Dita background TIZ: "We immediately agreed with Adam that we will not have children"


Looking at her, it is difficult to imagine that in the yard the second decade of the twenty-first century, suitable to the end. Dita background TIZ looks like a movie star about desperate housewives in the fifties - the era of "Golden Hollywood". Her image has been worked out to the smallest detail and find out: perfect skin, unchanged red lipstick, perfect styling and, of course, having sexy corsets. She became the queen of burlesque, elevated a striptease in the rank of art, and then began his singer's career. Who is she really and what is hiding behind her restrained sad semi-jelly?

- Looking at you, Dita, I want to voice the question that you ask everything. Have you ever carry a sports suit, for example? It's just amazing, but it's hard to believe that this is your everyday image.

- Oh no! I never wear sports costumes. Of course, not every day I dressed in fluff and dust, but lipstick and laying on Shignon - always!

- And this means that you are always recognizable. Are you often bothering on the streets?

- In fact, only girls and women are suitable for me. "I do not want to disturb you, but I like what you do!" - Say something like that.

- I do not believe that men do not disturb you!

- Every tenth of those who appeal to me - a man. You see, statistics are not on their side. I suppose they are a little afraid of me.

- It would seem that! Why?

- You know, as they say: do not meet with your idol. Not that I was someone's idol, but we will be honest, I causing some interest in gentlemen. But when you meet the subject of your thoughts and the Dum in reality, sometimes ... not ready, so to speak. In the end, the woman is easier to make me sincere compliment.

- You know that they have become a certain alternative icon of modern feminism?

- Oh yeah. (Smiles.) And I am very glad.

- How did it happen?

"You know, feminism is that we are ready to accept a woman as it is." And in this sense I made a lot for the industry in which it took place. Imagine: I'm thirty years old, I'm not a blonde, not tanned, I have no outstanding bust sizes, but in the yard of 2002. When I appeared on the cover of a male magazine, it became a kind of manifesto. You can choose how to look like, who love, you can declare your tastes and interests. In the end, fetish models have always been out, so to speak, the official field. I believe that I changed the situation. Sensuality and sexuality may look different than we are accustomed, and I am glad that I have become a source of some diversity.

- Dita, it is strange to even mention it, and yet ... you said you are going to retire when you celebrate the fiftieth anniversary. And now you are almost forty-seven, and you are still performing your famous dance in the Martini glass. Perhaps plans changed?

- You know, I was really going to move away from things closer to fifty. And now I look at all these beautiful women, graceful, elegant, elegant, which are exactly fifty, but who is what? And so I think that it should work further so that we finally cease to judge a person, focusing on his floor or age. Previously, I thought I would go to the shadow as soon as it would stop look like me to see me. Now I understand that I'll simply change: the show will be more feminine, deeper, it evolves. In short, gray beauty, who inspire others, is beautiful, and I am ready to join them. Is my hair always be dark always. (Smiles.)

- By the way, about the hair. Are you a natural blonde, right? Tell us, please, how did it happen that no one ever seen you in "Light" image?

- You know, it happens, you are not born in that body, feel that it should look like something else, to behave differently. I seemed to be reflected in the films of the forties. Glamor, Noir, Thin Waist, Hands, Stunning Posture, Magnificent Hair Styling Hair. I watched an infinite number of these legendary pictures of eight years. And it was then that the little girl from Michigan decided to: no jeans, no T-shirts, only elegant and feminine outfits, perfect makeup and hairstyle. Then I realized that the dark color of the hair is my color. Since then, I have a brunette, and when "Blonde" says me, I don't even immediately understand what or rather, about whom.

- Sometimes it seems that you are hiding behind makeup, styling and outfits. Is no one and never sees that girl from Michigan?

- Why not sees? My relatives, my friends, my beloved. Let's say, I am a public person, I'm a dancer, I create a burlesk show, teaching others. If I paced in humans in a hood costume, the magic would be dispelled, right? If I did this, I would not have so many fans.

- Well, fair reasoning. Tell me who support your image over the years?

- You ask if I use the services of stylists? Not. All the little things and the details of my image are my job.

- And all these complex styling?

- And they too. (Laughs.) I studied for a long time, but now I can repeat all these hairstyles in the style of PIN-AP on your own.

- Another of your passion besides erotic dance is clothes ...

- Oh yeah! I love beautiful dresses, corsets, sexy underwear. Fate gave me a chance to realize not only as an artist of the burlesque, but also as a designer. For a long time I collaborated with famous brands, and then decided and created my own collection. Of course, I'm not at all a businesswoman at all, but I truly like the creative process. Creating clothes is similar to the adventure, on a trip to times and epochs. Other girls underestimate good underwear, and in vain! The sensual set is similar to the secret weapon, thanks to which we feel irresistible.

- What, in addition to linen, red lipstick and styling gives you confidence?

