Miniature handbags and telephone covers - Main Accessories Season


Trifle, but nice

It is even amazing: Covers for phones have become a full accessory only this season! No, of course, we also noticed what "dressed" our faithful and reliable smartphone, but it was now all prominent brands released models on the podiums whose sets through one were decorated with stylish covers.

On a chain or leather lace, a woven strap, a real waist belt or a "tail" on the hand, the main thing is that the new item of your image is not in sight (and preferably with a visible logo).

The world in miniature

Talking about the covers as a new accessory, it would not be strange to mention the trend that the "telephone clothes" was the popularity: we, of course, talk about microscopic bags.

These miniatures have completed all the past season with just as relevant huge bags, but it is the babies that came the winners in a big race. Despite its size, they are extremely functional: there are cards and a phone, a tube of lipstick and, naturally, a sanitzer and mask.

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