Alexey Lukin: "I haven't had unanswered love"


- Alexey, in the new season of the series from your hero Roman with the heroine Lisa Arzamasova. Have you been familiar with her for a long time?

- We met on the set of New Year's project. And Lisa seemed to me so serious! And now, when Casting was passed on the role of graduate student, I tried with all the girls. We had a lot of scenes, including kisses. (Smiles.) And here came Lisa, so modest. I also thought: how will we do it now? I immediately became awkward. And here we are starting to play the scene, and Lisa suddenly gives it to Wow! And I thought: "Wow!" And I understood how cool it can work, because in the plot of the postgraduate student is inaccessible, and I try to establish contact with it. But then she becomes almost nymphomaniac. And I'm already in the role of the victim ... Now we are talking very well with Lisa, she is a professional, I am very pleased to work with it. She seemed to wait for this role, some other in comparison with those that she was already playing.

- And what about the romantic front in your usual life?

- There was no unrequited love yet, but in any case it will be. I know it, it will hurt, I will cry. (Laughs.) Although you have to go through it, you can't live a person without unrequited love.

- You, probably, many girls are confessed in love. How do you deal with this?

- I will never be offended, I will not give deceptive hopes, show, they say, something can work out, and then break the hearts. None of the lady offended, and if I understand that we will not succeed, I will immediately explain everything. But I will never use this situation - I am so raised. Although due to the fact that my hero in the series changes girls like gloves, everything is probably thinking as if I am so in life.

Alexey Lukin:

"Lisa Arzamasova seemed very serious to me. But on samples with kisses she issued such ..."

- On the screen you just have an incredible family. Tell us about your real family ...

- With pleasure! I have a large family. My dad is an entrepreneur, but mostly he works with us, helps all children. Mom - Medic. I am a senior, I have a sister Vlad, she seventeen years old, brother Matve, fifteen and four years old, Elisha. I remember when I was sixteen, my parents said that we would have a boy. I had such a negative reaction: well, how so, sixteen years old difference! But now I can not imagine life without this guy who shouts me: "Who is there?" - When I come, opens the door, and immediately: "What did you buy me"? (Laughs.) I look at him and understand that it is already ready for the raising of children, I can do everything. Thanks to Elisha I can wash, and cook, and walk, and go to bed. So if suddenly I inform me that I will become a young dad, then I am ready. The main thing is that everything is in love.

- Your sister has already seventeen years old - an adult girl. Does not want looking at you, go on your footsteps?

- We have now removed the pilot project, I have the main role there, the sister is the second plan. Her heroine is studying in the same class with a girl with whom my hero will have love. But honestly, I don't want it to become an actress, because you need to be a fan of this profession. She is not like that a little. Vlad not fully can give himself to the actor, she left even from theatrical school. But now, after she was approved for a role, he thinks again to become an actress. I will support it in any decision and help prepare for admission. But the Vlad will rather become a model, I have it very beautiful.

Alexey Lukin and Semen Trescunov are the title of promising young actors. Colleagues met on set still schoolchildren

Alexey Lukin and Semen Trescunov are the title of promising young actors. Colleagues met on set still schoolchildren

- Middle brother does not think about creative career?

"No, he is a football player, professionally in school CSKA, he two years before the release, captain of the team." I think about this guy still learns the whole country, because he is talented. Although it is partial and my merit. I used to play football too, and Matvey looked at it ... So the percentist will probably give me some kind. (Laughs.) And small things are not clear who wants to become. Then a boxer, then a traffic cop to "stop and swearing everyone." Here we have the superfire.

- At the same time, it is impossible to say that your family is the same provided as Ivanov's filmmake?

- Of course not. I would not say that we live simple, rather normal. And in such a house in which we remove, I do not even know who can live. Okay, house - there is a huge area, river! It seems to me that it is so expensive. Because, for example, the scene in a silent house, from which we move, starred in the pavilion, and only a couple shifted on nature. But, of course, if there is a choice between the pavilion and kind, then it is better to second. Because the long shooting in the pavilion remind the day of the groundhog, you can be choke. You come to the same place every day.

