Traditions of the Great Post, which you could not know


The Great Post is of great importance for 70% of our country's population. Even an incredibly busy resident of a large city finds time to respect most of the lesnory rules. We decided to dive deeply into the topic and studied some interesting traditions that strictly observed our ancestors several centuries ago.

Clean Monday

Despite the name, starting on the net Monday, it was laid in old clothes, and what is prefabricated, the better, the same thing concerned on the tables on Rus. However, old clothes are not equal to the dirty - they tried to watch the most carefully for the cleanliness of things, but during the post of this moment you paid special attention. After visiting the bath, young people preferred active games, one of which was a fist fight for shaking pancakes - starting on the net Monday, Rus said goodbye to Carnival.

Clean Monday meant a mandatory campaign to the bath

Clean Monday meant a mandatory campaign to the bath


What about food?

As you know, the diet during the post changes greatly, almost the same strict rules adhered to the ancient Russia. Special attention was paid to drinks: the simplest tea was prohibited, as the drink was considered sinful. An even greater misfortune could stick, putting sugar in tea - in some peasant families it was believed that the sugar produce from the bones of animals. Daily starvation was also practiced, and this concerned not only a healthy population, but also seriously ill, as well as children. I tried to eat if we serve, then only in the raw form, no processing. The fasting ritual was carried out, as a rule, on Friday, in rare cases it was possible to intercept several hard crackers, but only once a day.

Roth on the castle

The first three weeks of the post our ancestors tried to speak as little as possible - it was believed that empty conversations could actually ruin the family. Youth fees and games were also not welcomed, as well as today. A special point during the post was taken sexual abstinence: if young people were noticed behind a close contact, the families of the young had the complete right to send a unrelated child to work in the monastery until the post ended.

Family collection

In the middle of the post began trips to relatives. And the wives went to their mothers, and her husbands spent some time with his own father. Then they changed and already the son-in-law went visit the mother-in-law, and the daughter-in-law spent several days in the house of mother-in-law. As a rule, at a party of parents, young people were not just rested, but they were doing the most real work - women were engaged in needlework, so as not to sit without a case, and men at that time spent time or for prayer, or at work in the yard. It was impossible to refuse such a trip to the native house.

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