5 flaws that will not mind the ears in love


Although people tend to focus on many positive aspects of healthy relationships, it is also important to fight bad, especially when negative behavior is converted into toxicity and ill-treatment. Violence in relationships can take various forms. In addition to physical violence, there is also emotional and psychological violence, which is more difficult to recognize. Women, according to statistics, more often show it. It is worth recognizing that we are cunning and more often with the help of manipulations. We have compiled a list of basic signs of unhealthy relations:

"You pay me a little time"

The feeling of remoteness from people close to you is a red flag. Perhaps they make you feel completely dependent on them or blamed due to the fact that you spend time with others. No matter how they do it, your partner should never make you feel isolated from family, friends and other close people.

Love does not compensate for nervous tension

Love does not compensate for nervous tension

Photo: unsplash.com.

"Come on, go to your girlfriends, they are better"

Although jealousy is natural and inevitable in certain circumstances, it can also be toxic depending on how you or your partner are coping with emotions. Jealousy is especially harmful when it is used as an excuse for proprietary, aggressive or controlling actions. In addition, excessive jealousy can identify a lack of confidence, which is poison in any respect.

"Again you spoiled everything"

When it comes to accusations, everyone loses. Immediately removing guilt when a collision with a problem does not allow you and your partner listen to each other and solve the problem together. Whether they blame you, their past experience or someone else, the inability to take responsibility for their actions - a bad sign.

"We need to seriously talk"

Excessive disputes with passion should not be confused. Even if the arguments seem insignificant, frequent small quarrels may indicate a deeper problem. If you constantly increase your voice to each other, you can have unresolved problems in communication.

"Well, when you already grow up"

Attractions to each other as projects, and not to people are a catastrophe. Not good in relation to you both try to turn a partner to your version of the perfect person. Although each has areas that can be improved, attempts to change the main aspects of each other - a sign that you are incompatible.

Scandalous women are not interesting to anyone

Scandalous women are not interesting to anyone

Photo: unsplash.com.

If you or someone from your acquaintances are in physically, emotionally or psychologically offensive relationships, do not be afraid to ask for help. Free and confidential resources such as hotline on domestic violence or crisis centers can provide you with help and support needed to restore control over your life.

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