two - In the system of ennerams they are called "assistants", because the twins tend to expose the desires and needs of other people ahead of their own. They are important to see their indispensability - the need for those around them and care, getting the same in response. They have good memory - remember any little thing about you, try to create comfortable conditions for you. With them cozy and mentally, until you show your need for them.

Troika - True workaholics. Often they work until exhaustion, do not know the measures and are not satisfied by the result. They possess the skills of the presentation - they put on different masks, depending on the environment. It is important for them to see that people are admired and put in an example - for Trok, this feeling is equal to love. Assocate people to the actions, and even the most complex projects are performed without motivation.

Four - Do not want to be similar to everyone, try to stand out from the crowd and become special in the eyes of others. Constantly compare yourself with others, they often envy them and tend to dramatize even the slightest problems. Extremely emotional and experiencing need in deep feelings - this is the reason for their dramatization.

Did you know yourself? If you want us to tell another 5 types - write in the comments.

Find an approach to any person

Find an approach to any person


How to use Ennegram

Knowing the types of people and their needs, you can find an approach literally to any person. This skill is important in working negotiations, communicating with the opposite sex and raising children. Having defined the type, you will not inclust the eight of the pranks or ask for a triple to throw everything and relax - understand the basic needs of a person and achieve complete understanding. Rising a child, you can become his best friend and do not break the person in gentle age under its pressure. You will no longer be offended by the actions of people other than your thinking and actions, but understand their motivation. All this will make you an even more wiser and harmonious person.

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