- Have you dreamed of wealth in childhood, about the same huge house, like your hero?

- Of course, I dreamed that there was talking there. But for some reason I did not think about the house. I dreamed that I would live on the sea, in Spain, for example. I have a picture before my eyes that I am in a T-shirt, a cap, smelting, slaps stand in the sea and fruit. But this will already be when I tell everything I want, I will provide all family members, and already for myself can live.

Alexey Lukin:

And now young people are filmed together in the series "Ivanov-Ivanov"

- Now all young actors are interested in sports. You too?

"Yes, I am engaged in a coach, and also fond of Thai boxing." He began to study at school, in high school. I even have three victories and three medals.

- During the classes, the boxing did not offer you?

- Not. When I started doing, I was already filmed, so I knew me more or less. And the hair is not visible at all, because you hide them behind your helmet. There are only eyes and nose.

- His, by the way, have never broken?

- No, but it was that the head was sick after the fight. And I just understood that I had enough that would have enough: two years were worked out, and no more. There is a technique, this is enough. Now I'm just doing with the coach, we have sparrings without fighting. I behaved in a pear, without blood and the like, I am doing for myself.

Alexey is a senior child in a friendly large family. Young actor has two brothers and sisters

Alexey is a senior child in a friendly large family. Young actor has two brothers and sisters

- As far as I know, you do not learn in the acting university now ...

- I want to try to learn in the West, so I am engaged in English. I studied the year in Gitis, then left because of our project. We talked to the master, Leonid Heifets, and decided that it was so better. And I now understand that I have been twenty years old, I can not learn with the same attitude and burning eye, as when I was seventeen, with the same promise: Take me! And I understand that it is again to do, then the year to go to the tasks for liberty, I can not show animals either, I lose a lot of things for this year. And even more so before the third year it is impossible to be removed. And for what I will go to learn, if I can not engage profession? Of course, it is necessary to learn, but practicing already on the set. At the institute you will tell you how you can do it, and here you do it. For example, I starred in the TV series "Explosion" - a serious drama. My hero dies mom, and in the funeral stage I must sob. Merry is easily given to me, but in such scenes I am still less experienced. And here the director Andrei Marmonte began to work, they spoke a lot, disassembled. I succeed, and I found a reception in my instrument, as this is done.

- It can be seen that you are a passionate man: work, thoughts about studying ... But what about your age-tuski-goulinka peculiar to people?

"When I studied at the institute, of course, there were goules, but I don't like nightclubs." It happened that we were going with friends, with girls on the apartment. But I cannot clearly say about me that I am some kind of partner: it is better to go to English or in the hall. We and so within the framework of the profession a lot of secular outlets. And I like that at such events not like in clubs, but everything is aesthetic, civilically.

Alexey began to engage in Thai boxing still at school. And even managed to get three medals at different competitions

Alexey began to engage in Thai boxing still at school. And even managed to get three medals at different competitions

- Apparently, you can not even ask you about bad habits ...

- Alcohol and so on - not about me, Zozhe is one hundred percent. Just when you consume alcohol, you do not control yourself, but I can not be controlled yet, I think.

- In terms of financial spending, you also control yourself or can be scattered with money, like your hero?

- No, I became very rational. From the first fee for advertising noodles bought a computer, but he stopped working in two weeks. He spent fifty thousand on him. I went through masters, I tried to reanimate him, but he never turned on. And I realized that you need to spend money differently. Now everything comes to me on the expense, so practically nothing is spent. I want me to have an apartment, a car, cottage. Well, except that I can go with a girl in a cafe: Flowers and so on. (Smiles.) I have mainly rational spending.

- Flowers, cafe ... it turns out, romance you are not alien?

- Yes, I can surprise, do something unexpected for her. To differ from others.

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