Yanina Melekhova: "The process of cooking for me is natural and light"


- Yanina, Belarusian cuisine is famous for its potatoes. Tell us about your loved ones.

- The most famous dish of Belarusian cuisine is a bias. I love him very much, but I am finally prepared and it is rare, since it is rather calorie. Our family has its own corporate recipe: the potatoes three on a large grater, then the diarns when frying become crispy and better hold the form. Distas are made with different fillings (as in Russian cuisine pancakes): with meat, with cottage cheese and even with doctoral sausage. Such diards eat with a large number of sour cream. Still in Belarus they love and often prepare potato zrazy. But the okroshka, which I first tried in Russia, I still can not accept. I'm more likely to our beetter - cold, sweet beet soup. The beck of beets is prepared, the beet is rubbed on the grater, then the fresh cucumber and boiled egg are cut, add a variety of greens. The sweeter beetted, the soup is tastier. If the beets are not sweet enough, the soup can be sweeten with sugar. Try, very tasty.

- Who taught you to cook?

- I know how to cook almost all dishes of Belarusian cuisine. Preparing specially nobody taught me, the process of cooking for me is natural and easy, it is laid in me from birth. I am very well distinguished product tastes. I have enough to try a dish, and I already understand what is part of. But I confess: I love more than cooking. (Laughs.) Therefore, I do it quickly. I have no more than thirty minutes to cook dinner. At the same time, all the burners work simultaneously: the first, second, salad and compote are boiled immediately.

- Do you have branded recipes?

- Yes, these are a pancake with a filling of cottage cheese.

The most famous dish of Belarusian cuisine - Diani

The most famous dish of Belarusian cuisine - Diani

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Dranians with cottage cheese from Yanina Melekhova

Ingredients: Potatoes, salt, flour, dried garlic and onions, crumbly dry cottage cheese, egg, sugar.

Cooking method: Grate the potatoes on the grater, add salt to taste, a spoonful of flour, a pinch of dried garlic and bow. Mix everything. Curd filling is done as dough for cheese animals: dry cottage cheese to mix with egg, add salt, sugar. Further make layers: a spoon of potatoes, a spoon of cottage cheese, top with a layer of potatoes. And fry on temperate fire on both sides. It turns out quickly, satisfying and tasty.

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