Sllaf self-portrait: Ksenia Zaitseva (KAAS)


About family, childhood. My mother was born in Yeisk Krasnodar Territory, the land of the Kuban Cossacks. My father was born in Ordzhonikidze (now Vladikavkaz), where his father served. And Papin Mom is from Rostov-on-Don. So in me mixed the blood of the Kuban and Don Cossacks. Mom's family moved to Orthonikidze, where my grandfather served in Suvorov School. There in the same school and my mom and dad studied. They got married even young. My father went to study at Mehmat MSU, and a year later, my mother also moved to Moscow and entered the Moscow Pedagogical Institute. Lenin on the Romano-German Faculty. I was born in Moscow.

My brightest impressions Associated with the Caucasus, Ordzhonikidze, where I spent many summer holidays with my grandparents. For me, these are bright and happy memories of childhood. As I said, my grandfather is an officer, served in Suvorov School. Grandma with grandfather lived in a military town. Grandfather was fond of gardening and loved the mountains, nature. He also instilled love for the mountains. And where as not in the Caucasus you can see some of the most beautiful and fascinating mountain landscapes. Grandfather took me in hiking in the mountains, taught to understand the herbs, collect berries and mushrooms. We visited many beautiful places and gorges. Grandma also went with us, but, mostly, she waited when we walk and come hungry for a ready-made picnic. My grandfather, like a real military, handled me and taught an excerpt. He always told me that physical activity is very important in life. If the forces are dried, it should always be remembered that the second breathing will come. I remembered these words for life.

Sllaf self-portrait: Ksenia Zaitseva (KAAS) 9240_1

"My brightest impressions are related to the Caucasus." Photo: Personal archive actress.

Education received abroad. In the UK, I went to learn from my parents. Egor Konchalovsky was largely influenced by the choice of training. He himself received education in the UK and in detail shared his experience with my family. So I went to study at the International College in Oxford, who recommended Egor and who graduated from himself. I have experience in moving to another country, new culture, language, environment, independence and freedom are very influenced. Initially it was very difficult. My English was not good enough. I went to class practically on the second day after arrival and immediately realized that the knowledge of the language was missing. After a few months of adaptation, I spoke in English relatively freely. For me, it was logical to continue learning in England after two years of study in Oxford. After finding yourself in various fields, I entered the London Academy of Dramatic Arts. Education in England is very practical and compact. The British are usually very tolerant and consistent, which facilitates training. I studied acting in two academies - the oldest London Drama Academy (Lamda) and the Webber Douglas Academy. I definitely decided that I want to continue to learn acting skills. As the British say, "caught the acting virus."

Foreigners are more difficult. To go on a three-year-old actor's workmanship to one of the leading academies in London, I had to be seriously prepared. Selection to such academies is very large, several thousand people are 30 seats. I understood that, being a foreigner, to enroll in such institutions is even more difficult, because it takes excellent knowledge of the language, especially when you are preparing a monologue from Shakespeare. I realized that I could not do without help: two tutor prepared me for admission. It is difficult to convey words to the happiness that I felt when I learned what was done in Webber Douglas. After all, it was a real test. Nevertheless, I enjoyed every minute spent there. The set of classes was classic for dramatic education - acting skills, movement, speech, dance, stage fight, yoga, singing, etc. I can definitely say that English acting education, if you get to a good school, really worthy and is Good training for students to professional career. Our master of acting said: "You must be prepared for working with any director." And we really prepared, not only developing equipment and skill, but also psychologically ordered to be prepared for everything. Ruthlessly and sometimes even cruelly with us, like from the bulbs, filmed the layers of bad habits, complexes, blocks and all the apparent, which prevented us in the development of our natural instincts and talents. There was also criticism, constructive, but very straight and tough. All this was added to daily many hours and rehearsals.

"To go on a three-year-old actor's workmanship to one of the leading academies in London, I had to prepare seriously." Photo: Personal archive actress.

"To go on a three-year-old actor's workmanship to one of the leading academies in London, I had to prepare seriously." Photo: Personal archive actress.

When I got my first big role In the Russian series "Under the sky of Verona" (2004), I was interested to know if my game would be different from the game of Russian and Israeli actors. I can't say that there were any strong differences or that someone from the actors noticed that I play differently. It seems to me that regardless of which country you have received an education, classic acting education is built on universal systems of Stanislavsky, Mikhail Chekhov, Saintford Maizner, Stella Adler, Lee Strasberg and other masters.

The most valuable role. Perhaps most of all I appreciate my role in the series "Under the Sky Verona" director V. I. Uskov. It was my first big role after the release from the Academy. I was approved simply going, and a few days later I was already flying to shooting in Israel. Working with such a master, like Valery Ivanovich, for me was a big gift. I played the eldest sister of the main heroine. This is the story of the Jewish family, which left for Israel in Soviet times when relations between the Union and Israel were very tense. The main character, my younger sister, during a trip to Verona falls in love with Komsomolts. In fact, this is modern "Romeo and Juliet", only without a tragic end. My heroine is trying to help the sister to solve this difficult situation in secret from his father. This very human and life story caused a greater reaction from the audience not only in Russia, but also abroad. Another project, participation in which I appreciate, is the film "Night Sisters" directed by Alexey Muradov. This is a very soulful comedy about a businessman who has fallen into an accident and subsequently in the rural hospital. There he meets with local nurses. He is not averse to finding himself a young wife among beautiful, caring and unspoed provincial girls. I played a doctor who, having left the capital, is building a new life in a provincial town. One of the girls-nurses can conquer the heart of a businessman.

Ksenia Zaitseva (KAAS). Photo: Personal archive actress.

