Sergey Pustopalis: "I always shy attention to myself"


The actor and director Sergey Pustopalis should not start a new one and go from Saratov to Moscow, and from Moscow to Magnitogorsk ... so it was more than once. After all, the main thing in life, according to him, is not to stand still. Yes, he lives, which is surprising, not in Moscow, but in Zheleznovodsk. He says, three hours of summer are better than three hours standing in Moscow traffic jams. In his life, a special role was played a case. One of them is a meeting with Peter Fomenko, from which he learned a lot, and most importantly, in the work it is impossible to miss and make boredom himself. And also, says Sergey in an interview with the magazine "Atmosphere", life is the greatest gift, and therefore it is impossible to spend it on despondency, fear and tears.

"Sergey, who had repeatedly heard that you like the phrase" My freedom ends where the freedom of another person begins. " What will you never do to keep it up?

- Sometimes we go to someone else's territory, visit each other. And we can even at a party to specify something if we love a person and want to improve his life. The position "My Hut with the Edge" is not cute to me, but if you really want to help, it is necessary to do it sensitively, tactfully. Just argue like a crazy and call in response dislike stupid. As Peter said Naumovich Fomenko, "the dispute does not give rise to the truth, but only heart attacks." As a rule, truth is not born at the time of the dispute, it can become its consequence. A person has the ability to realize events, draw conclusions, but it always happens one on one with himself. Only very few people with a huge sense of internal dignity can quickly recognize their mistake and say: "Yes, I was wrong." Of course, I have my own position, my feelings. And if we coincide in the main thing, some compromise is possible, and we already go hand in hand. And then I will not let anyone and I do not remember that someone will lend me.

- Have you always been such or in childhood and youth you had a different character, more impulsive?

"It seems to me that I was even a sensitive person." But I can break and fade away! What then always bitterly regret. Knowing this feature, I try to keep myself in my hands, control emotions.

With his wife, Elena and Son Gleb on vacation

With his wife, Elena and Son Gleb on vacation

Photo: Personal archive of Sergey Pustapalis

- Director - Profession leadership, did you have this quality already in school?

- I was a quiet good, sometimes, however, the activity showed - for example, was the commander of the squad in the game "Zarnitsa". But in general, he always shunted great attention to himself, loved that they were not disturbed, - this was so independent.

- And with teachers, how did you see the relationship?

- Smooth were with everyone, except for the class teacher, the teacher of the Russian language Irina Petrovna. She loved me. I even took exams from my classmates every quarter. It was very responsible, I did not want to let Irina Petrovna. She instilled our love for Russian language and reading. True, I and Father was a book. In addition, there were no TV at home, but books, on the contrary, in excess. And so I kotal long winter Chukotka days in the polar night. I remember the story teacher, already in Zheleznovodsk, Michal Mikhalych. Once he confused my last name with the last name of the German general, which entered into the Brest world with Russia, calling him the contract by the Pustapalis Treaty. The class was fixed, immediately an interest in this historical fact. (Laughs.) But then he recovered that it was Count Kurtalis. But thanks to Michal Mikhalych, I had an interest in history.

- How was your house with freedom?

- I enjoyed freedom. Parents left for work in the morning and came at night. There were no grandparents, I was granted myself. I found myself classes in order not to miss: games, books, talked with two and three guys, but more was in a circle of adults, my father's colleagues at the airport.

Sergey Pustopalis:

"Moscow didn't immediately accept me, I lived with the feeling that I was here a little on the bird rights. Apparently, I was very nervous, and I had an argenum of ulcers"

Photo: Personal archive of Sergey Pustapalis

- How did your family be on Chukotka?

- Dad and Mom went there to work there. It was considered prestigious, they were well paid and gave very serious benefits. They took there as in space (laughs) - only very good specialists. Mom was a high-class plaster-than, they built a nuclear power plant, the first for the polar circle, - Bilibino. And Dad worked in the exploration party and, having received a disability, stayed at the airport to work in fuel and lubricants (fuel and lubricant matters).

- Parents wanted you to go to which professional sphere?

