Ladies here place: how to react to offensive jokes about your driving skills


Sexy statements have several reasons - biological and historical. In the first case, commenting on the behavior of women, men and women themselves turn to primitive society and traditional to him the roles of the miner in the face of the man and the custodian of the hearth in the face of a woman. As for the second cause, it is a continuation of the first - in many countries the traditional distribution of roles has been preserved, which even the law often contributes. Womanhit affects the most patient for women theme - Driving - and explains when the myth of bad skills will go driving.

See also: 9 myths about a woman driving

When Mizognia disappears

A rejection to a certain sex can be explained both by the psychological problems of man and social installations. If in society it is customary to believe that the man is better managing the car, then essentially spit on official statistics, indicating that women fall into a smaller number of accidents and, in general, behave at the wheel less risky. It is not possible to get off this installation can only with the change of generations - the youth is more attentive to the accuracy of the information and actively advocates equality than the older generation, and therefore it is hope that their children will not recall such social attitudes.

Women's place has long been not in the kitchen

Women's place has long been not in the kitchen


Why we are insulting

Each person has a list of cases in which he is good. Some know how to draw, others sing well or dance, and the third is the car. The last group that does not recognize its weakness in front of the opposite sex. Men try to put themselves in the best light, female jokes, and they are offended or behave aggressively, trying to prove their right point. None, nor the other side is right. Women should ignore provocateurs, but explain to adequate people that their words are not actually founded. And men should be more loyal and not to row everyone under one comb: the cause of women's errors behind the wheel can be in a lack of practice or fear before rising their actions, which is why they become even more cautious.

Unpleasant people should be ignored for their peace

Unpleasant people should be ignored for their peace


How to react to unpleasant jokes

The easiest way is to limit communication with the offender. True before it is worth asking him a question, did he not notice that men also make mistakes behind the wheel? If you see that a person changed the expression of the face and felt inconvenient, then you awakened conscience in it and gave to understand the inappropriateness of his words. And if he continues to stretch stupid jokes and provoke you, then you should break with him and not spoil the nerves.

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