5 Useful Tips for Travelers


Tip №1

Do not exchange money at airports, because there is usually the most disadvantaged course there. There are a lot of countries whose volute does not have wide walking, for example, Morocco. But unofficially, almost everywhere, with pleasure take the euro and dollars. Once you are completely left without money, exchange exactly so much so that you have enough to get to the city, and we boldly go to the bank.

Change some money in my homeland

Change some money in my homeland


Tip №2.

Do not be afraid of hostels - this is not a student hostel with clouds and cockroaches. This is usually a pleasant, homemade place. The same hotel, only small. Often, the owners try to create some kind of thematic atmosphere. Read reviews and pick up what you are close.

Hostels are very interesting

Hostels are very interesting


Tip number 3.

Do not eat in tourist sites. First, the price tag is usually overestimated several times. Secondly, the cook makes no sense to strain hard and cook well, because you are unlikely to come back to his restaurant for the second time. Therefore, dishes may not be delicious, but products for their preparation are the cheapest. See and go to dinner where the locals are sent. Maybe the interiors of the cafe in the port and do not form your imagination, but you can be calm for your wallet and stomach.

Choose cafes

Choose a cafe "for your"


Tip number 4.

Do not neglect public transport. Taxi is expensive and not always convenient, and the routes of tourist buses often duplicate the directions of urban transport. See travel tickets for one or a few days, they can significantly help save on trips.

Bike will reduce distance

Bike will reduce distance


Tip number 5.

Buy a sightseeing tour in Russia, then persecute yourself for a run "gallop in Europe." You will have to listen to a listened program, pushed among compatriots and listen to their swearing when buying souvenirs. However, in each city there are alternative guides offering their services online. Slice with them in advance, you will learn Florence or Amsterdam from an unexpected side.

Take advantage of local guides

Take advantage of local guides


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