Alexander Vasilyev: "I feel about 250 years old"


- Alexander Aleksandrovich, in the program "Fashion sentence" you not only disguise women, and you can say, speak with a female shower healer. How do you like this responsibility?

- This is true, our program is a psychological, which helps to really give a tone, direct a woman in a completely different direction, help her look at himself from the side, see their advantages and disadvantages and, of course, cheer up, change their self-esteem. This is a very important and interesting work that we all love all.

- You give women a tangible "kick under the ass" in the form of a beautiful hairstyle, beautiful clothes ...

- and beautiful makeup, which is important. And often - corrective linen. After all, after 35, many women are very suffering a figure. These changes may occur after delivery or due to improper nutrition and unoccupied sports. A simple change in the form of corrective linen under clothes changes the figure of a woman for two sizes.

- What do you think your heroines can be improved and maintain this state themselves? Are there any examples?

- Every year more than 300 women comes to the program. Of course, no one follows their fate. But many often call the editors themselves and report that they have successfully married or gained an increase in position. There are a lot of positive responses.

"It seems to me that in order to love the world of women, the world of women's beauty and fashion, originally needed to have a very big love for her mother.

- Certainly. Much was associated with the work of my mom and with her wardrobe. My mother Tatiana Vasilyeva (in Maiden - Gulevich. - Ed.) It was an actress, the first graduate of the MCAT Studio, made a beautiful career. For a quarter of a century, she was an actress in the Central Children's Theater, then moved to the teaching job in the MCAT Studio School, where he taught scenic speech. I have love for speech from her. Mom, I have not only elegantly dress up, but I really tried to refine my taste. She did not like bright colors, screaming clothes, believed that it was necessary to lag behind five minutes, and not run ahead of her. And in this sense, of course, her views and the views of my sister, also in the youth of the big fashionista, were greatly influenced by my tastes, to choose from my profession in the future, which then finally developed in Paris. Everyone knows that I lived in France more than a quarter of a century, and these years presented me with the opportunity and work in the fashion world, and teach this discipline, and become a fashion historian.

Tenty-grader Sasha Vasilyev on vacation on Lake Senez. The fact that the young man has already been alien to the world of fashion, can be judged by a T-shirt with a funny print. Photo: Personal archive of Alexander Vasilyeva.

Tenty-grader Sasha Vasilyev on vacation on Lake Senez. The fact that the young man has already been alien to the world of fashion, can be judged by a T-shirt with a funny print. Photo: Personal archive of Alexander Vasilyeva.

- By mom you have - Polish-Belarusian roots?

- Yes it's true. My grandfather was born in Molodechno, in Belarus, and my relatives live in Lithuania just because part of Lithuania, their capital Vilnius, one time was the Polish territory, in pre-war time. We have a family estate that I often visit and which is now in our possession; It was returned to the Lithuanian law on restitution.

- And your Praprababushka, who was Turkhanka, is it also on the mother's mother?

- Yes, obviously, it was a prisoner Turkish in the name Tatun, which translated from Turkish means "tobacco". I think that when the Russian-Turkish wars were walking (we are talking about the 1870s), one soldier from the genus Gulevich, on the mother line, led to him Turkhanka. Therefore, my mother had a brown eyes, I also have a brown eyes, and she had rather dark hair that for Slavic blood - unusual.

- Probably, here are these oriental fez, which you sometimes wear in the program, is it a tribute to your ancestors?

- Call of ancestors. Maybe it is so. But I have been working for many years in Turkey, there was one time the decorator of the Turkish National Opera in Ankara and made 17 operas and ballets for her scene. This is a lot. I was many times awarded all sorts of Turkish prizes, was chosen twice the best decorator of Turkey - this is all in my past career of the 90s of the twentieth century. And when my mother came to the premiere to me in Ankara, all the costume work officers took her for their own, wanted to talk with her all the time and said: "That's why we love you, Vasilyev-Bay. "Bay" is a Turkish Mr. "It is clear why you say so well in Turkish." Although it is not. I understand a lot and can answer on the household level. But this is not a literary speech. I also have a house in Turkey, an apartment in Antalya. I issued a very beautiful residence of Oscar and has acquired a beautiful apartment in the persimmon area, in which now I often go.

The delicate taste of the Maestro inherited from his mother, the actress Tatiana Vasilyeva, who introduced him to the world of art and the sense of the beautiful sown. Photo: Personal archive of Alexander Vasilyeva.

The delicate taste of the Maestro inherited from his mother, the actress Tatiana Vasilyeva, who introduced him to the world of art and the sense of the beautiful sown. Photo: Personal archive of Alexander Vasilyeva.

- With such a big impact of Mom, you initially went along the path of the dad.

