Your dream man: Artists who honestly served in the army


"Our service and is dangerous, and difficult" - remember this song from a popular movie? The life of military personnel is really not sugar, because every day these people have to solve many problems and not lose vigilance for no moment. In comparison with this, the army, lasting a year, may seem like a bastard, but it is not. During the year of service, men learn to use weapons, improve physical training and experience patience in separation from relatives - not everyone is under force. Remembers the artists who passed the army.

Timur Batrutdinov

The humorist is incredibly proud of the fact that he served in the army - Batrutdinov was a military unit of military unit No. 48264 in the village of Sakharovo near Moscow. For Timur on February 23, a literally professional holiday, which he gladly notes and often transmits hello to colleagues. True, a closed territory, where part of Batrutdinova was located, discovered to a visit in 2009 - now from the former barracks there is no trace.

Sergey Glushko

Natasha Queen's husband grew in the Military family - his dad was awarded the rank of officer. It is not surprising that the son could not "disappear" from service - it was his duty to the parent. Instead of the army, Glushko entered the Military Space Academy. Mozhaysky and successfully graduated from her, receiving the title of senior lieutenant. Only after that he became interested in creativity and decided to learn from the actor to professionally master this skill.

Leonid Agutin

The musician was determined in border troops, so Leonid went straight to the Russian border with Finland. In Karelia, the young man with an exceptional voice immediately noted and invited to execute songs in the vocal-instrumental ensemble. True, for the liberty time, he was returned to the border - Leonid never loved to live in a pointer and could "fool" with colleagues. In memory of the years, fans at the concert in Ivanovo presented Agutin Telnyashka: "Today at a concert in Ivanovo, there were border guards among securities behind the scenes. Changing me a nostalgic telshchka. True, when I served, there were no such. But but the icon is straight from there! "

Vladimir Vinokur

Imagine in Moscow before there was a separate music team for the employees of the army! In the ensemble of songs and dances, Vladimir Vinokur spent his service time - for such a talent, it turned out to be more useful than infinite self-defense classes and a collecting weapon. By the way, Igor Nikolaev, Ilya Oleynikov and other celebrities served in the same part. And the commander of the army of Boris Vsevolodovich he congratulates on his birthday still thanks for many years of friendship.

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