"Arrows": "The hall did not let us sing, we only sang the public"


Ten years few people knew what's going on with you. What do you do this time?

Margo: Immediately, the contract ended in the arrows, and we created the hero with the duet of Bridge and once again performed. And then I realized that I need to urgently change everything - I want a family and children.

Gera: After leaving the group, I had many creative projects, for example "we live on the same planet." I studied, starred in the series and cinema, played in the theater, wrote music.

Tory: After leaving the "arrows" I got married, gave birth to three children, while the scene never left, worked on the back vocal from Evgeny Viktorovich Osin, opened his own pop vocal school, which works quite successfully to this day, that is: I left Group, but there is no work.

Kat: Personally, I was engaged in family, children, business that now combine with the "arrows."

You started working in a group of young girls. Did your worldview have changed since then?

Margo: Of course, a lot has changed since then in my head, but it is only due to life experience. And I personally received the greatest experience in communicating with absolutely different people.

Tory: Well, of course I changed, then the whole world seemed to me good and fluffy and all people were perfect, of course, now I don't think so, then I was a little naive girl, now an adult girl who experienced a lot in life.

Kat: We have become older, have changed to life. The fact that at that time it seemed important, now for me trifles.


Group "arrows"

Materials press services

During this time, you saw each other, knew what was happening with each of you?

Margo: All this time we were friends with the hero and I supported the relationship with Kat, and with Stasi and with the mouse. Only fox disappeared from our horizon - no one knows exactly where she is. Even Lyu we found in Australia.

Gera: Still, we worked together for six years and tied us too much. Even if with girls who live in other countries, we do not see very often, but at the meeting it does not feel a long parting, as if we are always there.

Tory: We all communicated with each other, if possible, met

Kat: Birthdays, congratulations, we knew what was going on.

When you went on the stage together after a big break, what did you feel?

Margo: The hall did not give us to sing, we only sang the public. It became clear that "arrows" again be.

Gera: We felt the time had come to return and what we need. We need our fans, our listeners, need each other to do something new.

Tory: I felt a huge love that proceeded from people with great pleasure to get if you can, at least ten minutes, make a person to smile. This is for me the essence of staying on stage- give joy fun and smiles

Kat: I felt like a fish in water, as if there was no such a big break. For a long period, I convinced myself for a long period, which I live without scene, but I understood that I was very mistaken.

Girls hope to repeat your ten-year success.

Girls hope to repeat your ten-year success.

Materials press services

Looking back, you can tell what mistakes would you correct now?

Margo: Of course, we would require more attention to our producers and respect. Good conditions for moving on tour, delicious food and decent hotels. Would stop a couple of moments of ugly associated with the departure of some girls. But it's all now in a piggy bank called "Experience".

Tory: Perhaps I would not change anything. Just at the expense of their own mistakes, a person becomes strong or malicious, but I was lucky, my faith in God, with all the experienced did not allow the loss of the main humanity. Life and consists of mistakes, the main thing is to make the right conclusions and go further.

Kat: In my opinion I had no mistakes. All that happens, so it should be, so I would not fix anything.

What do you think the group "arrows" can repeat the success, what was she in the 90s?

Margo: Of course, otherwise the game would not cost the candle!

Gera: Why repeat, we want to increase what was!

Tory: We will try to all the forces and with the help of those professionals who work with us.

Kat: I think that the group "arrows" is not that can repeat it, but to surpass at times. My feeling that the potential is huge. This niche was not busy, so our individuality can lead us even higher. I believe in it and, as my mom says: In the impossible believes, it is impossible to happen! To this day, I get to accomplish what I believe and think that this time there will be no exception!

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