Notes Thai Mommy: "So that there is no hangover, you need to drink whiskey with coconut juice"


If the Russians in Thailand drink a lot and noisy, then the local residents themselves, although they do not belong to the password sober, nevertheless manage not to get to death. Although you can buy alcohol in the country of smiles at every corner. So what does the local population drink? Well, of course, the drink number one is beer. Undoubted sales leaders are several local brands - Singha, Chang and Tiger. And if there are tables next to the shops, then the average Thais and Faragi are located right here in order not to walk. Beer on the tables does not end for a long time.

If we talk about strong drinks, then absolutely all tourists and local failed Thai Sang Som rum. And the price is from 150 baht (in rubles - as much) for the flask 0.3 liters. Taste - harsh, but punching (this is me by the experience of past visitors of Thailand I still remember). Local love to take large bottles, pouring along high glasses on the little finger, to abundantly float ice or pour with water. Faraga consumes this drink either clean, or in combination with carbonated beverages of the coca-cola type, sprite, or interfere with it, which is less common, with coconut juice. The cocktail of the local rum with coconut juice is a thing, you must admit to an amateur. But the hangover does not happen. Because the coconut juice is an excellent absorbent, it effectively derives toxins from the body.

Also from local spirits are actively buying whiskey MEKHONG. But his popularity is still not the same as Roma.

There are in Thailand and drinks "for the poor" - this is a rice moonshine of Lao Khao. It is not sold in bars, but it is in all minimarkets. Differs in the volume of bottles (0.6 liters - 0.33 l.) And in color of the labels on them, which speak about the Fortress of the drink: Red or yellow labels - 28 degrees (0.6 l from 110 baht), green label - 30 degrees (0.6 liters from 79 baht), pink label - 35 degrees (0.6 liters from 85 baht), blue label - 40 degrees (0.6 l. From 91 baht). Real drink of proletariat! Perhaps, therefore, in major cities, alcohol is sold in stores from 11:00 to 14:00 and from 17:00 to 24:00. And on religious holidays and in the days of elections, the sale of alcohol is not performed at all.

Contrary to general opinion, wine in Thailand is made. True, very peculiar.

Contrary to general opinion, wine in Thailand is made. True, very peculiar.

There are in local stores and wines. Including local production (contrary to universal delusion). Although winemaking in the kingdom is a young business, but in any major supermarket you can buy a bottle of Thai wine. True, this drink is very peculiar, with only it inherent aroma and the aftertaste. The main thing here is to try. Well, while I, like a nursing mother, I can not boast of wine tastings, I will tell you about the fault that I learned more in my past visits to Thailand.

Continued ...

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