Not so naive: how can you be deceived during the sale of a new car


It is very difficult to avoid deception, according to statistics, approximately 30% of motorists from time to time faced with fragments of different levels. It is most important to realize that you were deceived or did not agree at the stage of buying a car, and in the event that you made a purchase in the car dealership, and not "from the hands", which is discerning doubly. What tricks most often come across gullible girls (and sometimes men), we will tell today.

"Without this service you can not do"

Standard scheme of imposing unnecessary services, due to which the total price tag grows by almost 20%. Often, the employees of the car dealership offer such services "whisper", something like "only for you." At this moment, it is important to take yourself in hand and not listen to pleasant, but such commercial speeches of the seller. You can understand the seller - the cheating for it is almost the main way of income, but you should not suffer. It is important to remember that the majority of "horror stories" that the seller will be intimidated if you do not install the system that he advises you, are designed to quit your confidence and pay as much as you die.

Some cars are damaged during transportation

Some cars are damaged during transportation


"And take a loan"

Credit Kabbalah is an unpleasant stage in life, but sometimes necessary. The problem is that in the cabin you often have a loan only in one bank. And not because it is the best, but only because of the fact that this Soyuz is beneficial to the employee of the car dealership. It is no secret that many banks cause the loyalty of some employees of the car dealership to embarrass the competitors. To get the maximum benefit for yourself, insist that the final amount of the monthly payment calculated all banks, and not just the one that offers a salon representative. Choose the most profitable option for yourself.

"What are you, the car is completely new!"

And at first glance it is difficult to find face. But for sure you have experienced car owners in friends, who ate the dog in such matters and do not believe anything that Salon employees say. Already after the purchase, such a friend can inspect your new car and put the verdict: "Restored!" "How so?" - Think you, because the car was purchased from the official dealer. Of course, in such cases there are no criminal schemes, most likely, the car was damaged during transportation, then it was repaired and sent for sale. The most unpleasant thing is that this fact is quite difficult to prove, and therefore take with me to the salon of the most experienced friend who will be able to give you a good advice if you begin to doubt.

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