Sergey Garmash: "There was time, I had enough for everything ..."


- Sergey Leonidovich, I will start with the question of not played roles. The actors often say that they would like to play such a role in life, but it did not work out. You have such a role that you have not played, but would you like?

- I never dreamed of life about concrete roles and I do not dream. And never happened to go and sentenced: "My God, the years go, Hamlet, Hamlet." Once upon a time I had a monologue of Mitya Karamazov in my institute, I wanted to play it, but did not go and did not live with it every day. Also, as I wanted to play a blades at one time. For some time, Fokin comes to the theater and tells me: "We will do Karamazov, and you will play older brother." Then she passes for some time, and Galina Volchek decides to restore the "cherry garden" and gives me the role of a blades. And this was already turned into a kind of superstition. I do not dream specifically about anything, but I still get. And the main thing for me - the role should not differ in the honey. Having large and small projects in their film bias, I can safely agree to the role of one film crew tomorrow. The question is only one to have a role. And sometimes you bring a script and say: "Here are the × 25 shooting days here." I read, but there are no roles there. But responding to your question, I will say - there are still intimidated roles.

- You have created many interesting characters, images, what role was given the most difficult?

- So that it is more difficult, probably what I didn't like. My filmography has more than a hundred more paintings. I am not a coquest, but if I need to honestly answer for those movies that are not ashamed and who are part of my life, probably would have enough fingers on two hands, because there are no good roles a lot. Sometimes, according to inexperience, agreed on what was not necessary to agree, sometimes agreed to earn money. This is now I can read the script and say: "Thank you very much, but it does not touch me." And it was time, grasped for everything, at the same time starred in five paintings, and it did not bring any experience and joy. But still, I love them everything, they are all my relatives, some kind of loved ones, and some far, I don't want to remember any at all.

- And Vladimir Putin could play? And why don't you like to talk about politics?

- About politics I do not say a word not because I'm afraid or afraid, but because from Gogol times the main problem in our country is the problem of man is not in its place. Therefore, if I start seriously talking about politics, it means that I will need to throw the theater "Contemporary" and do only to this. And I could not play Vladimir Putin to play simply because I do not fit under his type, although in the hands of the genius Charlie Chaplin could and could. This is the "miracle of the theater."

Mikhail Efremov and Sergey Harmash on the collector troupe assembly

Mikhail Efremov and Sergey Garmash on the collection of the Sovremennik theater troupe. Photo: Sergey Nikolaev.

- What role do you consider the most successful?

- I was lucky to get to the picture to Valery Todorovsky "Lover". Now everyone who fell stored in order with the help of the word "ingenious", but Oleg Ivanovich, who worked in this picture, was in this building right. He was actually great, and I remember the first shooting day. When I played the scene, Yankovsky neatly made me not a note, but a hint: "You're better to turn this and tell me through the shoulder." That's exactly what I did. Literally after half an hour, he recalled me on the break and said: "Garmash, if you think that I will tell you in this picture, and you will not talk to me, then we will not talk to you tomorrow. Understood me?" And so nice smiled. It was not a joke, he created an atmosphere between us without any panibrate, but I had a feeling for the second day that I am filming my old friend. After this picture, we really became very big friends, so I believe that the role, and friendship with Yankovsky was a gift of fate.

"I really liked how you played from Pavel Lungin in the film" Poor relatives. " Tell me about this a few words.

- I have long been familiar with Lunkin, but he never starred. He promised to work with me all the time, but did not shoot. And here his assistants cause me to samples. Lungin, having seen me on samples, suddenly said: "Garmash, I did not cause you. I hope that we will not quarrel, but you are not suitable for a role. Look at yourself, what are you a Jew? "

I answer: "Pavel Semenovich, let's for the sake of the pro forma, since I have arrived, try me." He agreed. Then I had more hair on my head, curly curls quickly, artists found me a shirt, jacket, created an image. He entered the office to Lungin, he fell under the table and said: "Garmash, you are approved."

- Sergey Leonidovich, and the last question. You sometimes arrange creative evenings, you like meetings with the audience, where you directly ask questions, and questions are different. It happens that the conversation does not develop?

- The conversation most often may not work out during the interview, because when you interview, you are always limited to time, sometimes confused by questions, sometimes you do not even attach with that person with whom you are talking. And when you communicate live, you see the eyes of the audience, there is always a desire to speak frankly. I need it not to tear the compliments, but in order to better understand the modern viewer. But if something went wrong, there are different situations, there is such a bike for this case. I had a familiar composer with whom I was friends, met on the movie "Detachment". He told how she worked as an accompanion of Nikolai Afanasyevich Rockov. The scene went out the rocks with the song "Three Tankers, Three Merry Friend" and said: "Hello. I played the movie brave guys, so what to say, turn to the screen. " Included rollers. Then the cliffs went out again and said: "But I played not only brave guys, I played the fighting generals and ordinary soldiers, what to say there, turn to the screen." And another 20 minutes went rollers, then they turned on some more cuts for another 20 minutes, and again went out the rocks and sang "three tankers, three fun friends." He said: "Before the new meetings on the screen" and left the scene for rapid applause. So artists have many techniques ...

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