Spanish cuisine: Cooking Tapas


Being in Cadis, he decided to drink a glass of wine in a city cafe. Located with his retinue on the outdoor terrace of the cafe, the king ordered himself sherry. At that moment a strong wind with sand rose, and the resourceful waiter, who served the wine to the king, covered the glass of Hamon's sliced ​​so that the wine was not dusted. The king liked this idea, he ate tapas (tapa in Spanish "Cover"), washed wine and asked for a glass with the same snack. Since then, this custom has been evidenced by the story, firmly entered into practice.

These recipes adapted to prepare them in Russia are suitable for a Spanish party:

Boquerones Al Vinagre / Anchovies, Rosges, And Other Fish in Marinade

In the original recipe, fresh fish are taken, marked 24 hours (minimum), they can be replaced with herring or sardica.

On the shelter fish:

- Polfax of wine vinegar,

- half a teaspoon salt,

- 2 cloves of garlic (can be more) finely chopped,

- 2 tablespoons of chopped parsley,

- 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil

- lemon juice (sprinkle at the end).

HUEVOS REVUELTOS CON SETAS Y AJETES/ eggs stuffed with mushrooms:

- 150 grams of mushrooms, type of oyster, but you can and champignons,

- 6-8 green garlic shoots,

- 3 tbsp. spoons of olive oil

- 150 g of small shrimp (not necessarily),

- 1 tbsp. Water spoon,

- 5 eggs,

- salt pepper,

- Toasts.

Mushrooms cut, garlic chop. To fry garlic and mushrooms in olive oil in the pan, you can add shrimp. Beat eggs with water, salt and pepper, pour into champignons, stirring. Serve on roasted toasts.

Tortilla / Tortilla:

- 6 tbsp. spoons of olive oil

- 1 kg potatoes

- 2 tbsp. spoons of chopped onions,

- 6 eggs,

- 1 teaspoons of salt.

In a pan in oil, slowly fry potatoes, sliced ​​by slices, without giving to form a crust. When it is partially ready, add onions. Approximately 20-30 min. Eggs beat separately with salt. From the frying pan to drain excess oil, pressing a plate. Add whipped eggs, mix and fry for 5 minutes. Torch to turn over to the plate, then to fry around 3 minutes to fry in a pan. You can serve cold.


Take the bank with green olives with a bone.

Marinade: olive oil, vinegar wine, slight lemon, garlic.

Marine at least day.

Pepper Marinated / Pimientos Asados:

Red pepper bake in the oven, remove the skin, cut into long stripes.

Marinade: Vinegar, Olive Oil, Salt, White Sweet Bow, At the tip of a sugar spoon. Hold at least half a day in the marinade.

Mussels in Sauce Vinaigrette / Mejillones A LA VINAGRETA:

(You can take frozen mussels)

- 1 tbsp. a spoon of chopped onions,

- 2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped,

- 3 tbsp. spoons of olive oil

- 6 tbsp. White wine spoons

- 6 tbsp. Water spoons,

- 1 small chili pen,

- 2 tbsp. Spoons of chopped parsley.

In a deep pan, fry onions and garlic, until the bow becomes soft. Add mussels. Make a strong fire and pour wine, water, chili. Close with a lid, shake in a frying pan.

Mussels are divided into halves, pour sauce.

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