How to survive frosty days?


- Sergey, what do you need to make a person to prepare for frosts?

- About the approach of winter personally, I always report the first not a calendar, but an organism. The closer frost, the stronger appetite. If in the summer I was fed only with fresh fruits and vegetables, then closer to the end of the autumn such a diet does not saturate me at all. Therefore, it seems to me the first and natural stage for preparation for winter cold - hearty food. The body needs strength, and nothing terrible if you add a couple of kilograms. It will still be worth taking a contrast shower. Hardening is generally useful at any time of the year. Do not sit at home at the battery! Walk more often in the parks, breathe air, because winter is fine. I lived a couple of years in the Magadan region, where in the winter the temperature can go up to -60 degrees! So there I was bought in the river Kolyma, which even in the summer does not catch up to the end, - on top of the water warm, and at the bottom thick layer of ice!

- Is it necessary to revise the day of the day?

- This will happen in itself. Light and sun light. Darks early. Therefore, in the winter I most often allow myself "lazy" days. Turn off all the alarms, I sleep as if I want, I'm lying in bed and I do nothing. I do not consider the right fanatically to observe the mode of sleep and physical exertion. We are not robots, and sometimes you can retreat from the toughest schedule.

- Maybe in frosty days it is better to reduce physical exertion?

- In no case! Of course, you don't want to go in winter to the gym after work. But we not only train our body, and we also get a huge dose of endorphins - hormones of joy. In winter it is very important.

- Many, despite ten layers of clothing, abandoned everything. How to dress in the cold?

- Many at all are allergic at all. For example, my friend at the front frost on the skin appears rash. I think, if a person physically does not tolerate winter, then no matter how much is a sense. And dressed in several layers of clothing incorrectly. Now you can find high-quality thermal underwear. It protects the body from supercooling well and will exceed all the "cabbage" layers. Otherwise, the main recommendation is that the clothes be from warm and natural materials.

- Tell us about the rules for beginner walrus.

- Doctors argue that ideally prepare for swimming in the holes to start better in the summer. But experienced winds say that it is possible and two days before dipping. The first and most important rule - tune in morally. Hardening will help prepare the body. Take a contrast shower, short ice shower. You can also pour ice water into the pelvis, get into it with your feet and actively like. Then beate your feet. Two hours before the dipping, be sure to dine, but in front of the immersion itself there is nothing better. If you really want, you can eat a little sala. Before immersion, make a small workout. Heat. Newbies can be in ice water no more than 10 seconds. After diving, rub yourself with a towel and wrapped in warm things. And, of course, no alcohol!

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