Ksenia Zaitseva (KAAS). Photo: Personal archive actress.

For me, theater - This is a place where you can demonstrate your acting skills and talent. Theater is a test for any actor. Thanks to the theater, i.e., classical theatrical education, I decided to become an actress. Theater is a serious organization and work on yourself. The theater takes a lot of strength, but he gives a lot in return. I love shooting in a movie and in the TV shows, I love working with the camera, I love the shooting process. Cinema is a completely different energy than the theater. But it was the theater that made me actress. Therefore, it is very difficult for me to give preference to one of these directions. I love equivalent to cinema and theater.

How do you manage to combine art and personal life . So far, fortunately, it was possible to combine work and personal life. My husband belongs to understanding my activity and tries to support me, as can.

The ideal of a man. My ideal of a man has changed over the past few years. What was important for several years ago is no longer so important today. To date, my ideal is a confident man who knows what he wants and what he wants to. This is a man who loves the family, loves children. A man who is ready to give, not just to take, generous and caring. A man with a sense of humor who can easily relate to life situations and solve problems. I also like when a man can be romantic and spontaneous. With such a man will never be bored.

Sllaf self-portrait: Ksenia Zaitseva (KAAS) 9240_4

"I love shooting in a movie and in the TV shows, I love working with the camera, I love the shooting process." Photo: Personal archive actress.

How do you "pick up your friends to yourself. I can not say that I "choose" my friends. For me, time serves as a indicator of real friendship. Those friends who remain in my life years later, and there are my true friends. Such a bit, but I know that I can always turn to them with a request or for advice. I appreciate the ability to listen, mutual trust and understanding.

What are you working on now. I recently starred in the graduation directorial work at Anastasia Berezovskaya, the daughter of Boris Berezovsky. The scenario Nastya wrote itself, based on his events in the family after the death of the Father and the division of his property, including. It greatly influenced the already difficult relationship between the Berezovsky families. Despite the fact that all these events occurred quite recently, Nastya decided to remove such a film. The chronology and names of the heroes were changed. We were filmed in the mansion in Ascota, where Boris Abramovich did not. Honestly, at the beginning of the filming, the feeling was a bit strange, even slightly in itself. But seeing confidence and determination of Nastya, I also quickly switched and fascinated by the work. I recently met with one of the directors of the company who takes off documentary films. He prepares for the shooting of the documentary for the Discovery channel on the tragedy of the death of tourists at Dyatlov's pass in the mountains in the Urals in 1959. I have tried to the role of the Russian journalist working in London, which is decided to collect the film crew and, having done the way Dyatlovtsev, conduct a number of interviews and research in an attempt to resolve this riddle. I was warned that shooting will be held in the mountains in the winter, at very low temperatures. We will have to undergo special training. For me, such shooting is a new experience and a kind of test. I also work on the idea of ​​producing the theater play, in which I really like the main female role, and I myself would like to play it.

Sllaf self-portrait: Ksenia Zaitseva (KAAS) 9240_5

"Directors of different countries work in different ways." Photo: Personal archive actress.

Shooting in advertising. It all depends on advertising. I starred in advertising with interesting scenarios and talented shooting groups. It's like filming in a short film. For example, I starred in advertising tourism in Ireland. Advertising was filmed as a documentary. I also starred in commercial advertisements with less interesting scenarios. In this case, for me it is normal earnings. Some believe that shooting in advertising is detrimental to actors. I do not agree with that. In the end, it is also a job, like shooting in a movie or work in the theater. By the way, it is very difficult to get a role in advertising. When so much money is investing in a few seconds of the advertising material, then customers are very picky by the individuals who will advertise one or another product. So competing in such a work is rather big.

Directors of different countriesWork in different ways. It is difficult to clearly divide the style of the work of directors by country. I can say that every director has its own individual approach. Someone prefers to work out in detail the text and analyze each element, with hairstyles to suit, others give freedom to actors and do not control them in the choice of the image and character of their hero. For example, the French director Cedric Clapish, from whom I starred in the movie "Matryoshka", during the filming was very relaxed, joked and did not prescribe on the actors. He gave them the opportunity to intuitively and feel the image of his heroes. By the same principle, the director Alexei Muradov was worked on the set of "Night Sisters" paintings. It was opened for actors, their proposals and amendments. The American director and one of my favorite actors Kevin Spacy simply demonstrated to actors what he wanted to achieve from them, during the rehearsal of the Plays "Cloaca" in the theater of Old Vic. He, being an actor, it was easier to convey to us his vision of heroes as director.

Sllaf self-portrait: Ksenia Zaitseva (KAAS) 9240_6

"The theater is a place where you can demonstrate your acting skills and talent." Photo: Personal archive actress.

Why did you become the actress. I became an actress almost by chance. Although, probably, nothing accidental in life does not happen. Maybe this is fate. I can say for sure that in my childhood I did not dream to be actress. I did not participate in the dramahs and did not play in the school theater. Honestly, even the thoughts were not so. I am the only child in the family and was sufficiently clamped and shy. He loved to listen more than talking. The case was introduced to me when I arrived at the summer holidays to Moscow. A good friend of my family, a famous actress and director Lyudmila Gladunko invited me to try myself in an episodic role in my TV series "Do not leave me, love ...". I agreed, but I warned the love of Mikhailovna that I had no acting experience. It was not embarrassed at all. She immediately suggested me a few private lessons on acting, for which I happily agreed. For several lessons, we literally passed the most basic work with the text and role. Then I starred in the series next to the actors as Valery Alexandrovich Barinov and Larisa Andreevna Guseeva. After that, I could no longer imagine any other occupation. It is really a lot of happiness - to do your favorite thing.

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