- I agree with you. I went to the decorator direction, but now almost turned to the acting path. Because my work in the "fashion sentence" is rather an acting position. Still, much of what we do is dictated by the editors and producers. Sometimes they demand from us to support the heroine, and sometimes it is to criticize it. Because there is a dramatic course of events that viewers like. So the actors in me too much.

- You do not miss your decorator activity? Such a dizzying career, world theaters - you easily forgotten it?

- It was wonderful! But in the theater today there were revolutionary changes. I was an artist of the twentieth century. And now the XXI century came, where there is a fight against scenery. Today, the naked scene, video project, lasers and light effects won. It is rather designer work at a computer level, which may not require the preparation of the decorator that I passed. Today, all theaters live in cruel economy mode. I now decorate two performances - "Woe from Wit" in the Theater of the Mossovet and Ballet "Laurencia" in the Great Academic Theater in Minsk, in the formulation of the People's Artist of the USSR Nina Ananiashvili. And when I offer costumes, I bring sketches, they say: "Is it possible to cut a footage of the fabric? Is it possible to remove this finish? " Maybe sometime the crisis will really go and they will want a real silk or velvet. But now work on television, I confess much more profitable than on stage or behind the scenes. It's a shame to confess, but it is naked truth.

- At what point did this switch happen to you - when will your path turn to the fashion history from the decorator?

- I began to engage in the fashion history very early. Already at 19, I read lectures on fashion history in Moscow in the All-Russian Theater Society, I was sent to different cities of Russia with lectures to improve the qualifications of artists and directors of provincial theaters. And then, as soon as I came to France, and it was 1982, I already began to teach fashion history in French. Long taught in the largest French School of Fashion "ESMOD", also - 17 years in Belgium, in the National Academy of Visual Arts of La Crabr in Brussels. He worked a lot in London, USA, taught in Hong Kong at the Academy of Art of the Special, lectured in Japan, at the University of Teif in Australia, in South America in Chile. I have a very large track record, and I know that in any country of the world will not stay hungry. But I understand perfectly well that now Russia is one of the richest countries. And here, thanks to television, I know me very well and love. In Russia, most of my books were published - 32 were published here. My exhibitions have a grand success. But if something happens in my life, I can also teach in Brazil, and in Australia, in this sense I am a terrible cosmopolitan. Perhaps I will not be so famous as in Russia. But I used to live in different countries, accustomed to poverty from which I started in France, and to wealth in which I am now in Russia. I don't care, but I believe in my hand, in my ability to survive. This is a very beautiful skill that I advise you to master all readers of your magazine. Many, hitting the difficult situation, lowered hands: "And how will I survive? Will I have enough strength? How will I live when my parents die? What will I do if a husband leaves me or my child will die? " These are all wild tests for each person. I passed through a lot. In particular, I lost both parents, but this does not mean that our life is over. It is necessary to find strength in yourself, remembering all the good things that was in the past, to move into the future with a completely new flow. That's how I live now and feel myself, you know, for years at 250. (laughs.) And sometimes I act, as if I am 25. I can not explain it. I understand that umudrene and experienced. But at the same time I am ready to make beautiful actions, fall in love, travel, and this is also good quality.

Alexander Vasilyev:

The friendly trio of the leading "fashionable sentence" as part of the Chairman of the Court of Alexander Vasilyeva, the protection of the hope of Babkina and the fashion expert Evelina Khromchenko makes the most beautiful sentence on our television, transformation of the heroine of the program and giving them a ticket to

- You know Seven languages. Let's list them.

- English, French, Italian, Spanish, Polish, Serbskokhorevatsky. And Russian, of course. Also, tongue, right? But if we talk about lectures, then I read them only in French, in Spanish and in Russian. That is, I have sufficient knowledge in order to freely express in these languages ​​and teach students to them. I led a lot of television gear and in English, and in French, and often spoke on the radio in different countries. In languages ​​that, in general, I am not native, but they became almost relatives.

- You, probably, not everyone taught them at the institute? Something studied yourself?

- In childhood, when I was in Lithuania, my mother's family spoke Polish. And the knowledge of Polish language firmly entered my life together with children's memories. The school taught English - I went to the 29th special school in Moscow. And in France, of course, I had to learn French, and then italian and Spanish. For a long time, in the 80s, I spent my holidays in Yugoslavia, which then still existed as a country. And since this language is very close and Polish, and Russian, I was not difficult to switch to Serbskokhorevatsky.

"You think that a beautiful woman today is an ordinary, and smart - rarity." So what do you like more - smart or beautiful?

