"Think about romantics": love horoscope for April



Do not hold back your love gusts in April. The surrounding can make you suppress our more persistent motivations, but do not do it. At the beginning of the month, your courage and courage will achieve a record level. Do not worry - this playful courage will not lead to trouble. Your only risk is to take more action (and, if you are lucky, even romantic) than you expected. This month you will be guided by your schedule and responsibilities. Do sports and take care of yourself, now you can attract love of life.


Expect unusual interactions in unfamiliar places with the beginning of the April week. This month you are so sociable that you can tie a conversation with anyone and anywhere - and everyone wants you to continue to talk. If you are alone, it is obvious that it can lead to romance and new acquaintances. Throughout April you will swim in the sea of ​​love. Whether it is romantic, family or platonic relations - in your life they must be strengthened by this tide of attention.


If you can't get what you want, right now, just let you ask the day or two. Not everyone should squeeze when you appear in their lives. Well weigh the solutions and think about whether it is worth paying so much attention to the opposite sex. Perhaps a person is not ready for relationships or has other reasons to not answer you. This does not mean that after frequent beeps you need to call back several times. Give yourself a pause, now not the best time for the attack.


You can count on almost limitless energy in early April. The month opens in you an attractive, enterprising and assertive person - and the surrounding people simply cannot take eyes from you. You will feel an irresistible desire to do more and more extravagant. You want to arrange a show and make everyone carefully watched you only. Some entertainment can be of great importance, especially in a romantic aspect. Listen to your desires and do not be afraid to embody them in life!

a lion

You have extraordinary good instincts, as well as an initiative and energetic to embody these instincts. April - a suitable month to enter into a new relationship or get rid of the old, which have already been outlined. You right now emit confidence and charisma needed for both career and romantic accomplishments. But there is a negative side in it - you can easily break the heart to those who treat you with all the soul. Remember that the heart does not order, but be softer with those who you are roads.

Known Akhmetzhanova

Known Akhmetzhanova


At the beginning of the month, satisfy your desire to communicate. Try to maintain flexibility when it comes to compromises and agreements in romantic relationships, especially if they are long-term. Representatives of the opposite sex can fill you with contradictory plans and unreasonable requirements, and the best thing you can do is to have patience and readiness to help. In the end, loved ones always tolerate your negative character traits, learn to meet.


You now have too much happening, and life throws you too much confusing details. Do not worry, by the end of the month you will return to your calm and you can finally think about romantics. Do not be afraid to ask for help from loved ones. If something is worried about, look for support, do not burn in Handre. Spring - Love time, so just open the new one. From late Friday to the weekend, having fun with friends and do not worry about things.


This month you can get almost all that you want, provided that you have ambitions and perseverance to achieve this. Suitable moment to follow your intuition and risk. Your factories can lead you to a new relationship where you will perceive the partner as equal. Just leave your ego outside the door if you want to avoid struggle for power and not lose your authority. Do not perceive everything in the bayonets, now even at first glance, unsuitable candidates can pleasantly surprise you.


The thoughts of Sagittarov are very confused during the whole of April, which can negatively affect the romantic aspect, especially for single representatives of the sign. An obvious decision is at least at the beginning of the month - it is relaxing and worried about the establishment of internal energy than the progress. At the end of April, you will be inspired to act again - and this is good because luck is definitely on your side. This is a great time for risk (funny, but not dangerous) and attempts to make it impossible.

"Spring - Love time, so just open the new one"

Photo: pexels.com.


During April, look for new people and new ideas. You need to talk right now to find your own support. You can do everything you wanted - from home duties before communication with loved ones. Be disparming if you enter new relationships, now the fleet flirting can be quite sad for you, many Capricorn, as stars indicate, will be involved in a love triangle. Be honest and demand the same.


Do you feel depressed? At the beginning of the month, life throws away with countless crazy details, and you need to remain flexible and focused to keep up. Do not worry because of the missed opportunities to start a relationship - this is just a transitional phase. Now you have a career aspect well develop, dedicate time to him, and love will apply. Council of this month: do not interact with former and toxic applicants for your heart. Nothing good will not come from it.


April will inspire you on frank flirting and more modest forms of affection. You can find both lover and inspire a permanent partner. Enjoy your attention and, above all, enjoy. Be prepared for the fact that many seductors can draw you into their problems, stay away from it. This month you better enjoy what is happening, and not to be a member of someone's dram.

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