- in civil aviation. The pilots at the airport were considered the elite, white bone, they always walked clean ... (laughs.) I was referred to either in Riga, or to the Armavir School of Civil Aviation. And I wanted it. But in the eighth grade, I accidentally went for the company with the guys to enter the Saratov Theater School. It was a rehearsal of an independent life, an adventure, but see how it all seriously turned around.

- So you have been engaged in the theater studio before ...

- Yes, but only six months in the drama of Zheleznovodsk, in Kasyanov Galina Nikolaevna. What I do not regret, my literary skills came in handy there. I hid them at school, and then I was concerned. (Smiles.) I entered an outstanding person - Yuri Petrovich Kiselev.

- Did you like an independent life?

"I liked the first two months, and then a chick hell began, because the romance ended, difficulties arose. The hostels were not given to us, we discarded the guys and lived in private apartments. Life was not arranged, and I had to learn from morning to night. In general, the formation was basic, but what I do, I understood only the course on the third. After graduating, I went to defend the frontiers of our homeland. And he returned to Saratov Tyuz.

Father Sergey, Vitautas Pustapalis, worked in an exploration party

Father Sergey, Vitautas Pustapalis, worked in an exploration party

Photo: Personal archive of Sergey Pustapalis

- How did you perceive what fell on the fleet - the same three years of life, when others served two ...

- At first thought it was a nightmare! I have been, of course, the timid hopes that they will take into maritime infantry or in aviation, where for two years they served, or to the Theater of the Black Sea or Northern Fleet. But no, everything went through full ... But now I do not regret any drop, but I feel some kind of sea pride. (Smiles.) And, no matter how tritely sounds, after time you understand that this is becoming. Indeed, when the guy is granted himself in the circle of men, when you have a weapon in your hands, it all makes you a man.

- What did you occupy your soul in the army?

- Was reading. I headed the ship library. She was in a launched state, but there were very good books, and I put it in order. I discovered Kuprin, we had a solid collection of writer works. And in general, it was not particularly resting.

- The grandfather did not go through?

- Not particularly. I just had a service related to secrecy. Therefore, I passed the infancy stage, hiding in my post.

- How did you get into the division with secrecy? There usually take after Baumanki, for example ...

- I do not know, perhaps because of the Lithuanian surname. Lithuanians were valued, trusted very responsible sites on the fleet, considering them in detrote, reliable.

Sergey Pustopalis:

Gleb also chose acting profession. From the set film "Koktebel"

Photo: Personal archive of Sergey Pustapalis

- If there was a time machine where would you have been transferred?

"I don't even know, probably in Saratov, at a time when the son was born." It was difficult: nineties, there was nothing, troubled, - but at the same time joyful, active, interesting.

- You moved to Moscow when they were accepted to study for Peter Naumovich Fomenko. What kind of she seemed to you?

- Moscow did not immediately accept me. Apparently, I was very nervous, and I had an argenum of ulcers. But after that somehow let go, I thought: "How will it be, and it will be!". And everything began to be bought. And before that he lived with a feeling that I was here a little on bird rights with all the way to me by Petra Naumovich and most classmates. Yes, and friends appeared here. But still, I was a little more, as if it was standing with a stretched hand all the time. They passed the abitricity, and I immediately got on such a prestigious course, and even for the second year of study. Although everyone understood that Peter Naumovich could not be at Peter Naumovich, and what Blot could have been with a penny and no connections for soul.

- Did you come to enter Fomenko?

"No, this fomenko came to us in Saratov to watch the" cheap "Fonvizin, I played the brigadier there. Wonderful director, the kingdom of heaven, Leonid Danilovich Eidlin, my godfather, can be said, introduced me to Peter Naumovich. In addition, I already put the graduate performances, was a teacher in the course and in directorial laboratories. And after Yuriya Petrovich Kiseleva did not become, I would have requested to Peter Naumovich. He gave me a number of certain tasks - it was my exam, believe me, not the easiest, - and after their fulfillment, I was able to leave Saratov Tyuz with a clean conscience.

