Life in marriage: Waiting and reality


We divide money

It all begins with the struggle for "power". More precisely, for money. What to spend accumulation - on earrings for her or a console for him? Go to Paris or postpone the mortgage? This is a question about who is the main family. Often, such conflicts are as a result of parting. In order for only the family life, the family life does not collapse, you need to grow up - it is understood that now you must take into account not only your personal interests, but also the interests of your pair. What sometimes you need to abandon some rapid games for the sake of a happy common future. At the same time, now it is not so important who exactly is the "mineral". If a woman earns more, it is not always a problem. If both understand that they are one team, and the husband is ready to support his wife in solving domestic issues. The benefit of "gadgets" is now enough for even the most inept man who can and wash things, and cook a delicious dinner. Moreover, today, the spouse, if necessary, can take leave for child care, and mom is to go to work and engage in making money if it is better in it. The main thing is that this decision was made by both and brought harmony in the family!

Inna Kiryushina

Inna Kiryushina

Birth of heirs

The biggest test for young is the appearance of a child. Especially if there is no experience with kids. It turns out that the child is both sleepless nights, and the raised waist, and the chest barking. And the woman begins to take revenge for all this in the first place to her child. Mustrate his dislike, irritation. So that such a situation does not arise, it is very important that the child is really long-awaited and both parents soberly assessed their strength, prepared for the appearance of the baby. The main responsibility in this matter, of course, lies on a woman. She must understand what follows her decision to give birth. Whether her man is ready for sleepless nights and responsibility for a new life. There are couples that are before you have a child, some animal are settled. This is also a good option to check the readiness of partners to justice. Caring and caring about your pet, you watch each other, find compromises. Often, for young couples, even a kitten becomes an insurmountable obstacle and make a reason to disperse.

Life in the network

Now the so-called virtual marriages are gaining momentum in which people every day communicate in the virtual world. They are discussing the management of the economy, buying, agree who, where and whom he is spent leisure. Swear. Miliate. Even engaged in virtual sex. For someone, it is a very useful experience in building relationships, the main thing is to be able to "jump off" on time and return to the real world!

Time for a change

Included in marital relationships need to remember that the periods of disappointments can be after 10-20-30 and even after 50 years of living together. Why? In many ways, because people change over the years, their character changes, attitude to life, to everyday life. What fascinated at 20 years can not touch 40! But if both spouses take care of each other, understand and take those changes that occur with them, the years only make their marriage even stronger, and the relationship is happy.

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