Notes of Thai Mommy: "Thais drink imperceptibly. Unlike us, Russians "


I swear, all stories in this selection are real. However, even if it is very wanted, to invent it is not for everyone.

So, here are dry excerpts from the local Phuket press:

"On October 11, two residents of Russia arranged a debach at the local airport. They rudely insulted Thai staff, as well as representatives of the Russian crew, smoked right in front of the aircraft. They were refused to be on board and caused a police outfit. In anticipation of the Guardians of the order, one of the Deboshirov decided to play the need directly on the pap of the aircraft, however, forgot to unzip completely in shorts on shorts. Arriving policemen determined that both Russians (one of them - almost all wet) were very drunk. "

"On the night of October 22-23, a citizen of Russia first broke the statue in the Buddhist temple on Phuket, and then tried to sobally one of the cars in order to hide on it. When the Russian was charged, he agreed with them and admitted that he was very drunk. "

"On the night of November 25-26, a citizen of Russia was delivered to one of Phuket hospitals with a head injury. However, for an unknown reason, the victim did not wish to remain in the hospital. Armed with a fire extinguisher, he made escape. In the local parking lot, the Russian broke the glass and the mirrors in five cars, but then fell asleep in the roadside puddle. There he was discovered a police outfit caused by the staff of the hospital. The guards of the order determined that the detainee is very drunk. "

"On the night of December 21-2 December 22, a citizen of Russia provoked a dangerous accident on one of the highways of Phuket. According to eyewitnesses, the man was driving on a scooter, then fell, raised the bike and, without silent, continued the movement along the head of the oncoming traffic. As a result, a frontal collision with a pickup was happening. The police arrived at the scene recorded that the Russian was very drunk. "

"On the night of December 23-24, a citizen of Ukraine helped a small need and, falling right during this" procedure ", fell from a three-meter bridge. As a result of the fall, the tourist was injured by the head. Local residents pulled the victim from the ditch and called the ambulance car, which delivered it to the local hospital. There, it turned out that the victim was very drunk. "

In short, if someone is still surprised, why the Russians have a pretty cool attitude to Russians, then we will consider this selection of the answer. Locals really do not understand why it is necessary to get drunk to such an extent that all signs of human modes are lost. Therefore, when the Russians are happily called Thai "monkeys", I want to remind of all these cases that only on pure randomness did not end tragically. By the way, the locals are often called Monkey Juice alcohol, and people actively consuming it, and that stronger.

By the way, the thais themselves drink quite actively, but somehow very calm. At least during my stay here, I have not yet seen a single drunken Thai. Although for alcoholics here - a real paradise!

Continued ...

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