- If you do not touch such basic things like upbringing and childish experience, I would say: Sport. In his youth, I was engaged in my ballet for a long time, because I got used to a rather tangible physical exertion. Plus, my profession requires me to stay in great shape. I still do ballet, I go to Pilates, stretching and yoga.

- So you could choose a ballet?

- And almost chose. I dreamed of becoming a ballerina how much I remember. Our house had a collection of vinyl records, and among them one with the image of the ballerina. It was tight blue tights, a blue pack, the eyes were brought black, lips, of course, scarlet. I began to go to a ballet school, cleaned the bathrooms in the studio for the sake of free lessons. But in the end, I realized that I would not become the only one in kind. Teachers celebrated my posture, grace, strength, but I was not able to remember all the choreography and jump high.

I recently asked me if I had a dream that I could not fulfill. I immediately thought about my ballet. And then I realized that in some sense, everything was received, about which once thought. In fact, I wanted to be that woman from the cover of the vinyl record. Frankly, the classic dance itself never brought me a lot of joy. I just liked that he symbolizes: glamor, femininity, elegance, drama. Not to mention sparkling costumes and spotlights. In short, I wanted to be in show business. Now I believe that shortcomings and only they can lead to true greatness. If I had become a worn ballerina, I just did not think about the burlesque.

- How did you manage to make this forgotten genre relevant?

- In fact, this question always worries me. I remember what path I had to go. Before my eyes were not a living example, models, paintings that I want to show people. Of course, I was inspired by the era of forties, but it was only sketches, only the strokes ... I had to explain my family for a long time what exactly I am doing. Of course, everything rolled to the story about the difference between the burlesque and striptease. By the way, I am sure that this is the difference and made me a star. The sophistication, thoughtful setting, brilliant outfits, live music (I cooperate only with real orchestras, no phonograms!) - All this gradually brought the burlesk to the top.

- Tell me, Dita, why didn't you become an actress? You were invited to shoot. And countless times ... and judging by your speeches, your acting talent is indisputable.

"Oh, I have always been surrounded by people who wondered and tried to make me go on." As if my burlesque shows is only an intermediate stage, a step to a "real" career. Speaking frankly, even now, after all these years, I still prove individual personalities that my concerts are interesting, relevant, for them there is an audience.

- Good, acting is not for you. And singing?

- Yes, the career of the singer attracts me much more acting. I was a big fan of Amy Winehouse, she sang for me ..

- Your first step in the musical industry was ... Surprising.

- (Laughs.) Yes, an alliance with the South African hip-hop group, whose Ninja leader is like a man who lived behind bars, is not a lot in common with me, right? Nevertheless, my cooperation with Die Antwoord (a group with which the background of TIZ recorded several tracks. - Approx. Aut.) It became revealed for me. Ninja is a great teacher.

- Your own album was similar to the creation of chanson ...

- Completely right. Thank you for it. Sebastiente is needed - this modern poet created my first disk for me. I heard his music in some Parisian cabaret, was just charm. We crossed several times, but I can not say that I talked about - the language barrier played a role. And then I brought news that Sebastien wrote an album for me! I warned him that I could not try to sing, but it was not embarrassed. Of course, I was very worried as the public will take my new embodiment. But everything went fine. True, I myself do not like to listen.

- Isn't every singer so?

- Being a long time married to the musician, I noticed that almost everyone. The exception was the prince. I remember, we were in a visit, and he set his record, with pleasure dancing under his own voice. But I am not a prince. (Laughs.)

Dita background TIZ and Adam Retsevich

Dita background TIZ and Adam Retsevich

Photo: Rexfeatures / fotodom.ru

- If we started talking about your former spouse ... And how did Mr. Marilyn Manson treated your singer career?

- Today we practically do not communicate, I do not know how he appreciates my creativity. We broke up more than ten years ago. Oh my God, how long ago! (Laughs.) But justice will say that Marilyn always encouraged all my eccentric ideas, ideas and plans. Our years together were full of tenderness and romance.

- Can I ask what caused your divorce?

- You know, we are both public persons who are accustomed to attention and the crowd around, but when we were together, this attention was always ... Too much. And our chic wedding ceremony has become like a kiss of death, as the last nail into the coffin cover - we simply could not cope with the responsibility and feelings that were forced to demonstrate, then hide. Now I can remember that time with tenderness and love, but then our gap has become a small end of the world for me. It seemed to me that I would never find one who would understand and appreciated me.

- It seemed? So now you found such a person?

- Oh yes, and it is not a secret for a long time. Adam - graphic designer, caring guy. And yes, anticipating your questions: he is younger than me, but it does not bother us at all. We talked with you about age, right?

- Speaking of children ...

- I have long decided not to have children. Adam agrees with this. I think in our world it is not surprising, isn't it?

- Dita, what advice can you give millions of women looking at you with admiration?

- Put yourself in the first place. Wear heels, makeup, laying, perfume first for yourself, as you like it. There is nothing more beautiful than a person who loves and appreciates himself. This attractive sight is a picture, worthy of respect.

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