He will not stand: how effective to excite a man


Most of the women underestimates the preliminary stage in sex: and on how much you opened a man depends on the quality of subsequent sex. And for this you do not need to possess special skills, it is enough to know how to excite a man using various techniques.

Watch for intonation

Not every female voice is able to make a man grow. If a woman is too angry, a man can just get tired of constant noise in the ears, also too low voice is unlikely to exit your partner. Always follow the reaction of a man to your actions, perhaps he is simply not configured to continue the evening, in this case the intimate conversation should be postponed, otherwise you will only cause irritation, no matter how velvet is your voice.

Play with him

Play with him

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

Light massage

Probably one of the best ways to set up a man for the right way in a short time. Remove everything you can prevent you from the room, including laptops and ringing phones. Consider the preferences of a man, for example, he may like the smell of candles - so get a room due to his wishes. Before the arrival of a partner, include soft music with background, and be sure to store with massage fragrant oil, without which you simply cannot carry out an exciting procedure.

And if a man sleeps?

If you woke up among the nights with a wild desire regarding the man's sleeping nearby, you do not need to shake it, in terms of your need. Wake it up unobtrusively: gently intend, kiss and descend below. A rare man stands in front of oral caresses.

Play with him

Many couples prefer experiments in bed, why not try and you? However, remember that there is little simply change clothes, it is important to behave according to the selected way, only then the role-playing game will excite.

try to wake it up with oral affection

try to wake it up with oral affection

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

Old good striptease

You do not have to look like a dancer from the bar, you may not have an ideal body, because if your man chose you, it means that everything is satisfied with you. The most important thing for the woman at this point is to prepare for the striptease itself. Buy what you will feel liberated: it can be like a silk nightie and a T-shirt complete with thongs. Pick up a pleasant music, try to relax and forth.

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