- Yes, I think so. Beautiful woman is an ordinary, because today cosmetic surgery allows you to make a written beauty from any. Enough to injected hyaluronic acid on the lips, download a little bitoxy in the forehead or chin, change the eye color of the eyes, tattoo your eyebrows, paint the hair, suck the fat on the tummy, put a woman on heels, stick her nails, grow hair - and here beauty. Women's beauty, in my opinion, today became very artificial and ordinary in the sense that she became serial. All this is done for certain money. And the mind is such a muscle that is difficult to train.

- At one time, the Maya Plisetskaya influenced your destiny. Today you admire the Ksenia Triolite ballerina, which in 98 years old leads an active lifestyle.

- It's true. They are friends, I introduced them to Maya Plisetskaya and Ksenia Tripolithow.

In France, where Alexander Alexandrovich lived more than a quarter of a century, he began to improve his knowledge in the direction of the fashion history, and more close acquaintance with this country presented him and communicating with the masters of the fashionable industry, for example, Pierre Cardin.

In France, where Alexander Alexandrovich lived more than a quarter of a century, he began to improve his knowledge in the direction of the fashion history, and more close acquaintance with this country presented him and communicating with the masters of the fashionable industry, for example, Pierre Cardin.

- Ballet is a kind of sacred area for you?

- Yes, I believe that ballet is one of the most ideal species of visual arts that does not require language. A deafnessable person can look at ballet and admire, agree? Maya Plisetskaya led me to the ballet, and it was very nice to me. Very, very long ago in Paris, in 1984, she appreciated my sketches and recommended me to work in the ballet, thanks to which I immediately received a contract. I am very grateful to her and for a long time with her called and met, she also had a property in Lithuania, not so far from my, near the city of Trakai. Two very beautiful houses on the lake, wonderful, I would say, patriarchal. And then I had to meet with very many ballerinas and ballet dancers. I personally knew Nuriyev, met with Natalia Makarova, worked a lot with Valery and Galina Panovy, the Grande of the Russian ballet, who made the world career. With many world balletlers, as well as the ballerinas of the past, who danced and from Dyagilev, and in the Russian ballet Monte Carlo, and in the ballet Colonel de Bazil. And now I am still very familiar with the 98-year-old Ksenia's 98-year-old Ballerina, she wrote even a book about his fate thanks to me. This is a very interesting woman and an example of cheerfulness. Just a week ago, I was at her house in Paris with my two friendships. Together we drank a bottle of champagne and diverged at two o'clock in the morning. Ksenia Arturovna did not want to go to sleep, assuring that it was time to go to Kut further and that she wants to chat on the phone and call his girlfriends. She said: "I am so fun!" I remembered everyone - her parents, her deceased husband, Nikolai Tripolitov, her Siamese kitty Zumba, her ballet teacher Lyubov Egorov, we remembered Dyagilev and the whole environment from the world of ballet. She was so happy that there was a man who was ready to remember the past and enjoy this. But for our readers, she is an example of longevity. And how it is possible to dress, to suit, make up. Ksenia Arturovna receives in Russia the author's "Little Ballerina" in Russia, and when I bring them to her, she says: "Oh, how good! I just needed to buy fresh lipstick! " And it is wonderful when a woman does not complain that she is missing for medicines, but he says: "Drink more often champagne, in it all vitamins."

- Do you have your personal stylist in the "fashionable sentence"? Or all the wardrobe - your own choice?

- All clothes belong to me personally. I regularly buy new jackets, shirts, pants and accessories - butterflies, scarves, brook. Sometimes I get complaints in social networks: "Why is Vasilyev not dressed as a leading" field of miracles "- in black tuxedo?" But our transfer is daily, and she is about fashion. People would just fall asleep from boredom if I sat in a black tuxedo in a chair, with a black velvet. Television requires color. My costumes are now stored in Ostankino, now I should not take them home after filming, as I did for a long time. It was a huge job - it was necessary to add everything to suitcases, take home, and then smooth each time. But, fortunately, I have a smoothler who prepares clothes in my choice to each program.

- You have one more passion - you grow roses. Flowers completely in your subordination or are the gardener cares?

"No, no, I have a gardener, her name is Veronica, she lives in Lithuania and helps me wrapped up roses in winter so that they do not get mend, and, of course, transplant them. I love the ancient British varieties of roses that existed in the XVIII-XIX century. Most Russian roses have preserved, oddly enough, in the Crimea, in the Livadia Palace. There are the rarest varieties that I recommend everyone to see.

- How belongs to your hobbies and active creative life favorite Pug cat? Does not suffer from lack of attention?

- He was supposed to come to us today! (Laughs.) He loves me very much, just like me, well understands human speech, reacts to all words, I was with me abroad. He has friends, other dogs, to which he relates very well. The cat perfectly understands that I am leaving when collecting suitcases. And he knows that he will receive his favorite sausage and cheese, which I give him from everywhere. I recommend to make a pet for all people. Love animals just as they love you, and I think the kindness will come to your house.

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