Floor planning a child is the only way that will work


If potential parents have extra money, there are several options for choosing the floor of their child. Methods vary from natural (for example, the use of certain posts during sexual intercourse) to high-tech (for example, sperm sorting). Couple have 50/50 chances to conceive a boy or a girl as a result of natural sexual intercourse. Nevertheless, there are people who may want to have higher chances in favor of a certain sex or by cultural reasons, or because of the dream of the education of the son or daughter or to balance their families. Others do it in order not to give their descendants to inherit genetic diseases associated with the floor.

What is the hope of ...

Whatever the reason, health experts fear that some parents impose unrealistic hopes on the floor definition methodology and are disappointed when they cannot achieve the desired result. "There are no real evidence that these methods are working," says Sandra Ann Carson, Doctor of Medical Sciences, President of the American Society of Reproductive Medicine, noting that such methods are as effective as random sex, at the birth of a child's preferred sex. And even if you have a kid with the child you have chosen, with mature, he can adapt the features of another sex and not to meet the standard ideas about appearance and character. In this case, ethics specialists are worried about the well-being of the child.

Do not be afraid to try, but do not hope 100% results

Do not be afraid to try, but do not hope 100% results

Photo: unsplash.com.

What is the way to choose?

J. Martin Young, Doctor of Medicine, a pediatrician practicing in a private clinic, studied the medical literature on the definition of sex and found that the popular Shettles method works worse than random sex, with a probability of success 39% in choosing the floor of your child. "The ideas of Shettles seem logical, but they are too simplified and are not based on scientific research," says Young, the author of two books on this topic. "If you want to have a woman, you must plan a sexual intercourse as close as possible by ovulation time," says Young. "If you want to have a male baby, you have to have sexual intercourse a few days before to try to increase the likelihood." According to Yang, the likelihood of the success of this child's selection strategy can reach two of the three (about 67%) if everything is done correctly.

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