Sports gymnastics: from what age to give the child and how not to beat off the hunt


The earlier the better

From one and a half years it is possible and you need to train the musculoskeletal system, starting with basic physical training. At this age, up to six years, no strengthened speech training, of course, does not go. But to develop coordination of movement, strengthen the muscular corset is necessary. Subsequently, it will be a useful base and for the occupation of other sports. Sports gymnastics is an excellent foundation for each child. And, of course, this is the strengthening of immunity, the formation of the strength of spirit and will to victory.

Character and ability

If we talk about any specific personal or physical qualities of the child, I would not put forward the special requirements for young athletes. Sports gymnastics can engage any healthy child if there is a desire and desire. The qualities of character and body will further develop just during training. The child will become more disciplined, learned to communicate with peers, will be able to develop the power of the Command Spirit. Dexterity, attentiveness, flexibility, speed - all this will also be developed over time. And in this case, there are not so many source qualities of the child as professionalism and approach of the coach.

Anton Golotoshtskov

Anton Golotoshtskov

Lens is not when interesting

You need to gently stimulate on the child's classes, delicately direct, but not forcing, because it instantly causes rejection and negative. The coach must pick up the key to the child, conduct training in a game form, pay attention to successes.

The child should be interesting - then there will be no lazy, rejection and negativity. After all, laziness occurs only when there is no interest. Who can be lazy to engage in favorite business, from which the mood rises and appears shine in the eyes? It is so in the child and the same spark is lit when he waits not to wait for another workout, when his body and thoughts are ready for work. It is such a painted child, configured to win a child, can minimize the mountains.

Work coach

If we talk about an authoritarian style of training, then I do not welcome it. OR and Creek are, in my opinion, the remnants of the Soviet past. The coach must lead and be an example for imitation. The task of the coach is to make the child be delighted with them and listened to the open mouth, wanting to work in a team. To increase the voice, the coach can only if the child does something that can harm his health. Total authoritarian command management I do not accept.

The coach must lead and be an example for imitation

The coach must lead and be an example for imitation

Case of parents

An important role in the formation of a child's relationship towards sports gymnastics and the level of responsibility to training is played by parents. If the parent feels resistance, the child is not too initiative, it is not worth force. It is wiser to talk, explain and argue the benefit of classes. And even better - to show on a personal example that gymnastics are needed. In our Academy, for example, parents often come to do with children. After all, it is one thing. And to demonstrate your own physical activity is quite another.

Do no hasty conclusions

If for some reason the child wants to stop training, it is better to not allow it. Miracles in the world does not happen. Take the missed will be very difficult. No need to make hasty conclusions. If something does not work, it causes a block, then you need to understand the nature of these phenomena, talk to the coach. Personally, I also had stages when I wanted to leave at a young age. But my mother helped me, supported, I was dedicated to the sport of my life, became the Olympic medalist and I think that the result is evident.

If for some reason the child wants to stop training, it is better to not allow it - the missed will be very difficult

If for some reason the child wants to stop training, it is better to not allow it - the missed will be very difficult

Support children. It is from this that the success of each athlete depends to a large extent.

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