5 steps to happiness


And now about the weather. Autumn came, pour endless rain, you need to get out of a warm blanket and rush to work. On puddles, on traffic jams ...

Let's try to take a look at the same situation from another point of view. Earlier morning, the first rays of the sun make their way through the veil of small autumn rain. Soft plaid, a cup of warming coffee with a beloved aroma, and outside the window is a motley carpet of multi-colored foliage. Rubber boots from the new collection - as well, that you can finally wear them! A bright umbrella is revealed by a cheerful parachute, and I as a superhero go to work through the wind and clouds!

What is this exercise? Why did I describe the same everyday morning in Moscow twice? This simple example shows how quickly you can change the life circumstances, just changing your attitude to them.

Look around - Surely not all your colleagues fall into the autumn stupor. Some cheerfully boil from the morning to night, spent also in the gym, and at the concert. How do they do it? Do they own some secret knowledge, how to get rid of the autumn Handra? Exactly! I will list some of them.

1. Smile. When we are good, we smile. And that the most remarkable - it works and feedback - when we smile, we get good! Smile (even if artificial) encourages us to make a deeper breath. As a result, a little more oxygen comes into the blood, and our brain clarifies. There is still a complex chain of biochemical reactions with the participation of enzymes and hormones, but in this case we are not interested in the process, but the result - the mood is magically improved! Smile, gentlemen!

2. Three Magic "C" - Sport, Sleep, Sex. At first glance, these general properties at first glance have absolutely different types: they contribute to the production of endorphins, which are often called "hormones of happiness." Endorphins are endogenous (produced by the body) morphine, a completely legal source of good mood, regardless of the weather. Make conclusions yourself.

3. And now two secret "M" - meditation and motivation. I can talk about the benefit of meditation infinitely, so I will not even start. Short advice: Clean your mind regularly from garbage, give good thoughts more space. In this, in fact, the meaning of meditation is. As for motivation, it's a little more difficult here. You will have to find it within yourself or come up. It must be a top-secret motivation that can lift you to the feat of any state. It is very important that only you know about it - otherwise her magic power will disappear! I have such a motivation ... but no, it is impossible to tell.

4. Love. I am now not about love for art or to fish, or even to the opposite sex. I'm about my favorite business. If you have a formula "work = Favorite business" causes only a skeptical smirk, then everything is gone - all my previous secret materials will not work. And any of the best time of the year will serve only a pathetic justification for your universal depression. In one wonderful song there were wonderful lines: "We are not beasts, we do not poultry - our hibernage does not end." This is just about those who are engaged in an unloved business. What for? Change your work, do not sell your only life for a despicable metal that does not bring you joy. Look for yourself, try, put unreal targets, seek them - do not notice how autumn will pass!

5. And finally, the truth from Captain is an obviousness about which in the fall all sharply forget: life is actually beautiful - often remind of this yourself and loved ones! Be happy!

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