Ekaterina Volkova: "I dreamed of a family all my life"


At the recent theatrical festival in the Far East, the actress Ekaterina Volkova received a lot of compliments for the game in the play "Tsarsky Gift". Catherine is more famous for his role roles, however, the theater returned to her life, which the actress is very glad.

- Catherine, you have a lot of movie roles. However, on the theater scene you are not a frequent guest. Is it possible to say that the performance "royal gift" will be the beginning of a new stage in your career?

- It's hard to say, I still did not play for a long time. Although I can be called honored Margarita Russia after twenty years of work in the play "Master and Margarita". I do not know whether I will be an entrepreneurial actress, but now I am already in another project on the story of the prettite "foreigner". I guess I love theater. This meeting with the audience, this silence ... There will be no such movie.

- Do you remember when you decided to become an actress?

- I got into the actress on the announcement. By education, I am a conductor of the choir and, accordingly, engaged in vocals. But Mom brought an advertisement about the set of students in the guitis branch in Togliatti. We do not have an acting family: Brother and Mom doctors, dad engineer. And they told me: we have everything with higher education - go to the actresses!

- But you did not abandon music ...

- I have been writing songs for a long time. The first wrote fifteen years ago when I had love and inspiration. But inspiration is not always, and I am very suffering from it. I want to write something new new. Always say that creativity is the territory of loneliness. But I have three children, I don't stay alone. Sometimes just physically do not have time to do the music. As in the joke: smart to the right, beautiful to the left. And the monkey runs between them. Now I work with the new team, Jazz Band Vladimir Agafonnikova. So beautiful music, texts such with humor, gaming, where I can prove myself as an actress.

Ekaterina Volkova:

After a long break, Catherine returned to theatrical layouts with the play "Tsarsky Gift"

Photo: Sergey Ivanov

- As actress, you managed to create very bright images in many films. Sometimes it seems that for the sake of the role you are ready for the victim ...

- And at once. Here I sat on a motorcycle in the film Peter Buslova "Rodina". Although very afraid. When he saw him, he didn't even think that I could settle this huge horse. Getting some new skills in the profession is always interesting. Everyone still remembers how I turned naked. Infinitely growing the hair, then to take them. Still lost ten kilograms during filming. It's not easy to lose weight, probably so I'm not ready to get ready. Of course, for several million dollars, you can get better, as Rene Zellweger in the film Bridget Jones Diary. But I am aware of all these health games.

- You have three children. Did not think about the acting dynasty?

"The son wants to become an actor, and it turns out well." Bogdanan for almost ten years, he participates in school productions, quickly teaches the text, he has good memory. And he is very beautiful. I dreamed about my son, and it turned out to my copy. His teacher says that he does not redeem him: everyone runs on change, and he goes to the library and reads. He also participates in the theater, he likes. But I do not want to help anyone from my children. Because the talent of the actor is fate, and it's not going anywhere. I want to give them education so that they knew some languages, could somehow formulate their thoughts. And the time will show who will be.

- Your eldest daughter Valeria seems to be already determined ...

- Yes, she is studying in Marburg, in Germany. From first class, Valery taught German, and she wanted to study it in a natural environment. He says that even thinks in German. Last year in the university, studies sociology and pedagogy. But the real passion is dancing. It turns out, there is also a scene in her life. Seriously engaged in hip-hop, pylon (dancing on the pole. - Ed.). For me as girls born in the USSR, it is generally striptease. Although it turns out, heavy acrobatic classes. Valeria wants to connect psychotherapy and movement - help people cope with problems through dancing. And she plans to return to Russia, which I am very glad.

Passion for Catherine Design Hoody turned into the first author's assertive collection

Passion for Catherine Design Hoody turned into the first author's assertive collection

Photo: Sergey Ivanov

- Valeria 23 years old, and she can already make you a grandmother ...

- I think about it all the time ... And I say daughters: walk on freedom, because I never believed myself, there was always a load of responsibility, a small child. In such a situation, you are deprived of the opportunity to travel, feel the spirit of student. It seems to me that this is a great time. And the children already understand, not harvest, no children give birth. In general, I always accept the tests of fate and thank God. So I'm not afraid to become a grandmother, especially when I meet modern grandmothers who are glowing eyes that are young in the shower. And I think: it is not scary, but, on the contrary, cool when the grandmother does not look like a grandmother. (Laughs.)

- What is the youngest daughter please?

- Sasha until the mirror is spinning. I look closely to her ... she has such a character, I feel, soon she will move me. Alexander Eduardovna Svenko All in Grandma: Strong, persistent.

- How do you manage to watch two children with your work?

"Mom helps me, for which I am very grateful to her." She is always with such joy and love it does. She has three great-grandchildren, eight grandchildren. Such a rich grandmother and no one deals with attention. One would not have coped. Sometimes I am pleased to take the children to your father, since he lives nearby. It happens, I say to Eduard: "Well, what are you, two months old children did not see, Bogdan need a father!" He immediately: "Do not shout, do not swear, everything is fine." But I do not require much, because I respect his talent, I admire sincerely. We have good relationships.

- At festivals and secular parties you see, as a rule, one. Is it possible to say that your heart is not employed by anyone?

- I dreamed of a family all my life. Of course, I am not a gift, but I do not lose hope that I still have a personal life and I will meet my person. Maybe even already met. And I want us to go through life together. When I see old people who go beyond the handle, I want to fall to her legs and ask: "How did you save your love?" Is it so important. In general, the longer I live, the more I understand that there is nothing more important than love.

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