Destroying force: what will happen to the skin if you continue to eat fast food


Probably, every second person from time to time prefers not to stand at the slab, but order a fragrant lunch. Unfortunately, this dinner is not always useful, and most often it extremely negatively affects all organism systems, including on the quality of the skin. Why is our largest organ from drinking sharp wings, we will tell today.

The stomach will not say "Thank you"

As many know, too heavy food is harmful even for a healthy stomach, which can already talk about situations when a person suffers from gastritis of any variety. It would seem, what's the skin? In fact, problems in the gastrointestinal tract primarily reflect on the skin, which serves as a kind of beacon for a person. The first symptom of what is happening something wrong is the appearance of inflammation on the skin. The stomach is so annoyed with fats and sharp seasonings that hardly copes with their duties, as a result, irritation affects other organs, including the skin through which toxins go, and the skin secret is lying to such an extent that it cannot independently go Pores, forming inflammation on the skin.


Understanding with us will be shared by the secret of the burger, which you already buy no longer for the first time - large networks are reliably stored secrets. And if you get poisoning or negative reaction in a large-scale restaurant is quite difficult, then buying fries, burgers and fried chicken in dubious places, you risk hard. Unbreakable meat or burned oil along with seasonings I can provoke the strongest attack of allergies, which almost always affects the skin. Get rid of red spots all over the body is quite difficult.

With fast food you do not get useful elements

With fast food you do not get useful elements


Leather "starving"

Fast preparation dishes are usually prepared at such a high temperature and using such caustic seasonings that all useful substances simply evaporate, and useful bacteria die. As a result, the body does not receive almost nothing, including the skin, which needs certain microelements and banal vitamins. Constant use of such dishes leads to thinning of the skin and a painful skin shade.

You are in constant stress

Food-saturated food can be extremely negatively affected by the work of the liver and the cardiovascular system, which leads the body into this stress. A side effect can be a rash of incomprehensible origin, dermatitis, often the first signs of eczema appear. Why "upset" the body and skin, including? Turning it to a vitamin charge that is precisely contained in green salads and delicious vegetable dishes.

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