Care from reality: what is "Alice Syndrome in Wonderland"


Despite the cute name, Alice Syndrome in Wonderland is a rather serious mental disorder that requires treatment in a specialist in the office. Fortunately, the probability of facing this disorder is very small, and still it follows it. We decided to talk about this interesting state in more detail.

How syndrome is manifested

A person with a similar diagnosis is not oriented in the size of the surrounding items. And the case in hallucinations or some ophthalmological problems, simply the brain perceives the environment in such an unusual way. By the way, the proportions of your body such people are also difficult to determine. Alice's syndrome affects such senses such as vision, hearing and touch. As a rule, very young people or children face syndrome, some manages to grow a problem, and someone stays with her alone for life, if not to contact a specialist on time.

How disorder is manifested

with syndrome you need to fight

with syndrome you need to fight



Most often, patients with Alice syndrome in the country of miracles complain about strong headaches, and with the time of pain become chronic, but no longer as sharp.

Resizing (in the representation of the person himself)

At a certain point, the surrounding items can decrease, then grow to sizes that the eye is difficult to reach. Naturally, all this happens only in man's head.

Man hard to navigate time

A rather rare symptom, but it cannot be noted. For the sensations of a person, time runs too fast or too slow. During the day, this state can leave the patient and return after a couple of hours.

Complexity with coordination

Pretty typical syndrome. When going to make some kind of movement, a person has to apply certain efforts - the body seems to cease to obey. While moving, a person can suddenly become hard to raise his legs, although physically there is no reason for this.

Why people "visits Alice"

What is interesting, many specialists do not consider a disorder syndrome. It is believed that Alice Syndrome in Wonderland is a special activity of the brain, which is provoked by either infections or injuries. However, experts cannot be called the exact reason for the development of such a state.

How to cope with the syndrome

Medical therapy is practically not provided, however, if the disorder is detected, it will have to spend some time to spend on regular meetings with a psychologist and to distinguish decent time for rest, as the overwork can double the expression of symptoms.

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