- You talked with Peter Naumovich, what is called, for life?

- You know, with Peter Naumovich everything was at some molecular level. I do not remember any incommable dialogs. From my part was reading, and at the same time I treated him as a father. And he had some smile in his respect to me. (Laughs.) Whether I did not seem unfortunately, or ... I do not know why.

Sergey Pustopalis:

In the television series "Particle of the Universe", Puskapalis played the commander of the crew of the spacecraft

"You have taught Sergey Zeep, and your son Gleb studied at his course and now he has been working in his" Studio of theatrical Art. "

"Yes, the son has studied with great pleasure." I think this is the best teacher and director at the moment. And now, when Sergey Vasilyevich was appointed by the artistic director of the MHT, I wished him only forces and health, and he had everything else for this, and energies are neuroran.

- But you still did not completely add to Moscow, we decided that they would not become her permanent resident ...

- You see, it is probably due to the fact that I try to be independent. I am intuition suggests that this is not my topic - to become a Muscovite. I have a lot of friends here, I love this city very much and, of course, everything is obliged to him, although it is sometimes criticized for something. But Gleb is already a Muscovite, probably. I understand that, unfortunately, or fortunately, everything connected with the professional growth of any person is concentrated, this is such a node, solar plexus. But in relations with Moscow, it is necessary to be extremely delicate, neat and vigilant.

- What should this accuracy and vigilance be supposed to?

- Moscow sometimes breaks the framework in humans, erases the boundaries of the permitted. I worked in many cities. And, roughly speaking, put a check mark that this test passed that I could come here to come here that I was glad in Moscow, and I am glad to many, but Moscow is not the purpose of my life. I am very good in Zheleznovodsk. I chose the best place - the resort, and the year-round. This is not a link like Lermontov. (Laughs.)

- Now you in Zheleznovodsk the Pechorin-Fest festival create?

- Completely right. In 2019, the first international festival will be held. It will be a movie for people, people in the very good sense, and not the so-called festival. In this May we present the festival, it will open the resort season in the city. Who was not there before - the whole elite of Tsarist Russia was constantly running on the water. I have repeatedly been in Karlovy Vary, and here from there and I went to make a desire to do something like that, if not better, we have. We all have everything for this: a wonderful international airport, excellent roads, there is something to show foreign guests, and a stunning kitchen.

Sergey Pustopalis:

With Leonid Armored, the actor met the filming of the film "Simple Things". In memory of the meeting, this photo was left with a personal autograph

Photo: Personal archive of Sergey Pustapalis

- In essence, your first film was "simple things" Alexey Popogrebsky. And immediately near such a partner, like Leonid Sergeevich Bronvory ...

- My movie began not even from the film, but with a person, Alexey Popogrebsky. I consider it a man-ship. "Simple things" have become a good movie school for me, and Popogrebsky - a mentor in the cinema, although I already had about forty years. He and Boris Khlebnikov - two of my guidelines in the film. And working with Leonid Sergeyevich is, of course, happiness! We shot my scenes with him ten days. And in this filming ugar, I did not quite still aware what was happening. Leonid Sergeevich did everything so that no one felt that this was a special case. Although it was just like that. And for him, and for everyone. Certainly, he is a boulder! We incredibly mentally communicated all this time. My house hangs at home, which I am very rushing, against the background of his children's pictures, signed by him very soulful. Of course, this memory will remain for life.

- And you like when you dip in very difficult conditions of filming, for example, as in the picture "How did I spent this summer"?

- And I have no need to dip me, I dipped to fourteen years. (Smiles.) Probably, Lesha and drew attention to me, because it is my natural environment. Naturally, I wanted to avoid adversity of the polar station life, but what can you do. For someone, it was exotic, but I was interested in the first week. I remembered my father, as if he returned to childhood and saw him in a swollen window ... Then the dad had not been for ten years. And being there, of course, I experienced a moment of bright sadness, but not depressed. Moms are no longer either, she left in 2006.

- After that, did you feel differently feel more adult or partly lonely?

