I can no longer: how to get along with the elderly relatives


A joint accommodation with the elderly is a rather difficult test for both younger generation and for the old men themselves. Age changes impose their imprint on the relationship, which often leads to a conflict, which over time only develops, preventing themselves to mutually understanding the most native people. Therefore, we decided to give a few useful advice to people who were due to circumstances in a similar situation.

Do not hide your feelings

Sometimes a conflict situation may in some sense to cool the relationship, which ultimately leads old people to the idea that, perhaps you are no longer having warm feelings as before. For an elderly person, such a thought may be a heavy cargo that will still be driven into depression even more, and your small household clashes will not have the end. It is important here to give to understand the parents that you are experiencing the warmest feelings and no quarrels can change it. Do not be afraid to talk about it.

You will not be able to change them

One of the main mistakes of most adult children is attempts to change their parents. Of course, in such a relationship there are times with which it is difficult to reconcile even the most resistant person, sometimes to such an extent that you begin to speak directly to the parent, as you need to act in one or another situation that it becomes even more conflict, if it is already in the ensuing. Should not be doing that. Remember that in addition to the negative in your relationship there are always positive notes, why not cling to them instead of correcting an elderly person?

Recover with understanding to elderly relatives

Recover with understanding to elderly relatives

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

We make a discount on age

When the relationship is beginning to "strain", an adult son or daughter is sometimes difficult to keep the fact that parents have long been not so young people who you remember them, and the revered age always makes adjustments to the idea of ​​the world and postponing the imprint. No need to annoyance due to the fact that your parents may have become slightly capricious or twirl. The worst thing you can do in such a situation is to start breaking away. Always remember about age.

Try to distract the elderly relative

You can also annoy the fact that the mother or father spend time, as you think, wasted, but enter their position - their days become monotonous, the impressions are less and less, and therefore their life seems slow motion and predictable. They are not to blame for that. Instead of accusations, try to find a way to make their lives a little brighter, for example, come up with an occupation for them, which would distract them from problems and sad thoughts. It may thus solve some of your problems.

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