"You know, I haven't lived at home from fifteen years, so maybe it helps now." I come to the cemetery, I look at their graves, but I still have a feeling that I am in some kind of vacation, it did not happen to me. And with Peter Naumovich, I also feel that he is all the time somewhere near, and we seem to meet it now, and he will again mock me, and I suffer that we will fool in good sense. I do not have the feeling that he forever in the Vagankovsky cemetery lies in the neighborhood with Edward Volodarsky and Ruphin nifionic. I go there constantly.

- In your filmography, many characters of heroic professions and people falling into an extreme situation. And the most beautiful recently held on Channel One "Particle of the Universe", where you played the commander of the crew of the spacecraft, such ...

- Yes, and it's just good luck that I got into such a project. And the director Alena Zvantsova, and Alexander Berkish, and the whole group: Vova Yaglych, Lesha Makarov, Anya Nikitichna (Anna Mikhalkov), Vika (Victoria Isakov) - all stunning. And the company Valery Todorovsky is very high quality. And I could at least imagine myself as an astronaut. (Smiles.)

- What did the hero hooked you?

- He is ambiguous. Of course, he is a fan of ideas, but at the same time can not cut off the human ... and that's great! In the picture there are situations in which he did this and for it suffered a certain retribution. In general, he is a cool guy. (Smiles.)

- You are a modern person, but at the same time ... Soviet in a good sense ...

- Yes, I am a conservative. In Soviet times, with the exception of communism, there was a lot of good.

Sergey Pustopalis:

On the shooting of the thriller Alexei Popogrebsky "How I spent this summer" in Opolyar, Sergey Like Returned at the time of his childhood

Photo: Frame from the movie

- What are you talking about from that time? Don't you think that something in the relationship between people was deformed?

- This is an ordinary phenomenon. Something goes out, something comes. And if you seriously talk, we have a general direction in public life, here we must be mobilized for the jerk, but we have in the woods who are on firewood. What do we have a unit of measure? Money, success, profession, skills? Previously, they appreciated astronauts, labor feat, Stakhanov, some outstanding case, faithful to the public. Coted deep knowledge, erudition, the fact that you read a lot - it liked to women in men. What do you like now? What is he lazy or can steal more, is able to get away from taxes? We are forced to overcome nihilism, the person's personal responsibility goes away, and it is terrible.

- By the way, I am surprised that you have a developed and business veil, you organized a book shop in hard nineties to survive in the work ...

- Good people helped, was such a businessman Alexey Gordeyev, gave us books with friends to implement. And the director allowed to arrange a bookstand inside the theater, and actresses in theatrical costumes sold children's books and lollipops, they walked Boyko. (Laughs.) And we postponed themselves on a penny, and I collected to pay the producer for costumes and scenery. The shop existed for a year and a half. Then we swung on a more serious business, went to another business, decided to speculate (laughs), but immediately burned. And while studying in Gitis, I worked as a director in a modeling agency. This money actually allowed me to transport the family in the third year.

"We missed your battle girlfriend, Lena's wife." As Mark Anatolyevich Zakharov says, for the formation of a man is very important, what a woman next to him.

- Lena, of course, the rear holds reliably, all the economy on it. I am calm for them. And she went with me everywhere - and where I just did not work, in what edges ...

- What does your Lena do?

- It was a hydrogeologist, but then worked, in connection with our frequent moves, in different fields. And now she is just the head of the house. But she is no longer bored. I have such a job: the connectors, the expedition, and I often take Lena with myself and on the shooting, and on the festivals, we look at the movies, attend interesting places. But the usual place of our holiday is at home, in Zheleznovodsk. We are very good there.

- Where did you find geologist?

- So we are both of the Zheleznovodsk. At first they went to the children's studio together, only Lena shame me. And with her sister I studied in the same class. So it has long been known to each other. I was lucky in this life. (Smiles.)

- Do you have a hospitable house?

- Sure! I really like soulful feast when everything is to the place, in a good company. Call guests, cook something delicious, drink good wine under an interesting warm conversation ... It's so great! You need to be able to rejoice and enjoy life!

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